I have a stunning, absolutely incredible story to tell you.
You may have read this already, but it’s so important that I am sending it again to make sure you don’t miss this huge story and my upcoming special event.
This is so incredible, I believe it’s the most amazing medical story on Earth right now. I hope you read it carefully and pass it along to anyone you feel could benefit from it. (In a moment, you’ll see why I’m asking you to do that.)
Since money is our beat, this incredible story is related to an investment opportunity. However, this is about something much, much bigger and far more important than money.
Below, I’ll share with you one of the greatest medical advances of our time… a radical idea that could eliminate a terrible source of human suffering that I guarantee someone you know is dealing with or will deal with in the near future.
The next time you go to your child’s school… step foot in a coffee shop… go to work… or attend a family gathering, look around. Someone you’ll see is experiencing suffering… that could soon end because of what I’m about to detail.
In your life, you will have few opportunities to make an investment that could be both very lucrative and also make you dance with joy over the good your investment has done for humanity. This is an inspiring, “feel good story”… one that could add a zero to your net worth. When I first heard it, I instantly started rooting for this breakthrough. Our entire office is rooting for it. Our families are rooting for it. Medical centers across the country are rooting for it.
I’m confident you’ll root for it too.
***To get right to the point, we could be as little as just a few days away from FDA approval of a landmark new medical treatment…
One every bit as powerful as some of the biggest breakthroughs in medical history… the discovery of penicillin, the introduction of vaccinations, even the advancement of organ transplantation.
Medical industry insiders are already calling this discovery one of the biggest advancements in 50 years, “an enormous scientific breakthrough,” even saying it’s “turning nature upside down.”
At the heart of this breakthrough: An unlikely hero, one of the most feared creatures on the planet. A tiny, but lethal desert dweller known as the Deathstalker Scorpion. Below is a picture of this guy.
***As you’ll soon see, this tiny creature has been discovered to have the remarkable potential to save millions of lives.
Not only will the advancement related to the Deathstalker potentially save millions of lives annually from one of the world’s most devastating diseases, but…
For early investors, it represents a huge potential investment opportunity.
According to one insider, the tiny biotech firm that made this discovery could go from near obscurity to as well-known as some of the largest and most recognizable pharmaceutical companies in the world today… Huge names like Pfizer… Merck… Eli Lilly… and Johnson & Johnson.
***I want to explain to you what’s happening. Let me start by showing you an image…
That picture is a piece of a human kidney. Believe it or not, there’s a massive tumor inside this tissue. It’s staring you in the face. Can you tell me exactly where it is?
You can’t. I can’t. Neither can a doctor or a cancer specialist.
This highlights one of the biggest problems in the medical community today.
Most doctors right now couldn’t do much better than you or me when it comes to identifying tumors like the one in this patient, even though, as it turns out, the one in this image is sitting front and center.
***The unfortunate reality is that tumors are very hard to accurately identify so effective surgeries can be performed… even for the best and brightest medical doctors. A tumor doesn’t hold up a big sign that says, ‘Here I Am!”
Cancer is a remarkably adaptive organism. It’s able to blend in with its surroundings. It might surprise you to learn that during surgery, the most reliable way doctors identify tumors right now — yes, in 2019 — is by using their eyes… their fingers… their thumbs to distinguish cancerous tissue from normal tissue.
Making matters worse, good and bad tissue often feel exactly the same.
Scientists call this dilemma “one of the biggest problems in cancer treatment.”
One of America’s leading cancer doctors, Dr. Jim Olson, a pediatric oncologist in Seattle, says, “It’s really hard for a surgeon to tell what is cancer and what is normal… you can’t take out a big chunk of normal just to make sure you got the cancer.”
The New England Journal of Medicine says, “Tumor surgery requires great judgment and skill…but is not always curable.”
Despite all the medical advances we’ve enjoyed over the past 50 years, there’s no truly effective or reliable way for surgeons to tell what is cancer and what is not. Anyone who has suffered from this terrible disease — or knows someone who has — probably understands just how insidious, relentless, and difficult to locate cancer can be, even for highly skilled doctors and surgeons.
