
My Prediction Was Spot On Last Year… Could I Be Right Again?

It’s that time of year again… predictions time! Predictions are fun, but they are also important. As someone who invests in the hypergrowth trends of the future, I’m always looking ahead at what’s to come. In this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I first take a look back at the 10 predictions I laid out for 2019. I was correct on more than half of them – a pretty solid showing for 12 months of educated guesses. And a few more may still come to fruition before the New Year’s bell. One of my best 2019 predictions was related to the broad market’s performance. If I can brag a little bit… I nailed it. I said that the S&P 500 would be up 25% at some point during the year.

As 2020 Approaches, It’s Time to Worry About Deflation

Throwing money at rich people is a short-term solution to the long-term problem of deflation

JPMorgan Data Shows the Consequences of Being a “Perma-Bear”

Ever since this bull market started, the financial media has been urging you to sell everything, go to cash, and start preparing for the end of the world. But with the economy still so strong – including the lowest unemployment in 50 years! – they’ve had to change their story. Now, Barron’s is speculating that stocks will be roughly flat next year. That’s right… as of Monday, Barron’s 2020 Outlook is for the S&P 500 to gain just 4%. That’s low enough to make some folks nervous about their retirement. But remember, you’ve got to take these things with a grain of salt. Fear sells, and the media need to attract eyeballs for their advertisers.

I’ve noticed that many of the stocks you follow are either small or mid-caps. Why is that?

Our investment strategy is to look for stocks that have big upside potential in powerful mega-trends that are changing our world. That often leads to smaller, lesser-known companies, so by default the majority of the stocks we follow will be either small- or mid-cap companies.

Many people believe these stocks inherently have more risk, but not only is that a very broad generalization, it is also completely untrue. At one point in time, all large companies were small caps that flourished and grew into today’s leaders.

The Investment Opportunity Hiding Behind the Peloton Dust Up

Is all press good press? If you ask Lululemon (LULU), it would answer – yes. Back in March 2013, the athleisure apparel company got hit with some unfortunate headlines. The company’s iconic leggings were a little too transparent… and it led to lawsuits and a sell-off in the stock. Recent IPO darling Peloton (PTON) is running into a similar issue with its now infamous Christmas commercial. The company’s stock has lost $1.5 billion in market value after overly sensitive viewers and some in the media took offense to the ad. In this week’s podcast, I delve into the controversy.

Friday Apple Rumors: Spectral Edge Acquisition May Benefit Apple Cameras

Friday's Apple Rumors include new Apple Podcasts features coming to Alexa, genetic testing being available to Apple employees and more.

Xbox Series X: 9 Things to Know About Microsoft’s Newest Console

Xbox Series X was officially announced during The Game Awards last night and now more details are coming out about the next-gen console.

Latest 5G News: AT&T 5G Internet Launches in 10 U.S. Cities

AT&T (T) is officially offering its 5G services to customers starting today, but only in certain cities across the United States.

HMC News: Honda Self-Driving Car to Debut Next Summer

A Honda (HMC) self-driving car is going to show up on roads next summer, but don't expect to see it come to the U.S. soon.

Thursday Apple Rumors: Mac Pro Orders Are Starting to Ship to Customers

Thursday's Apple Rumors include 'Little America' getting a second season before it airs, Siri helping save a man and more.

Why do you think cannabis stocks are such a good investment?

It’s no secret I’m a big believer in the future of cannabis. In fact, I think 2020 could be the Year of Cannabis!

The odds of the U.S. legalization marijuana continue to increase heading into the next decade. Simply put, the American people want legalization. Polls show that two-thirds of adults support it. Politicians who continue to oppose legalization or just avoid the conversation altogether will struggle on election days. And let’s be honest… all politicians really care about is getting re-elected. When the majority of voters back legalization so strongly, politicians will be forced to follow.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: Don’t Expect a Price Increase for 2020 iPhone

Wednesday's Apple Rumors include iOS 13.3 code revealing Powerbeats4 with Hey Siri support, how the Mac Pro stays cool and more.

Your Next Step in This Bull Market Is Key

We could be in the final inning of the longest bull market in history… And it’s had a great run, experiencing the longest uninterrupted gains in U.S. history. Except we both know this bull market isn’t going to die quietly. In fact, a growing number of experts agree that the next crash will be worse than the Great Depression. Influential investor Jeffrey Gundlach, the CEO of DoubleLine Capital, which manages nearly $150 billion in assets, said last week, “U.S. stocks will get crushed in the next recession.” He also said that could happen ahead of the 2020 election. But history also shows the biggest gains often come in the final inning of a bull market.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: A Fully-Decked Mac Pro Will Cost $53K

Tuesday's Apple Rumors include the release of iOS 13.3, macOS Catalina 10.15.2 and a ridiculous price for the new Mac Pro.

What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but it’s actually been around for decades. Progress so far is already amazing, and looking ahead to where AI will be in 10 years is almost unfathomable.

From the moment you wake up, your personal assistant will be there for you. Ask it to turn on the coffee maker, set the temperature for your shower, change the thermostat, give you a rundown of the weather and traffic, and check whether you need to get gas – or charge your electric vehicle – on the way to the office.

An Early Warning About 2020

I could tell the television host thought I was crazy. CNN’s Richard Quest was interviewing me about the market, and I made an admittedly bold prediction. He thought I was too bullish. When I released my 2019 predictions last December, I said that the S&P 500 index would be up 25% at some point during the year. I was so sure of it that when I went on CNN on February 6, I reiterated my bullish view. Richard Quest wasn’t buying it. He said he would buy me dinner if I ended up being right. As of today, the S&P is up 25.1% in 2019 – hitting my target. I don’t want a dinner out of it. I simply want investors to make money in one of the best climates I’ve seen in my 20 years in the business.

Monday Apple Rumors: 2020 iPhone May Sport Larger Battery

Monday's Apple Rumors include one of its TV+ shows getting Golden Globe nominations, FCC approval for the Mac Pro and more.

Is a Global Recession In the Cards?

If you google the latest news headlines for the word “recession,” the results are enough to make you scream. “Goldman Sachs says that every one of its private equity clients is preparing for a recession”… from Business Insider. “Gundlach: A recession will come, so investors should start ‘playing defense right now’”… from Yahoo Finance. And then there’s: “Gazing into the recession crystal ball.” (I need one of those.) That one’s from Reuters UK, and there is certainly a lot of chaos in Europe right now. I’ve recommended some exciting international opportunities to my subscribers, but I agree with my colleague Louis Navellier that the United States is the oasis around the world.

Sectors to Watch in 2020

A number of factors are lining up to make 2020 one of the most exciting times I’ve ever seen in the market. It’s going to keep everyone on their toes, that’s for sure. Earlier in the week, we talked about how the U.S.-China trade war could impact stocks. We also discussed what might happen if Elizabeth Warren is elected president. Today, I’d like to turn to the sectors to watch in 2020. Investing in the right sectors is really crucial for your portfolio returns, as I’m sure you’ve found – and the chart I’m about to show you proves that. Take a look below at what happened to energy stocks compared with the S&P 500 since 2015.