Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

Ignore the China Bank Scare, Buy Chinese Stocks

Chinese stocks are some of the cheapest in the world, and the recent banking scare in China presents an excellent buying opportunity.

5 Easy Ways to Throw PG Stock in Your Cart

PG stock has had a good year in 2013, but sometimes you're better off with an ETF that holds the stock. Here are 5 ways to throw PG stock in your cart.

What REALLY Matters When It Comes to ETF Expenses

Want to make sure you're getting the best value on exchange-traded funds? Make sure to look at these ETF expenses before buying.

The Best ETFs and Worst ETFs of 2013

The best ETFs and worst ETFs of 2013 were an interesting bunch, as the biggest funds were the biggest winners ... and the big losers were downright ugly.

Ask Louis: Should I Invest in ETFs Right Now?

ETFs are an important part of your investment strategy, but the big question is "are they right for today's environment?" My short answer is "no" and here's why

International Dividend ETFs Offer Unique Value for 2014

With U.S. monetary policies up in the air for 2014, international dividend equity ETFs are good options for investors to chase high-risk, high-reward plays.

Bundle Up for 2014 – 5 Best ETFs to Buy

The best ETFs to buy in 2014 are those that underperformed in the past year or play into a continuing cyclical trend. These 5 ETFs are your best bets.

Investing in Emerging Markets: Going Beyond the BRICs

Two new ETFs promise to give investors exposure to emerging markets beyond the BRICs. But only one is a true emerging-market ETF.

5 REIT ETFs to Buy Now for Big Income

For investors, REIT ETFs like VNQ and ICF represent some of today's biggest buys. Here are the 5 best REIT ETFs to buy now.

It’s Time for 401ks to Finally Buckle to ETFs

401ks continue to favor mutual funds over ETFs. Demand for ETFs continues unabated. It's time for 401ks to finally buckle to ETFs. Here's why.

The 5 Hottest Emerging Market ETFs for 2014

2014 will be the year that emerging markets -- and the emerging market ETFs and stocks that profit off them -- make a comeback. Here's where to look.

5 Safer Ways to Buy AAPL Stock

Considering hitching a ride on Apple for a potential return to $700? Consider these ETFs that offer diversification, but still are chock full o' AAPL stock.

4 ETFs To Sell Right Now

Finding ETFs to sell in your portfolio is a question of watching past returns and future outlook. Right now, the VXX, gold mining funds and the coal ETF are all sells.

3 Questions to Ask Before Buying Stocks Now

Buying stocks based on seasonal trends like the Santa Claus rally or January Effect isn't smart. Just watch valuations and the Fed.

4 Big, Safe Dividend Plays for the Long Haul

Dividend ETFs are popular with investors, as they seek better performance than bonds provide. Here are four ETFs for the long haul.

The 3 Best Retail Buys to Make Right Now

Retail stocks are getting slaughtered this week, but that shouldn't stop you from buying in. Here are the 3 best ways to buy retail stocks.

Buy ETFs AND Their Sponsoring Companies

Shares of BLK, IVZ, STT and WETF are all seeing huge gains off of their ETFs. Investors should take notice.

3 Best ETF Investments for Growth Stocks

Growth stocks are a key part of any balanced portfolio, and these three funds are the best ETF investments to snag some exposure.

A New Way To Bet On China: Elusive A-Shares

The new ASHR ETF provides investors access to China's real stock market: Chinese A-Share stocks, which have eluded U.S. investors for years.