Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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3 Dow CEOs That Should Follow Walmart’s Duke to the Exit

“The buck stops here,” said the now-famous sign on President Harry S Truman’s Oval Office desk. Nearly 70 years later, that clarion cry for accountability from top leadership persists in corporate America – particularly at publicly traded companies where CEOs feet are – or at least should be -- held to the fire.

A Dow Point Today Isn’t What It Used to Be

Tapering isn't imminent, and neither is hyperinflation, so don't be swayed by headlines.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Drooling Over Bountiful Buybacks

Stock buybacks are a great way to boost earnings without actually doing anything. Unfortunately, they're almost never worth it.

4 Tips to Guide You Before the Bubble Bursts

Signs are flashing that perhaps this market it overbought. Instead of reacting at the worst time, prepare ahead of time. Use these 4 tips to guide you

Cycles and Investment Success Take Time to Develop

The anniversary of the 2008-2009 bear market is upon us, and investment advisors will begin to tout huge returns with those years gone. Don't buy the hype

Long-Term Strategy Advice: Stick With Dividend-Paying Stocks

By all measures sticking with a long-term dividend stock investment profile will help you weather market ups and downs.

7 Misconceptions About the Gold Market You Need to Know

The push-pull of the move to put gold in your portfolio is ongoing, with much misinformation floating around. Here are 7 misconceptions you need to know now

Don’t Retire Like a Millennial

Despite what you may think, being jobless and debt-ridden is actually not that glamorous. Follow these 5 steps for a secure financial future.

Capital Gains Tax Could Put a Dent in Your Vanguard Returns

With several funds reporting capital gains this quarter, Vanguard investors will see the effect in their taxes.

Rethinking the 4% ‘Golden Rule’

The rule of using 4% of your savings in every year of retirement is under scrutiny. But how can you know how much to withdraw from retirement savings?

5 Big-Name Mergers: Studs and Duds

Office Depot completed its merger with Office Max, but what does history tell us about M&A? Here are 3 big-name mergers that worked and 2 that failed.

Insider Action Is Wall Street’s Trojan Horse

While the market is booming as investors pile in, the other side of the trading coin are sales: you would be surprised how many insiders are selling their stock

Buy the Manager, Not the Fund

It's not enough to just invest in any mutual fund -- you need to be sure your money is in capable hands. Find out which fund manager is advisor Dan Wiener's favorite.

3 mREIT Dividend Kings to Watch

The mortgage REIT sector has taken a beating in 2013, but these 3 high-yielding stocks will make great buys once the selling pressure abides.

‘Science’ or ‘Faith’ And the Bear or Bull Market Case

The old question of whether faith or science will prevail for future events is present in the stock market, with bears and bulls taking one or another side

Lousy Earnings Guidance Makes Stocks Look Bubbly

Record numbers of companies are beating Wall Street earnings estimates but slashing their outlooks, making the market look pricier every day.

7 Steps to Protect Your Pension Planning

Our country is suffering from a disease that's eating away pension planning and programs that we rely on for our retirement savings. Here's how to prepare

At Vanguard, Active Management Isn’t Dead

Active management works, and Virginie Maisonneuve is proof. Will Vanguard International Growth returns suffer once she moves on to a new job at PIMCO?

Value Investing – When Should You Sell?

Value investing means selling a stock when its has reached full valuation, regardless of how long that process takes.