***But what about MRIs?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an amazing technology. But MRIs can only identify tumors from the outside, before surgery takes place. And they’re not even very good or reliable at that. They merely provide a general location — a rough guide to a tumor’s fuzzy edges.
If someone was diagnosed with a tumor at this very moment…their surgeon will commission an MRI, examine the results, and then use that still MRI photo as a map during open surgery.
Even in today’s modern world, where cars can drive themselves and machines can outsmart humans… cancer surgery seems behind the times.
Further adding to the confusion, MRIs are notorious for missing cancerous cells hiding in surrounding tissue. Yet, this method is common practice today — in major hospitals all across America! It’s the best we have.
***Once a cancer operation actually begins, cancer surgeons have very limited tools. Because there’s no way to identify the precise boundaries of a tumor during surgery, doctors often face a brutal dilemma.
Either take out too much and risk removing or damaging healthy tissue — which could lead to debilitating side effects… or take out too little and allow the cancer to grow back. One surgeon even told his patient: “Tumors aren’t color-coded, so we have to take our best guess.”
All it takes is one single, tiny, microscopic cell from the original tumor to be left behind for a new one to grow back. And this can only make things worse.
Tumor cells that get left behind after surgery can grow faster than the original tumor. It’s almost as if these cells know they’re trying to be eradicated — and multiply faster in response.
Anyone who’s familiar with this disease knows what I’m talking about.
Kaitlynn H., a high school student from Kentucky, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and then underwent a nine-hour surgery to have it removed. But the doctors failed to get all the cancerous cells out. Her tumor is now beginning to grow back again. And Kaitlynn is preparing herself for another major surgery.
Kevin R. underwent a seven-hour procedure to remove his brain tumor.
Yet even after this grueling operation, doctors were only able to remove 96% of the tumor cells. And the cancer inside his body remains.
As many as one-third of patients who undergo surgery to remove a tumor need to go back for more surgery. That equates to millions upon millions of people.
***These stories are heartbreaking and scary and can happen to anyone.
They are just a couple of cases out of the estimated 15.5 million people who are battling cancer right now.
However, here’s a new hope for those who are battling this disease…
You see, despite all this, surgery is STILL the best option when it comes to beating cancer. Better than any drug or treatment on the market — or in any pipeline — right now.
Cancer can be resistant to chemotherapy, radiotherapy… even drugs. Cancer cannot, however, develop a resistance to surgery. It’s the only true “cure” for cancer we have right now.
But what if we could make surgery better… and I don’t mean just a little…
I mean DRASTICALLY better…
It’s why I’m writing you with this story today.
***Cancer surgeons agree that it if it was possible to identify every single tumor cell inside our bodies… and know for certain their PRECISE LOCATION… then it would be a game changing development for millions of people.
With that in mind, take a look at the same kidney image I showed you earlier.
But this time, the patient has been injected with a revolutionary new treatment developed by a small biotech company.
Can you identify the tumor now?
It’s the neon blue circle. What this tiny company has discovered is the medical equivalent of Superman’s X-Ray vision.
But it’s even more powerful, because it detects all cancer inside the human body — making each tumor cell light up like a Christmas tree and providing the real-time ability to see all the malignant cells in the surgical site. It highlights cancerous cells in real-time, as the doctor is operating.
It’s a revolutionary development.
All the surgeon has to do is cut out anything that glows and leave the rest behind.
Take a look at this other example…
This is a case of a canine breast cancer patient in Washington State. This right here is the area where doctors knew there was cancer.
But when they injected the patient with this new treatment, four other areas also lit up.
If the doctors would have taken out only the cancer they knew about, they would have thought they got it all. But you can see there was cancer hiding that was not previously known.
***This is happening in hospitals all across the country right now — and it’s why so many people are seeing their cancer come back. It’s why we’re seeing second… third… and fourth surgeries.
That’s why this breakthrough — what insiders are now calling “Tumor Paint” — is such an incredible treatment. We now have the capability to detect every last cancer cell inside our bodies and eliminate them once and for all — without damaging healthy tissue.
