300% Profits – And a 7% Yield

Yesterday, I described how it seems that every five to eight years or so, a window of explosive wealth creation opens.

Stepping through this window is like stepping into an alternate universe where the laws of wealth creation are much different than in the normal world.

I showed you how we gained 546% in just four months – a rarity in regular times but possible when one of these windows opens.

From technology to the internet to real estate to cryptocurrencies, these are the windows that can help people get rich – often faster than they think possible.

These are the windows to making a lot of money.

But… the key is walking through them… and now is the time.

Here’s another example of what I mean.

A Surprising Way to Make a Fortune in Marijuana

I mentioned Akerna (KERN) yesterday – the company that resulted from the merger of MTech Acquisition and MJ Freeway. It surged over 546% in four months thanks to the completion of the merger. We got in when it was still under the radar by using MTech shares as a way to automatically get Akerna shares when they started trading.

Today, I want to tell you about another company that was under the radar for a time.

It’s not anymore. Last week, Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR) hit an all-time high of $137.78 – more than 300% above where I recommended it less than 11 months ago.

Innovative Industrial Properties happens to have one of the most creative business models in the entire marijuana industry. It is actually a marijuana real estate investment trust, or REIT for short. It buys freestanding properties from medical marijuana growers licensed by their respective states and then leases the properties back to the growers.

This gives those growers an infusion of capital to expand their operations and increase production. In return, Innovative Industrial Properties receives regular rent payments under a long-term lease.

Pretty slick, huh?

Wall Street is waking up to the opportunity: Institutional investors now hold 57% of Innovative Industrial Properties’ stock, which is one reason it has surged 600% in the last two years.

High institutional ownership is unusual in marijuana stocks because institutions don’t have many companies to choose from. Because marijuana is still illegal federally, most companies that touch the plant are unable to go public on the major exchanges. Innovative Industrial Properties is one of the few that could because it never actually touches the plant.

In fact, Innovative Industrial Properties became the first marijuana stock to ever list on a major U.S. stock exchange in 2016. That opened it up to a lot more investors.

(Stocks that “jump” up from minor exchanges to major exchanges are also big opportunities in this window of wealth creation. If you’re a subscriber to Early Stage Investor, I hope you saw yesterday’s alert raising the buy limit on one of my Pot Jumper stocks. Log in to see the details, or click here to learn about my Pot Jumper stock picks!)

Adding to the appeal of Innovative Industrial Properties is the fact that it pays out juicy dividends. Because it is structured as a REIT, 90% of its income must get passed along to shareholders. Take a look at Innovative Industrial Properties’ earnings and you’ll see its rental income is growing exponentially, which in turn means higher dividend payouts.

Since I recommended it in Investment Opportunities last August, the yield has nearly doubled from $0.35 a share each quarter to $0.60. The annual yield based on the current price (after the big run) is a still decent 1.9%, but at our initial price we’re looking at a yield of 7.1%!

Think about that: 300% profits and a 7% yield. That’s a powerful and rare combination.

See what I mean about this window of wealth creation?

An Early Stage Version of IIPR

Innovative Industrial Properties is a great stock, and now everybody is finding that out.

But I like to invest way BEFORE everyone jumps on board. Getting in before the crowd is how you make the big money.

Take a company similar to Innovative Industrial Properties but in its earlier stages. It also contracts with early stage marijuana companies – which often find it difficult to secure funding – and is building a diverse (and extremely lucrative) revenue stream.

Its revenues are expected to explode: From less than 250,000 Canadian dollars in 2016, it’s expecting nearly CA$150 million by 2020.

The time to get in is now: This potentially major player trades at 1/40th the value of industry giant Canopy Growth (CGC). And as more of its deals bear fruit – or leaves, in this instance – the company is already positioned for big upside.

I think of it as the Royal Gold of Marijuana. I’ve got everything you need to know. And I can direct you exactly how to buy into this phenomenon.

The key with these royalty companies is to get there first – meaning now. Click here to get in on the action.

P.S. This early stage company is a unique type of investment in the red-hot marijuana market.

It could realistically multiply your money several times over in the coming years… if you take part soon… ideally before June 27.

This incredibly rare phenomenon may have only occurred a small handful of times in the past few decades – in other industries. But on many occasions, it’s resulted in an explosion of wealth so incredible, the numbers almost seem made up.

When Royal Gold (RGLD) exploited it in 1983, it returned early investors as much as 45,300% gains!

Incredibly, there is that opportunity once again, right now… in the booming marijuana market.

This is so important that I put together a presentation with all of the details on this rare opportunity and why you need to act now. Click here to learn all about it.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2019/06/300-profits-and-a-7-yield/.

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