Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

3 High-Flying ETFs That Still Look Good

These three are among the best-performing funds so far this year and, comparatively speaking, look to hold their own at least in the short term.

Vanguard’s New TIPS Offering A Money Fund Alternative

In addition to its bellweather TIPS offering Vanguard has come up with another alternative with shorter term and ETF characteristics, much like an EFT play

How Alternative Are ‘Alternative Assets’?

A look at the performance of "alternative" funds shows they fail to provide the diversification they promise.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Here are some excellent ETF alternatives to the tech, oil services, medical devices and dividend-paying stocks writers discussed last week.

New ETFs Beat the Yield Drum to Death

Besides the many income-based funds that launched last week, a technical fund and two Aussie dollar ETFs also debuted. Find out about them here.

5 Reasons People Lose Money Trading ETFs

An effective ETF strategy starts with understanding the risks in the market and continues by acting to modify those risks. Here are strategies for the market

Can the Rally in Corporate Bonds Continue?

Corporate bonds have staged a robust rally since early June, and all the factors underpinning the move remain in place. Does that mean they're still a good buy?

A New Contender for Your High-Yield Dollar

UBS showed its inner opportunist by unleashing a new MLP exchange-traded note following the capping of JPMorgan's AMJ. Here's how it measures up.

4 Ways to Play a Rebound in Copper

A bounce in homebuilding and the growing likelihood of new stimulus spending in China may be just what Dr. Copper ordered. Here's how to profit.

Energy Independence: The Efficiency Payoff

'Drill Baby Drill' combined with saving more of the oil and gas we produce creates a surefire winner, because smarter energy use is essential for growth. Here's one way to play it.

Another Preferred ETF Pops Up — This Time Sans Banks

A quick look at Market Vectors' recently launched ex-financials preferred-stock fund, PFXF.

SPFF: A Preferred Way to Get Yield?

Global X launched a new preferred-stock ETF on Tuesday, offering another way to harness the high-yield securities. But should preferreds take a place of preference in your portfolio?

New Alpha & Beta ETF Is All About Strategy

A new actively managed fund uses a swath of strategies to beat the S&P 500 and bonds. Two leveraged financial ETFs also recently came to market.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Here are some excellent ETF alternatives to the industrial, financial, debt-free, meat producer and juice retailer stocks writers discussed last week.

4 Solid, High-Yield Hybrid Funds

These preferred stock and junk-bond funds can provide a good payoff, but still offer some protection against excessive risk.

What Is the VIX Telling Us About Today’s Market?

When the media speaks, it pays to ignore. When the VIX speaks, it often pays to listen and right now the VIX is speaking so pay attention

Why Are Tech Stocks Flirting With a Correction?

Apple's lack of leadership is putting a damper on the Select Sector Technology SPDR -- and other big-name members aren't chipping in, either.

These Stocks Are in the Sweet Spot Right Now

Just like Jan and Peter Brady, mid-cap stocks are often overlooked thanks to their bigger and smaller brethren. Right now's the time to rectify that mistake.

Corn’s Pain Could Be These ETFs’ Gain

The severe Midwest drought is playing havoc with this year's corn crop. Here's a look at some ETFs that could benefit from this misery.