Tumor Paint brightly lights up the tiny, nearly-invisible channel of individual cancer cells traveling from one lymph node to the other. With the current MRI photo approach surgeons use to remove tumors, it would simply be impossible to see an area this miniscule and remove the cells.
These cells would likely get left behind.
But not with Tumor Paint. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
That’s why this advancement is one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in half a century. For the first time in history we can accurately account for all the cancerous cells in real time — and extract them with precision.
Simply put, Tumor Paint could save many thousands of lives… and put an end to a huge amount of human suffering.
***Tumor Paint, like the vast majority of huge medical advancements in history, is a result of nature…
It’s been hiding in a small corner of the world. In fact, it’s located in one of the most hostile and unforgiving places you could imagine… which is one of the reasons it took us so long to find it.
Take a look at this photograph:
This is the Israeli Deathstalker Scorpion. It’s only found in dry deserts in northern Africa and the Middle East. And it’s the reason for the breakthrough science we’re covering today.
You see, the Deathstalker Scorpion creates venom that’s one of the deadliest in the world. And this venom contains an extremely rare molecule called “chlorotoxin.”
But what scientists at this small Seattle biotech company have discovered is that this chlorotoxin has an amazing ability… the ability to locate and attach itself to tumor cells.
This molecule binds itself to cancerous cells, but not to normal, healthy tissue.
This allows scientists to accomplish things we never thought were possible.
For example, this chlorotoxin can even cross the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from toxins and chemicals. Over 90% of all drugs fail to cross this barrier, which impedes vital treatments from helping brain disorders.
But chlorotoxin has no problem infiltrating this barrier.
In other words, it can detect virtually ALL kinds of cancer, even hard to detect and treat brain cancers.
***Most people don’t realize that many of the biggest medical breakthroughs in history come directly from the natural world.
Penicillin was discovered in a naturally forming type of mold. Aspirin is based on a chemical found in willow tree bark. Morphine is from the poppy plant. An innovative heart drug is derived from a type of fish.
***But it was Dr. Jim Olson, pediatric oncologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, who figured out a way to use the remarkable abilities of scorpion venom to save lives.
He was the first to take this “delivery molecule”… separate it from the poisonous venom… and then modify it for this use.
Once Dr. Olson extracted the non-poisonous, life-saving molecule inside the Deathstalker Scorpion — what’s called chlorotoxin — he then combined it with a safe, fluorescent dye. This is how Tumor Paint is created — and it’s why surgeons can now literally light up our tumor cells, like fireworks on the Fourth of July, which they never could before.
It’s worth repeating: This treatment relies solely on the delivery mechanism inside the venom — not the venom itself.
In fact, Tumor Paint has already been tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Phase 1 clinical trials. This is the phase where the government tests new treatments for safety, before they can go on to commercialization.
Tumor Paint passed with flying colors. Not one person experienced any negative side effects.
***Keep in mind: Tumor Paint started out as a treatment intended for children with rare forms of brain cancer.
Dr. Jim Olson of Seattle Children’s Hospital was tired of seeing his young patients succumb to these terrible diseases, which were often ignored by Big Pharma.
The last straw came in 2004, when his patient, a shy 17-year-old girl named Hayden, underwent a 17-hour surgery to remove her brain tumor.
But after Dr. Olson examined her MRI scans, he made a depressing discovery: A thumb-sized chunk of cancer cells remained inside her head. This led Dr. Olson on a years’ long quest. He teamed up with one of the country’s largest Pediatric Brain Tumor programs at Seattle Children’s Hospital…
In addition to partnering with the University of Washington’s 500-person cancer research faculty.
Together their work led to the medical discovery of a lifetime… the Deathstalker Scorpion and its chlorotoxin’s breakthrough cancer-finding abilities.
Dr. Olson said: “I decided I would never design an experiment just to get grants or publications or promotions…
Every experiment I ever did was going to be to make sure that other boys and girls didn’t have to go through what Hayden had gone through.”
Dr. Olson pitched this breakthrough to Big Pharma, but these corporations viewed his scorpion-molecule concept as too bizarre. Looking back, it seems perfectly clear why Big Pharma rejected his new treatment.
