Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

5 Aggressive ETF Trades to Make Before 2014

Several factors should bias the market higher during the next 45 or so days, so I've initiated five aggressive trades heading into the year's waning weeks.

Don’t Go Crazy Over China’s Tweaked One-Child Policy

Changes to China's one-child policy are a positive development for the slowing economy with a shrinking labor force, but don't rush into Chinese stocks right away.

What’s Next for Stalling Japan ETFs

Most Japan ETFs, like the EWJ or DXJ have stalled after a strong rally in the first half of 2013. So where do they go from here?

Is Your Emerging Markets ETF Actually Emerging?

Not all emerging markets ETFs are heavily invested in markets that are actually emerging any longer. But one new fund has a firm grip on where the next big growth will come from.

4 ETFs to Turbocharge Your Returns

Use sector ETFs to add juice to your diversified portfolio and beat the market with these four hot sectors.

Gameplan for 2014: Buy Europe and Emerging Markets

Based on the ratio of market cap to GDP, European and emerging market equities should vastly outperform their American peers in the years ahead.

ETF Investors Drop Gold Like a Bad Habit

Investors are pouring out of gold ETFs, which could make them a good contrarian investment as other stocks continue hitting highs.

Oil Stocks vs. Oil ETF – Which Is a Better Buy?

When looking at energy sector exposure, both oil stocks and an oil ETF have a host of pros and cons. But which one is better for you?

VYM – Buy This ETF For a Dividend Core in Your Portfolio

The benefits of investing in dividend stocks are well known and widely accepted, yet not enough investors own them. Buy this ETF for your dividend core

What Valuations Are Trying to Tell Investors Right Now

Based on current valuations, the defensive consumer staples, utilities and healthcare sectors remain expensive. Where can you find better opportunities?

Your Newest Guru Investing Option: The iBillionaire Index

There are multiple guru ETFs that track the trading moves of successful traders. But the best ETF option will depend on the type of market we are in.

Should I Buy Gold? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Gold has lost some of its luster this year, but there are still advantages to having it in your portfolio. Here are the pros and cons on the metal.

3 Reasons to Give Tech Funds the Ol’ Heave-Ho

The technology sector doesn't measure up to the broader market in terms of earnings, valuations or beta. So why invest in tech ETFs such as XLK?

A Shot of Diageo: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

This week we look at ETF alternatives for small-cap, media, European, tech and real estate stocks.

Why the Silver ETF Could Be Set to Shine

Volatile silver prices make it tough to decide whether to buy or sell silver or the silver ETF, but there's a good chance the SLV will move higher.

Should You Invest in South Korea?

WisdomTree gives us a new ETF option for investing in South Korea stocks. But is the hedged-currency fund DXKW the way to go? For that matter, is any fund?

Why the Gold ETF Is a Screaming Sell

The SPDR Gold ETF has had a rough couple of years, but the weakness may not be done taking a toll for these three reasons.

EWP: Buy Spanish Stocks on Dips

Spanish stocks are a cheap way to get indirect access to emerging market growth. And the easiest way to invest is via EWP, the Spain ETF.

Real Estate Investing Made Easy With This REIT ETF

Want to invest in real estate? Play real estate investment trust stocks with this top REIT ETF, which is poised for a comeback in 2014.