Net Neutrality News: 10 Things to Know About the ‘Day of Action’

Net Neutrality is in the news today as websites and companies take part in the “Day of Action.”

Net Neutrality News: 10 Things to Know About the 'Day of Action'

Source: Shutterstock

Here are a few things to know about the Day of Action and how it connects to Net Neutrality.

  • The Day of Action is a time for companies and websites to speak up and protect Net Neutrality rules.
  • Companies that are taking part in the event include Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG,GOOGL),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), Netflix, Inc.(NASDAQ:NFLX), as well as many others.
  • There are over 80,000 websites that are taking part in the Day of Action protests.
  • Net Neutrality was introduced in 2015 by the  Barack Obama administration.
  • It makes it so that internet service providers can’t charge extra for certain content or give some websites speed advantages over others.
  • The FCC, under President Donald Trump’s administration, is looking to remove Net Neutrality rules.
  • It argues that removing regulation will allow for more investments in new technology.
  • The Day of Action protests have many websites displaying loading symbols or warning messages about what could happen if Net Neutrality is dies.
  • The current FCC Chairman looking to take down the rules protecting the internet is Ajit Pai.
  • He has a majority of votes on his side and will likely go forward with plans to remove regulation around the internet later this summer.

You can follow these links to see more of what companies and websites are doing during the Day of Action to try and save Net Neutrality rules.

As of this writing, William White did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

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