The Top 4 Stocks to Buy to Play Space Race 2.0

When you’ve been running one of the world’s largest companies for nearly three decades, you don’t just suddenly retire and transition into a quiet and off-the-radar lifestyle.

Image of space shuttle blasting off against starry backdrop, smoke plumes underneath shuttle.

Source: Shutterstock

So, when Jeff Bezos announced that he would stepping down as CEO of Amazon last week after 27 years at the helm, everyone knew that he would transition his energy, efforts, and resources into a new pursuit.

The million-dollar-question: Which pursuit?

In his letter to shareholders, Bezos said he would focus on three things: The Day 1 Fund (his fund focused on helping low-income families), the Bezos Earth Fund (his fund focused on accelerating the transition to clean energy), and Blue Origin (his space company).

The first two are charitable organizations. The last is a business – and a business which he said back in 2018 was “the most important work that I’m doing.”

That’s why folks believe that, in his post-Amazon era, Bezos will be hyperfocused on growing Blue Origin.

That’s a big deal.

Why? Because the last time Bezos was hyperfocused on growing a business, it was back before e-commerce took over the retail world and turned into a multi-trillion-dollar industry.

Make no mistake. The Space Economy will follow in the same explosive footsteps over the next two decades.

Let’s zoom out here…

We are amid the second Space Race – or Space Race 2.0, as I like to call it.

The first space race involved countries fighting to see who could get to the moon first. This space race involves companies fighting to see who can commercialize space first.

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Why is this happening now?

Here are three reasons:

  1. The need is greater. Overpopulation, resource depletion, and climate change are three existential crises facing humanity. All are close to a tipping point of “no return.” Colonizing and commercializing space will give humans more space, more resources, and more places to potentially live – thereby solving these major crises which are of pressing concern today.
  2. The technology is ready. For decades, technological shortcomings have limited human interest in space exploration. Those shortcomings are quickly becoming history. Advancements in propulsion technology, nanotechnology, and AI have given humans the technological capability to – for the first time ever – not just visit space, but own space.
  3. The costs are practical. Also for decades, sending humans and objects to and from space was prohibitively expensive – so expensive that it was reserved for ultra-special projects, and nothing more. But costs of space travel have collapsed in recent years, thanks to technological progress. And by the 2030s, many experts believe that flying people and objects to and from space will be as affordable as flying them between cities.

In other words, all the stars have finally aligned. For the first time in history, humans need to commercialize space, can commercialize space, and want to commercialize space.

Space Stocks to Buy for Space Race 2.0

Now… you may be asking… OK, let’s say we start making space travel easy, fast, and affordable. Then what?

That’s a great question. After all, the first space race abruptly ended after Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. After that landmark moment, human interest in space went dark for about fifty years.

That won’t happen this time around – and that’s because while the first space race was all about hitting an end-goal, Space Race 2.0 is about unlocking a new universe of opportunities.

What opportunities am I talking about?

There’s the much hyped-up space tourism category, which will be big because – let’s face it – who doesn’t want to see Earth from space?

There’s the satellite imaging market, which will become increasingly important in the self-driving era since dynamic satellite imagery will provide important landscape and terrain data for autonomous vehicles.

There’s the satellite tracking market, too, which will also become exceedingly important in the Internet of Things (IoT) era – where everything is smart and trackable, and companies will leverage satellites to track their IoT assets.

And how could I forget the connectivity market? Companies will increasingly use satellites to fix the world’s internet problem and beam high-speed connectivity to everyone, everywhere.

Or what about space’s own solar market? That’ll be big, too, since every square foot of solar panel in space gets about 10X more energy than every square foot of solar panel on Earth.

Don’t even get me started on space mining. There is an abundance of water in asteroids, the Moon and Mars. There’s a shortage of drinkable water on Earth. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect those dots – no pun intended.

Get the point?

The economic opportunities in space are infinite.

Today represents the beginning of humans unlocking all those opportunities.

And so, we ask the obvious question: What are the top space stocks to buy to tap into these huge opportunities?

For space travel, we have Virgin Galactic (NYSE:SPCE). This company will start commercial space operations this year, and eventually scale into a global commercial airflight company of sorts that is flying thousands of customers to and from space by the 2030s.

For space mobility, we have Momentus (NASDAQ:SRAC). This small company has developed a breakthrough, highly effective and exceptionally affordable water propulsion technology platform that will end up being the system all satellites use to maneuver through space.

For space imagery, there’s Maxar Technologies (NYSE:MAXR). Maxar should be able to leverage its expertise in satellite imagery and already-installed base of satellites orbiting the Earth to provide spatial imagery data for IoT devices and AVs.

Finally, for space communicates, we have the most exciting company in the bunch: AST & Science (NASDAQ:NPA). This company is building the world’s first space-based cellular broadband network, dubbed SpaceMobile, that will help connected everyone in the world to high-speed mobile internet, regardless of their location.

These four companies are revolutionary leaders in the Space Race 2.0, with huge and visible potential to either create or disrupt multi-hundred-billion-dollar industries.

They are the cream-of-the-crop when it comes to space investing.

So… don’t be afraid to conquer this final frontier… embrace the Space Race and place your faith in the companies in the lead.

These are potential 10X investment opportunities in the long haul.

P.S. I couldn’t be more thrilled to share my Hypergrowth insights with you all! Whether you’ve been with me since day one or have just finished reading your first issue, I’m glad to have you as a reader. Which is why I want you to be the first to know that I’m hosting a groundbreaking event on Feb. 23.

On this date, I’ll reveal the name of a small, emerging tech company that could very well be the next Amazon…

That’s not a phrase I throw around lightly… This company is on the cusp of pioneering a breakthrough that could replace everything we know about its industry.

And it’s not too late to get in on the ground floor.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll bring you more insights into this event and tell you how to take part in this multi-trillion-dollar shift.

I hope to see you there!

On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

By uncovering early investments in hypergrowth industries, Luke Lango puts you on the ground-floor of world-changing megatrends. It’s how his Daily 10X Report has averaged up to a ridiculous 100% return across all recommendations since launching last May. Click here to see how he does it.

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