In the beginning, Tumor Paint was only intended to treat rare forms of brain cancer in children.
The maddening truth is, these diseases don’t affect a large portion of the population and therefore aren’t profitable enough for big pharmaceutical companies to find treatments for.
They rejected the idea of Tumor Paint. But little did they know, Dr. Olson would soon make a discovery that would surprise even him…
Tumor Paint, as it turned out, could help a lot more than rare forms of brain cancer…
So, Dr. Olson forged ahead on his own. He searched through Seattle Children’s Hospital to borrow as many cancerous mice as he could. He took them back to his lab and injected them with Tumor Paint. His experiments were successful.
***Even though Tumor Paint isn’t FDA approved yet…
It didn’t take long for the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research, to notice the enormous potential.
It contributed a quarter-million dollars for continued testing.
Tumor Paint began detecting tumors not just in the brain, but in other parts of the body as well. It found colon cancer, breast cancer, sarcoma, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer — practically every type — in mice.
Tumor Paint lit up every single kind of cancer without a problem.
It was a pivotal moment… the moment Dr. Olson knew he had something special on his hands.
Of course, there’s a big difference between working in mice and working in humans. Many new treatments fail to work past the “mice stage.”
Dr. Olson was determined to confirm this breakthrough was the real thing.
He teamed up with Washington State University to help save family dogs who developed cancer spontaneously — not inside a lab. Altogether, the Tumor Paint trial saved all 27 dogs in the trial from near-certain-death.
This is Browning, a 10-year-old Chocolate Lab who took part in this trial.
A sarcoma on her leg required her to have it amputated.
But thanks to Tumor Paint, Browning’s leg is fine, she’s now cancer free, and has returned to outdoor activities with her owners in Spokane.
And this is Whiskey, a 10-year old pit bull, who had two large tumors and was facing euthanasia.
But then Whiskey’s owners enrolled her in the Tumor Paint trial at Washington State.
Today, she’s 100% cancer free.
***Thanks to early success, word began to spread through the medical community about Dr. Olson’s Tumor Paint. Families of cancer patients were desperate to use its lifesaving effects on their loved ones.
These families held chili cook-offs, golf tournaments, auctions, you name it.
Together, they raised $9 million to continue Tumor Paint research and start enrollment for human clinical trials. As anyone could understand, these families would do anything to save their loved ones… Even if it meant raising private funds to speed along the trials.
In short, the public wanted Tumor Paint. They wanted it yesterday.
In fact, it might be the first crowd-funded medical breakthrough in history. It’s certainly the first that I’m aware of.
The $9 million raised helped Dr. Olson launch clinical trials.
One of his first human patients was Liesel Von Imhof of Anchorage, Alaska.
At just 18 years old, her doctor found a ping pong ball-sized tumor in the middle of her brain.
Instead of undergoing the risky status-quo surgery… Liesel decided to enroll in the Tumor Paint trial. Liesel’s doctors lit up her tumor and knew exactly which areas to remove. Surgeons even eradicated cancerous cells from the deepest parts of her brain.
Today, Liesel is continuing to live a normal life. She’s been accepted into Harvard and plans to study engineering.
It’s difficult to say what her life would be like right now if there wasn’t a Tumor Paint breakthrough.
***Then there’s Laura C.
Her two-year old son, Hunter, was diagnosed with a golf ball-sized brain tumor.
Doctors said Hunter needed surgery immediately, and they invited Hunter to be included in the Tumor Paint clinical trial… which his mother accepted.
Prior to Hunter’s surgery, doctors injected him with Tumor Paint through an IV.
This lit up Hunter’s tumor, so surgeons could visualize every microscopic cancer cell.
Hunter’s surgery was a glaring success… and there were no side effects from the Tumor Paint. Remember, Tumor Paint lights up cancer cells and cancer cells only. All the doctor has to do is remove what’s glowing and leave behind the rest.
As long as only glowing tissue is removed, no healthy tissue is affected.
That’s why this breakthrough is a godsend.
In fact, Laura said she was surprised how quickly her son bounced back after his surgery and additional chemotherapy.
