Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

3 ETFs to Play the Escalating Ukraine Crisis

The Ukraine Crisis is getting serious in a hurry. Here are three ETFs that will let you protect your portfolio and even come out ahead.

3 ‘Quality’ Dividend ETFs to Buy Today

"Quality" dividend ETFs aren't about the headline yield -- they're about finding the best dividend stocks that'll deliver the best risk-adjusted returns.

Buying a Better Index Than the S&P 500

The S&P 500 is considered the mother of all indices. But find out why it's not as good as it seems, and which index is actually the best.

This Unique Dividend ETF Is Quietly Killing the Competition

The Global X Super Dividend U.S. ETF (DIV) is an intriguing income holding now, and over time, the dividend ETF could be worthy of a core portfolio slot.

French Government Collapses, French Stocks Rally. What Gives?

French stocks have been quietly rallying throughout August, even as the French government collapses. What's next for the EWQ?

5 Worst ETFs Right Now

Find out why these five exchange-traded funds are some of the worst ETFs out there. Avoid them at all costs.

5 Best ETFs to Buy Right Now

If you want to beat the market, check out these five best ETFs across several different investment flavors.

Don’t Mourn the Death of iShares’ Target-Date Funds

iShares is shutting down its target-date funds, but those types of funds aren't for savvy ETF investors, anyway. Retirement planners should look at these funds instead.

3 ETFs to Play a Rebound in Oil Prices

West Texas and Brent crude oil prices are at multimonth lows, but oil has proved its tenacity over the years. Get into one of these 3 energy ETFs before prices rebound.

Will Chinese Stocks Outperform for the Rest of the Year?

Chinese stocks have more than tripled the performance of U.S. stocks over the past three months. Here are three reasons the boom times could continue.

Broaden Your Dividend Map With IDV

For true income diversification, you want good exposure to solid international dividend stocks -- and the IDV ETF give you just that.

3 Dividend ETFs for Income AND Growth

Don't settle. If you're looking for dividend income, make sure your dividend ETF provides yield and quality companies.

Has the QQQ Reached a Tipping Point?

After Monday’s bullish burst, the QQQ ETF looks like a trade worth chasing. There are a few things would-be investors need to know first, though.

Which International ETF Is Right for You?

Choosing which international ETF that's right for you depends on your objectives. Here are five good ones to help you make your decision.

Why Is the SPY Overreacting to the Selloff?

The SPY ETF still is the most popular way to get S&P 500 exposure, but its recent movement says a lot about who's actually buying it.

Yes, It Really Is Time to Buy Gold Mining Stocks Like GDX and GDXJ

After a painful drubbing in 2012 and 2013, gold prices show a glimmer of hope, and that's great news for gold mining stocks.

Just Walk Away From Credit-Default Swap ETFs

Retail investors now have the ability to bet on credit-default swaps (CDSes) via ETFs ... but it doesn't mean they should.

It’s Not Too Late to Ride the Rally in China Stocks

Additional easing, insulation from geopolitical instability and bargain prices should keep fueling China stocks through year-end.

Will XLY, Consumer Stocks Bounce Back?

Consumer discretionary stocks are performing woefully in 2014, but not to worry -- the XLY will recover. The trick is figuring out when.