Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

Trust the SPY for Long-Term Success

The old man of the exchange-traded world -- the SPDR S&P 500 ETF, or SPY -- is still one of the best investment options out there.

New ETF Adds Insurance to S&P 500

VIXH offers S&P 500 exposure with some volatility hedging, which should offer some protection in down markets. But you'll have to pay a stiff fee.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

This week we look at media, consumer discretionary, cloud computing, restaurant, retail, Internet and materials stocks.

Bill Gross is Betting on Mexico — Here’s Why

It's not easy to find a way to invest in Mexican debt, but it could be a good option. Bill Gross sure thinks so.

3 Ways to Hedge the September Swoon

September is the second-worst performing market month of the year. Here are three ways to improve your odds against that cloudy outlook.

Bet on Bling, But Not With Diamond ETFs

Two diamond-backed ETFs are in the works, but the precious stones' lack of fungibility could be a problem for investors.

Forget Treasuries — Buy Junk Bonds Instead

Why bother with Treasuries when yields on corporate debt are higher without much additional risk?

Get Ready for the Second Gold Rush

We're almost a year removed from gold's spectacular peak in 2011, and gold looks fundamentally and technically ready to stage another run.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Last week, we talked about everything from silver to biotech stocks -- but some investors might be better off grabbing some of these hot stocks via ETFs.

How Is Apple Affecting Your Funds?

Apple's $635 billion market cap is making waves -- not just with AAPL shareholders, but with those invested in a number of major sector funds, as well.

3 Sectors to Dump If the Bull Goes Bust

If stocks really begin to tank, you need to cash out of these high-flying areas -- and fast.

Short-Term Hedges for Your Energy Bets

Long-term, prices will surely climb given the eventual need for more energy. But first, a drop is more likely. Here's how to prepare yourself.

Techs: The Next Frontier in Dividend Growth

While the tech sector is still a playground for scorching-hot growth, it's also becoming a haven for dividend investors. And a new ETF lets investors play this growing trend.

4 New ETFs Cover Popular Ground

Two fund companies launched a total of four ETF funds this week -- focused on emerging markets and the hunt for yields.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

This week we looked at tech, food, blue-chip, consumer discretionary, and financial stocks.

Why the ETF Market Needs More Players

Three firms control more than 80% of all ETF assets -- that's $1 trillion. And that's not good, at least it's not good for investors.

A DOG-ged Defense Against the Death Cross

While we're not there yet, we're close to a seeing a 'death cross' -- a bearish indicator we haven't seen in six decades. Be prepared before it happens.

Investors in TIPS Funds Might Face a Rude Awakening

If you hold TIPS exchange-traded funds for inflation protection, you should think twice. You might be getting just the opposite.

Not All Dividend ETFs Are Created Equal

The major domestic dividend ETFs have diverged over time thanks to vast differences in their underlying portfolios, meaning some strategy is in order.