Here’s an actual quote from Laura:
“All of his cancer is gone… You’d never even know he had brain surgery.”
That’s incredible.
***As you read this, Tumor Paint is close to FDA approval… so more people can use and benefit from this miracle. Because of its effectiveness, Tumor Paint is moving through clinical trials in record time.
Tumor Paint has been granted what’s called “Orphan Drug” status, which means this type of treatment not only has a higher chance of receiving FDA approval, but often has a quicker path through the regulatory pipeline.
The Phase 1 clinical trial in Los Angeles and Australia confirmed Tumor Paint is safe for humans when undergoing a major surgery. An additional Phase 1 trial at Seattle Children’s Hospital was launched for central nervous system tumors.
And Tumor Paint was again proven safe, this time for children.
A third Phase 1 trial was created for breast cancer patients at the University of Washington Medical Center. The goal was to test Tumor Paint’s ability to illuminate cancer cells for patients with breast cancer.
In a year and a half, this trial was successfully completed.
Tumor Paint has passed every Phase 1 test along the way.
***That brings us to today.
Just one month ago, the first patient for Tumor Paint’s Phase 2/3 trial began treatment.
This is the final stage before FDA approval… this is the big one… the moment when everything could change for this tiny company. For investors, it’s when biotech stocks can go from a few dollars per share to 10… 20… or even 30-times that.
It’s Tumor Paint’s largest test ever, with 114 patients participating.
Doctors are testing Tumor Paint at 15 hospitals throughout the country. Including:
- Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
- Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- University of California, San Francisco
- The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- University of Utah
- University of Florida Shands Children’s Hospital
- Texas Children’s Hospital
- University of California, San Diego
It’s important to note — when a new treatment reaches Phase 2/3 trials, it has already been deemed safe and effective.
The chances of final approval increase greatly once a new treatment gets to this stage.
Two out of every three drugs that reach the Phase-3 milestone will be brought to commercialization… meaning doctors will be able to treat patients with them.
But the odds are even greater for oncology drugs.
Tumor Paint falls into this category, because of the scorpion-molecule’s special properties that bind it to cancer cells. Eighty-nine percent of Phase 3 oncology drug trials lead to approval.
***If the government is satisfied with the Tumor Paint Phase 3 trial when it is finished…
Tumor Paint will be approved ahead of schedule. It’s in the critical “sweet spot” of the approval process right now.
If all is going well, Tumor Paint could be approved early… and be ready for use this year.
This wouldn’t be the first time FDA approval has happened ahead of schedule
Shares of a company called Biogen, for example, used to trade for just $3.
Biogen commissioned a Phase 3 study on a new drug for victims of multiple sclerosis a little while later. Twelve months into this Phase 3 study, the FDA was satisfied with the results… and this new drug received early approval… sending Biogen from a tiny biotech firm into a pharmaceutical giant. Shares of Biogen soared to $67 per share… a 1,706% gain in just a handful of years.
***If you’ve been investing for a while, you know this sort of thing happens quite often in the stock market. Companies that achieve medical breakthroughs — especially in drug development and biotech — can soar 10-fold… 30-fold… even 50-fold in the span of just a few years.
Drug breakthroughs can lead to astonishing wealth creation in a way few human endeavors can match.
We don’t have a crystal ball, but all the evidence suggests Tumor Paint will become a huge success story. There are two major reasons why…
As I mentioned, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Tumor Paint what’s called “Orphan Drug” status.
This designation was created by Congress in the 1980s to give drug companies special advantages for developing unique treatments.
One of those advantages is a seven-year market monopoly if Tumor Paint is FDA approved.
The way I see it, the government wouldn’t grant Tumor Paint this advanced status if it wasn’t serious about approving it for immediate commercialization.
In fact, new treatments with Orphan Drug designation are three times more likely to receive FDA approval. It’s like the government’s secret “tell” that it’s about to give a new drug or treatment the green light.
The second reason Tumor Paint is likely to be approved is the team behind it. The team is top notch… world class.
These are the same brilliant minds behind some of the biggest drug treatments of the past several years.
For example, one of these insiders is a Wharton-trained executive who was an important force behind a breakthrough hepatitis C drug for ZymoGenetics.
