
Advanced Micro Devices has its Esports Game Together as it Takes on Intel

In esports AMD stock has a catalyst for growth. And while they will still have to compete with Intel in this space, there is plenty of room for both companies to thrive.

I Had to Make Sure These Numbers Were Right

Maybe I made a mistake, I thought. I’m used to some pretty big profit numbers, but these stopped me in my tracks. I wasn’t even sure I was looking at them correctly. So I double checked. And triple checked. They were still right. It’s time you know about these numbers – and the incredible opportunity they represent. Regular MoneyWire readers have heard about “10X” markets from me. But in a research report I recently sent to readers, I detailed an industry set for not just 10X growth… not 20X growth… and not even 50X growth… but at least 100X growth. This is one of the best early stage investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life.

Why Does Everybody Hate Tesla Stock so Much?

TSLA stock is one of the most polarizing stocks on Wall Street. Tesla and CEO Elon Musk are unique in that they represent much more than just a typical investment for both supporters and critics.

The One Topic That Shocked Everyone

I was speaking at the Stansberry Alliance Conference in Beijing, China. The room was packed with attendees eagerly waiting to hear about the investments that can make them 10 times their money. They nodded in agreement on some of the opportunities I mentioned, and they were somewhat surprised by others. But one shocked them. These are smart people. They found the opportunity incredibly compelling, but they needed a moment to process what they had heard. I had the same reaction when I came across a set of numbers that stopped me in my tracks. I honestly wasn’t sure if they were correct. If they were, I was really onto something.

How Massive Scalability Generates Giant Profits

In March, Forbes magazine released its annual “richest people in the world” list. Among the top 20 richest people were familiar names: Amazon (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos, Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates, Oracle (ORCL) founder Larry Ellison, Facebook (FB) founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Alphabet (GOOGL) founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. And there’s one simple, common theme running through that list of people and businesses: SCALE. As someone who specializes in early stage, “venture capital” style investments, scale is the one thing I’m always looking for, too.

Rebranding to “FACEBOOK” Fails to Move Facebook Stock

Although Facebook made some headlines with its all-caps re-branding of itself, the seeming publicity stunt didn’t do much to move the needle for Facebook stock.

Cashing In When Chinese Stocks “Catch Up”

There are few delays in life worth looking forward to. But when it comes to stocks, there’s one delay that can put extra money in your pocket: It has to do with a major discrepancy between the U.S. and China. Because our economy is much more mature than China’s, innovative new business ideas tend to spring up, attract investment capital, and get applied in the U.S. before they do in China. But since the Chinese government uses laws and regulations to restrict – and sometimes ban – non-Chinese companies from doing business in the country, many top American companies are shut out of the giant market.

MoneyLine: The Latest “Far Out There” Investment

How much money would you pay to be shot into space… in a rocket… for about seven minutes? I know some people wouldn’t pay a dime. I would, but the going rate of $250,000 is a bit excessive for me. That’s how much 603 people have spent to book a seat on one of Virgin Galactic’s (SPCE) space shuttles. Virgin Galactic is the brainchild of billionaire Sir Richard Branson, who I consider one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the last 100 years. The company became the first publicly traded space exploration business when it IPO’d on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Monday.

How do you keep emotions out of investing? I tend to panic easily!

Everyone gets emotional – it’s completely understandable. Emotions can be good sometimes. But the key is to control them.

How often have you heard someone say, “I’m waiting to invest until we see a correction”? Given the multi-year bull run we’ve been on, I’m willing to bet you’ve heard it a lot. But when we finally saw a correction in late 2015, what did everyone do? Sold and headed for the hills. They let their panic overtake what they knew deep in their gut was actually a great buying opportunity. As a result, so many individual investors have missed out on the incredible ride higher that the market has taken since.

Where do you see investment opportunity outside of the United States?

I keep my eye on every part of the world. I’m a huge traveler, and whether I’m traveling for business or pleasure, you can be sure my eyes are pealed for the next big investment idea.

But one area I am a huge believe in right now is China. In fact, I have been bullish on China for a couple of years now.

I expect the trade issues between the U.S. and China to be settled sooner than later. I do not see President Trump letting the dispute continue into next November. If he can get something done in the first half of 2020, it will be one of his major talking points in the debates.

3 Reasons Why ROKU Stock Is Poised to Win as Cord-Cutting Booms

As a corded TV viewer for many years, I understood the benefits of streaming from afar. But after finally cutting the cord with ROKU, the bullish arguments for Roku stock have new meaning for me.

MoneyLine: Bitcoin vs. Gold – Which I Prefer and Why

This week’s podcast takes a slightly different angle as I bring in a special guest – InvestorPlace CEO Brian Hunt. He’s not only my boss… he’s become a great friend of mine as well. You may have heard or seen Brian’s name before, but you probably don’t know much about the man behind one of the fastest-growing investment newsletter businesses in the world. He’s been in the industry for 16 years and, more importantly, loves the stock market as much as I do – which is pretty impressive. Those of you who know me and have followed me over the years know that very few others share my passion for all things stocks.

Why Only One in Three 5G Stocks is a Buy Now

At first 5G wireless was touted as just “faster downloads.” But it's much more than that. Economically, the 5G global infrastructure market is expected to grow far more than many other industries could ever imagine in just five years. So, let's look at your options for buying 5G stocks.

Here’s the Best Place for Your Money Today

Even if we do have a recession (and I don't think we will) … 5G isn’t going anywhere. That’s the type of investment you want to be in long term.

Monday Apple Rumors: iPhone SE 2 Will Feature New Antenna Design

Monday's Apple Rumors include the company asking for a lawsuit to be dismissed, battery tests of Dark Mode versus Light Mode and more.

MoneyLine: Time to Set the Record Straight

One of the most important sectors in the market hit an all-time high this week. Did you hear about it? I’d be shocked if you did. It drives me crazy, so my MoneyLine podcast this week is a high-energy show that calls out the mainstream media and their lack of honest reporting. In fact, two important events took place this week. One was completely ignored and the other was misreported by every major news outlet and financial website. The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX) closed at its best level ever this week, and there was not a mention on the major financial networks. Listen to the podcast to find out why this is so important.

Friday Apple Rumors: HKmap Live Saga Continues With Plea from Lawmakers

Friday's Apple Rumors include a possible icon for the next MacBook Pro, Quanta working with Apple on self-driving cars and more.

Invest in Alibaba Stock for the ‘What’ and not the ‘Where’

Alibaba stock has outpaced many U.S. tech giants and the S&P 500 index. If it was a U.S. company, would the stock have this much uncertainty?

Thursday Apple Rumors: iPhone Patent Reveals Way to Stabilize Content

Thursday's Apple Rumors include adoption rates for iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, as well as a new beta of macOS Catalina 10.15.1.