Research Reports

An advertisement image with the title "5 Stocks to Survive the Election Chaos".

5 Stocks to Survive the Election Chaos

The reality is that, for investors, it doesn’t matter who wins the election in November. And in this report, let’s explore why that’s true. Plus, I’ll show you the first step you need to take protect your portfolio during this chaotic year, regardless of what happens between now and November…

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An advertisement image with the title "Seven Stocks That Will Outperform The Magnificent Seven in 2024.

Seven Stocks That Will Outperform the Magnificent Seven in 2024

In this report, I’m going to show you seven companies that are poised to beat the Magnificent Seven this year. With strong sales growth and profits ahead, these stocks are must-haves for your portfolio as we navigate through the year…

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An image of the InvestorPlace logo and title "Top 5 Stocks for 2024" by Louis Navellier on a light blue backdrop, with a futuristic pink and purple stock chart in the background.

Top 5 Stocks for 2024

With strong sales growth and profits ahead, these stocks are must-haves for your portfolio as we navigate our way through the year…

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Top 3 AI Stocks to Buy Now report cover

Top 3 AI Stocks to Buy Now

I want you set on the right side of this Technochasm divide. In order to do so, I used my Portfolio Grader to scan more than 6,000 stocks – and I found the top three AI stocks that are primed to benefit from this AI Revolution.

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4 Stocks Our AI Says Can Make You the Millionaire Next Door

4 Stocks Our AI Says Can Make You the Millionaire Next Door

Portfolio Grader is my AI-powered tool for individual investors. It measures a stock’s fundamentals – sales growth, earnings growth and the like – and its institutional buying pressure. Think of this as “following the money.” My AI-powered Portfolio Grader has flagged four stocks with superior fundamentals that are poised to fly higher this year. Let’s take a look now…

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Louis Navellier's report, "5 AA-Rated Bulletproof Retirement Stocks" surrounded by a black border

5 AA-Rated Bulletproof Retirement Stocks

There has always been a need for safe income investments. And right now that is looking more important than ever. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the air, so investors are turning to safer investments, including dividend-paying stocks that should “zig” when the market “zags.” I’ve found five AA-rated bulletproof retirement stocks that offer a solid blend of dividend and growth that should help make you money during these trying times.

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Louis Navellier's report, "The Top 10 Stocks Under $10" surrounded by a black border

Top 10 Stocks Under $10

There’s an easy way to resist our tendency to follow the crowd, and it’s to look for stocks that have become bargains. And I don’t just mean “cheap,” I mean good value. These are the company with strong underlying fundamentals that are also experiencing persistent buying pressure. Using those metrics, I’ve uncovered the top 10 stocks under $10 that are screaming buys right now.

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Louis Navellier's report, "Top 11 Stocks For 2023" surrounded by a black border

The Top 11 Stocks for 2023

The United States is grappling with serious problem: runaway inflation. But if you’re invested in the right stocks, you can still make money in this inflationary environment. Of course, you don’t want to invest in just any stock. You want the best of the best… the companies whose growth won’t be curtailed by inflation and will continue to boast strong earnings and sales growth. In this report, I’m going to show you 11 companies that have emerged as the crème de la crème that you should buy in 2023.

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Free Report by Louis Navellier: 11 Growth Stocks to Outrun a Recession

11 Growth Stocks to Outrun a Recession

If you’re worried about your investments and the possibility of a recession and extended bear market, you’re not alone. In this report, I’ll show you how to capitalize on today’s market dynamics to pick the best post-recession stocks… I’ll show you some high-growth industries that are marching forward even as the economy stalls… And I’ll share my Top 11 Stocks to Outrun a Recession.

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Top 5 Stocks Republican Congressmen Are Quietly Investing In cover photo

Top 5 Stocks Republican Congressmen Are Quietly Investing In

In this report, we will take a closer look at the Top 5 energy stocks – and other “recession proof” stocks – that Republican members of Congress are quietly investing in. With strong sales growth and profits ahead, these stocks are must-haves for your portfolio as we navigate our way through this turbulent environment…

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An image of a tablet showing a cover image for an article titled "5 Undervalued Growth Stocks Set to Skyrocket" by Louis Navellier and the InvestorPlace logo on a purple backdrop, with futuristic green and red stock charts in the background.

5 Undervalued Growth Stocks Set to Skyrocket

On any given business day, millions of people pay attention to the blinking lights and flashing numbers they believe make up “the stock market.” Unfortunately, just a tiny percentage of those people will ever understand the real secret to making money in stocks.

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