I Just Sat Down with Charlie Shrem AGAIN – You Want to Hear What We Talked About

Have you heard of Charlie Shrem?

If you’ve been reading MoneyWire over the last week… you have.

Charlie is a legend in the cryptocurrency world, and he’s my guest on the new episode of MoneyLine.

He was likely one of the first to receive the white paper that started the crypto revolution, and as a result he’s been investing in bitcoin since it traded under $10. Now, he’s considered a pioneer and one of the most well-respected people in the industry.

On today’s podcast, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Charlie. We talk about his 10 years in the industry, and he’ll tell you what he thinks about bitcoin and why he continues to buy it… regularly. He also talks about one of the hottest trends in the space right now – DeFi, or decentralized finance.

Then, we get to talking about a brand-new cryptocurrency portfolio we just launched this week. It’s called Crypto Investor Network. The four altcoins we’re recommending are already up 8% on average… and the best news? They’re still buyable at current prices.

I also touch on some big news items from this week in the podcast

The broad market pullback continued for the fourth straight week, but over the last couple of days several indices and stocks appear to be flashing major buy signals. I give you my full thoughts on the September slide.

Plus, four new biotech IPOs hit the market today. We all love IPOs, so I’ll fill you in on each.

We also don’t want to overlook housing numbers, which have remained impressive with new homes sales now at 14-year highs. This is a trend that will continue… and investors should not ignore it.

And then, two more stories that shaped the week: Sports gambling is finally making its way into the headlines… and breakthrough liquid biopsies are the future. We have two stocks in our portfolios that are on the move as result.

You do not want to miss this action-packed show. Click here to watch it now.

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Just as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can’t function without the internet, the next generation of world-changing, $1 trillion mega winners can’t survive without the subject of this report… the super powerful infrastructure technology we call “5G.” Learn more here.

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I’m not exaggerating when I say this will lead to trillions of dollars in money sloshing around in the coming decades. What is coming will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born. Learn more here.

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Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your “field guide” for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/09/i-just-sat-down-with-charlie-shrem-again-you-want-to-hear-what-we-talked-about/.

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