This Is Only the Beginning for the Marijuana Industry

It feels like I’ve been all around the world recently.

A month ago I was in China, where I uncovered several trends that I plan to keep a close eye on in the coming months.

Last week I jetted up to Toronto, where I attended two different marijuana conferences. Early in the week was the Cannabis Summit put on by The Economist magazine. Then came the Life’s Cannabis Expo, which is the largest in all of Canada.

Next, I’m off to Dublin, Ireland this weekend before heading to Nashville for a bit. Then, finally, I’ll be home.

Travelling is exhausting, so it may sound like I’m complaining. But I am not. It’s this travelling that allows me to conduct the boots-on-the-ground research that I believe is crucial to our investment strategy – and it’s something a lot of analysts don’t make the effort to do.

Events like the ones I attended in Toronto provide so much insightful information. They also give me a chance to sit down and chat with executives at some of the companies I recommend to my subscribers. These interactions are invaluable. (I told you about one in my MoneyWire Roundup last Friday!)

The conferences left me more excited than ever about the opportunity brewing in the marijuana industry. I know… it’s hard to believe that I can get even more excited! But it’s true.

We’ve been talking about marijuana for quite some time now, and my subscribers are already seeing big payoffs in the stocks we got into early. In fact, we just locked in 200% profits in Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR), a company we’ve been invested in since August. And we only sold one-third of the position! Now we’re playing with house money.

Believe it or not, we’re still only in the very beginning stages of growth. More news is released daily, and cannabis stocks continue to climb higher and higher… and higher.

Tilray Shocks the Shorts

Speaking of climbing, Tilray (TLRY) rallied 11% on Monday after announcing a downstream merger with minority shareholder Privateer Holdings.

Tilray, the first “pure play” marijuana-focused company to IPO on a major U.S. stock exchange, is one of the most notorious stocks in the industry. The shares soared more than 1,200% between their market debut in July and their ultimate high in September, making early investors a lot of money.

Since then it has slipped back down toward $40 – so it’s still a double from its IPO price – and as a result has become heavily-shorted. The short sellers were betting that Privateer Holdings, which owns 77% of Tilray’s outstanding shares, would look to cash out in the coming months.

But now, the downstream merger will make Privateer a wholly owned subsidiary of Tilray, and it extends the lockup period – which had expired in January – another two years.

It looks like those shorts might be a bit of trouble… which means we also might see higher prices for Tilray again. I’m not the biggest fan of this stock. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a stock to watch. And in the meantime, there are plenty of other, better valued, cannabis opportunities out there.

Green Growth Brands Opens More CBD Stores

Green Growth Brands (GGBXF) might sound familiar to you because of its failed takeover attempt of Aphria (APHA), one of the largest cannabis companies in Canada. But the rejected acquisition hasn’t stopped this company from growing.

Green Growth announced earlier this week that it has entered a deal with Brookfield Properties to open more than 70 CBD-focused retail shops at Brookfield’s 160+ highly visited shopping centers and malls around the country. This will expand Green Growth’s footprint to approximately 280 retail locations by the end of this year.

The company said on Wednesday that it had officially opened 50 retail shops related to its Seventh Sense brand since mid-February – seven of which are at Brookfield locations. These stores sell high-quality CBD-infused personal care and beauty products at affordable prices.

And Green Growth also plans to expand its chain of CBD-infused personal care products with the addition of a brand named Green Lily. This brand is all about empowering women, and four related shops will open as part of the Brookfield agreement.

Green Growth Brands currently holds the title for strongest sales per square foot in the cannabis industry, and it looks like that standing is only going to get stronger as CBD becomes more mainstream.

More is Coming…

As you know, I’ve been carefully monitoring the marijuana industry since it began… back when Colorado became the first state to legalize in 2014. Today, 11 states and Washington, D.C. allow recreational use. And Colorado just passed the $1 billion mark in cannabis-derived state revenue. So it’s only a matter of time before marijuana is legalized in more states and eventually the entire country.

A lot of investors have already made a lot of money, but I keep pounding the table on this rare opportunity because there is much more to come.

Marijuana is a massive trend that is still in its early stages, with the U.S. waiting in the wings to become the biggest market in the world. Any time governments open up a huge new market like legal marijuana, investors can win very big.

We’re already seeing that, and there is a lot more to come. I hate the thought of you or anyone else missing out, but you don’t have to. Stocks are moving, and it’s not too late.

P.S. The next wave of marijuana wealth could be explosive. I want you to see for yourself what is truly at stake for investors who get in BEFORE America legalizes nationally.

I want you to understand why it’s critical to invest now… before the announcement of the national legalization of marijuana!

Marijuana’s next wave of wealth is approaching much quicker than you think. Stay tuned to MoneyWire. And if you want more information now on how to get started right away, please click here.

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