Tesla Motors Inc: Rev Up Profits With TSLA Stock for Free

I’ve had good luck trading Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA). All my previous trades were bearish in nature using TSLA stock options. I mainly bought debit put positions financed by sold calls.

Tesla Motors Inc: Rev Up TSLA Stock for FreeSo far this year, TSLA stock is down 5%. It’s more than twice as bad for the past 12 months.

I know by writing this bearish note, I will ruffle a few feathers and seriously hamper my chances of winning popularity contests, so I only hope that they keep the feedback cordial.

Fundamentally, I think that TSLA will need several miracles to even stand a slim chance at a profit. It’s a long shot play that is a pure gamble.

Yes, they are trying to do good things for the world, but not all good things are fiscally doable for profit.

TSLA Stock Chart
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The latest news of TSLA combining with SolarCity Corp (SCTY) is the nail in the TSLA financial coffin. I am not sure that there will be enough synergies to allow for two cash-burning companies to survive let alone thrive. I love the car but strongly dislike the stock.

TSLA will need to institute major fundamental changes before it can become profitable. For that reason, I don’t believe it can sustain the current valuation aspiration that Wall Street carries for it. So I want to initiate yet another bearish trade setup. This time I want to buy longer dated puts and finance them with a credit call spread along the way.

TSLA Stock Trade

Trade No. 1: Buy the TSLA Mar 17 $205/$200 debit put spread. This is a bearish trade for which I pay $2.10 per contract. This is my maximum potential loss. If Tesla stock falls through both legs of my spread, I stand to double my money. I stand to gain the most if the stock falls through both legs between now and next March.

The faster and further it falls, the higher my profits.

But I want to reduce my out of pocket expense. I can do this by generating income through selling a credit calls spread.

Trade No. 2: Sell the TSLA Dec $260/$265 credit call spread. This is a bearish trade for which I collect $1.30 per contract. I will sell two contracts for every contract of first trade. This trade has a 70% theoretical chance of success if Tesla stock stays under my sold strike leg through December of this year.

The net effect of taking both trades is a small credit. This leaves me short TSLA stock through March of next year for free. So, any value I retain from the march debit put spread is pure profit. So I don’t really need Tesla to fall, I just need it to stay under my sold credit call spread.

Even though the trades are longer dated, I am not obliged to hold them through their expiration. I can close either trade for partial gains or losses at any time.

Nicolas Chahine is the managing director of SellSpreads.com. As of this writing, he did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities. You can follow him on Twitter at @racernic and stocktwits at @racernic.

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Nicolas Chahine is the managing director of SellSpreads.com.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2016/08/tsla-stock-tesla-free/.

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