ZymoGenetics was at one point worth just $23 million — but this executive built a landmark deal with Bristol-Myers Squibb, which bought the company for $885 million. That’s a 3,747% gain.
Another all-star working for Tumor Paint played a key role in pushing a new drug for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma through the FDA approval process for Seattle Genetics. When the drug first launched in 2013, sales totaled $145 million. This figure grew more than four times to $640 million in overall sales by 2017.
Now investment bank analysts say total drug sales could nearly triple again in the coming years.
Like I mentioned, because the government already loves Tumor Paint, it will receive a seven-year monopoly protection from the government when approved.
But this breakthrough will also receive the full protection of a standard 20-year patent, which was filed in 2015.
In other words, this tiny company has exclusive rights to Tumor Paint until 2035. No one else can touch it.
But now a major deal that is now official tells us we could be just weeks away from final approval…
The small biotech firm behind Tumor Paint signed a partnership with a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor to license, develop, and market Tumor Paint, all across the globe. This distributor has already done major deals with multi-billion-dollar drug giants like Pfizer, Jansen, Merck, and Biogen to manufacture and distribute its blockbuster drugs and treatments…
These developments tell me one thing: The insiders at this small company are extremely confident that Tumor Paint will be approved.
***This situation is moving fast. The number one rule for investing in high-growth biotech stocks is… You can’t be late.
You see, the big money in new drug development can come early: Weeks… oftentimes months… in advance of FDA approval.
Take Acadia Pharmaceuticals, for example. Its drug for brain development disorders, Trofinetide, hasn’t reached Phase 3 trials… yet the stock is already up 1,322%.
Or look at Cynata Therapeutics. Its new drug for stem-cell transplantations just completed its Phase 1 trial. But the stock is already up 5,000% over the past few years.
The point is — most people have never even heard of the little company that made the drug I’m telling you about… which is one reason there’s so much potential here. That’s the advantage we have right now — it’s still incredibly early.
When you consider how Tumor Paint illuminated every cancer that is known to man during testing… including…
- Breast cancer… $17.4 billion spent on this disease annually
- Skin cancer… $2.04 billion spent annually
- Brain cancer… $659 million spent annually
- Prostate cancer… $10.1 billion spent annually
- Colon cancer… $8.15 billion spent annually
- Central nervous system cancer… $1.3 billion spent annually
Tumor Paint could disrupt $39.64 billion worth of the cancer therapy market.
The government is ready for this — it has given Tumor Paint Orphan Drug designation. The public has donated millions of private savings. And look at what the doctors and surgeons who are using this breakthrough in operating rooms across the country have to say….
Dr. Chirag Patil, a Stanford-trained director at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, described the first time he used Tumor Paint on a patient:
“When we saw that it glows, it was just one of those moments… Wow, this works.”
He added…
“[Tumor Paint] addresses a major hurdle in cancer research. This system has the potential to become an enormous scientific breakthrough.”
“It’s a concept that neurosurgeons have probably been dreaming about for 50 years.”
Dr. Sarah Leary, attending physician in the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Seattle Children’s Hospital, said, “There is an urgent unmet need for [Tumor Paint].”
She added, “Tumor Paint is binding to many different types of brain tumors in children and so far, has not resulted in any side effects…”
“We’ll look back and wonder how these surgeries were ever done without the lights on.”
The surgeons who’ve used this treatment have become Tumor Paint’s biggest supporters.
***This is a very special opportunity… and a very special story. We believe it’s one of the most amazing medical stories on earth right now… one that could end a lot of human suffering AND lead to stunning wealth creation. Tumor Paint could end up saving more lives than cancer drugs… while also helping early investors make a lot of money.
Even if you’re not an investor in this deal, I’m confident you’ll end up following this story and rooting for Tumor Paint’s success.
P.S. This story is so big, so important, and so potentially lucrative for investors, we’re making it the subject of one of the most important events in our research firm’s history.
I’m about to host a special video summit on this breakthrough. Click here for all for all of the details about my upcoming video analysis of this special situation and huge opportunity. You’re not going to want to miss a single word.