Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

iShares Brings ETF Fees Down to Zero

The launch of iShares new TFLO ETF shows just how serious it is about undercutting the completion on fees. Get ready for fee free ETFs across the board.

5 ETFs Delivering Big Dividend Yields

For investors looking for income, exchange-traded funds can be a fertile place to find big dividend yield. Here are five of the best.

Are Russian Stocks as Unsettling as Sochi?

The Sochi Olympics are a reminder that Russia is not always a friendly place ... and that Russian stocks might be best avoided.

Don’t Miss the Opportunity in Emerging Markets

Equities in emerging markets are the most hated asset class in the world right now. But they are also one of the cheapest and most attractive.

SOCL Could Get Unfriendly For Investors

SOCL managed to gain 50% in the past month, but it has been a very bumpy ride for investors. Here's why you might want to avoid the ETF for now.

Your Menu of Actively Managed ETFs Is About to Get Even Better

Pimco is opening the floodgates on a series of new actively managed funds, and that bodes well for ETF investors.

Investor Beware: Fund Names Don’t Tell the Whole Story

You wouldn't buy a car without test-driving it, so don't invest in a fund without checking under the hood.

3 Super-Duper Dividend ETFs

These dividend ETFs have dividend yields that are well above the average, and because they're diversified funds, they offer safety to boot.

NYCC: Hundred-Year-Old Blue Chips? Not as Good as It Sounds

PowerShares' new NYCC ETF is an interesting take on investing. Unfortunately, the fund falls flat on some metrics.

How Big Are Emerging Markets?

When investing in emerging markets, you need to keep perspective. Most are still very small and illiquid, which is a source of both risk and opportunity.

Emerging Markets: Value Opportunity or Trap?

Stocks in emerging markets are trading at a deep discount to the rest of the world, but this doesn't mean it's time to buy just yet.

Young Investors: Go Global for Cheap!

Most U.S. investors might not realize it, but they're overwhelmingly overweight in American companies. Here's why you shouldn't ignore international stocks.

The 5 Best ETFs for Bargain Hunters

High expense ratios can eat away your portfolio's performance, which is why we set out to find the five best ETFs that offer broad exposure on the cheap.

Income Investing Strategies for 2014: Bond ETFs

Most investors see rising interest rates as the biggest risk to bonds and bond ETFs in 2014, but investors can combat rising rates in several ways.

Should You Load Up on Bond ETFs Now?

10-year Treasury yields are back up to the 3% mark, but is now too soon for a significant portfolio shift into bond ETFs like the TLT and IEF?

Will Shadow Banking Take Down China?

China's shadow banking is a blessing and a curse; a blessing because it's created a steroids-like impact on China. But will the curse cause an unhappy ending?

4 Weird Bond ETF Picks for Yield Amid Rising Interest Rates

Bond investors shouldn't worry about rising interest rates if they look beyond traditional ETFs for their exposure. Here are four solid bond ETF picks.

The Key to Portfolio Management: Hedging Your Investments

Portfolio management tools can mitigate risk when the market is looking overheated.

The Best Emerging Market Bond ETF You’ve Never Heard Of

The new EMAG ETF is a better way to tap emerging market bonds than its chief rivals. Here's a look at what makes it such a great holding.