What Tech Investors Can Learn From “Tomorrowland”

Over the weekend, I told you about your chance to invest early in a rare “keystone” technology that “will change everything.”

That’s because 5G, the next generation of wireless connectivity, is so big and so powerful that it will singlehandedly drive all other technologies over the next several decades.

As you can imagine, smart investors who get in before this breakthrough technology rolls out on a mass scale could make a fortune.

This massive opportunity is so important that I want to keep telling you more about it over the next few days. Some folks are still skeptical about this technology’s power to transform our lives, our cities, and our fortunes. If that’s you, I have good news for you. I can take you to a place that exists right now and gives us a sneak preview of what’s to come.

You’ve probably heard of it, but not many people have any idea of the amazing things happening there.

I’m talking about the tiny, Baltic nation of Estonia.

Twenty-seven years ago, Estonia was a tiny castoff from Soviet Russia that barely mattered. Back then, less than half of its population even had access to a telephone!

Today, according to Wired magazine, Estonia is “the most advanced digital society in the world.” It’s become known as the “Silicon Valley of Europe.”

Estonia might be small, at just 1.2 million people… but its people live on the cutting edge of technology. Factories are almost completely automated. Prescription drugs are filled instantly and are promptly available for pickup at any pharmacy.

Even public services have been digitally streamlined. Its government is planning 50 new artificial intelligence (AI) projects for next year. But already in Estonia you can:

  • Challenge a parking ticket online, from your smartphone.
  • Pay your taxes online, too, in mere minutes. Seriously, it takes the average Estonian just three minutes to do his or her taxes…
  • And it takes just five minutes to start a business. So, Estonia now has more business startups per person than any other country in the world.

Fortune magazine has dubbed Estonia “Tomorrowland.” And it’s all for one simple reason: Internet access is considered a basic human right, like shelter or food.

In fact, the country provides one of the fastest and most secure free WiFi networks on the planet… over virtually the whole country, even beaches and remote forests!

And now, to stay on the cutting edge, Estonia is adopting the new “keystone technology” for the Internet Age – one of the very first to do so. It’s allowed the country to win the race to a nationwide network of charging stations for electric cars…

In fact, Estonia has successfully integrated driverless buses with no major incidents reported.

Satellites can detect litter and send a robot to clean it up. In fact, robots are everywhere — delivering groceries and pizzas, mowing lawns, even bartending.

The Estonian government — looking to be first again — is currently drafting laws aimed at providing the legal framework that ensures artificial intelligence and robots are developed to behave in an ethical and sustainable way.

There is even a robot judge for small claims court, which greatly speeds up the process.

Those are just a few fun examples. The bottom line is that Estonia is one of the most advanced countries the world has ever seen… and it’s largely thanks to the lightning-fast 5G technology it’s adopted on a mass scale.

When someone asks, “Can 5G really do all of this? Transform entire cities and countries — and the daily lives of millions of people?” I want you to think of Estonia.

In Estonia, the GDP is growing nearly THREE TIMES faster than in America, and its stock market is soaring.

The average resident’s income has more than QUADRUPLED since going digital. And that will advance even more as 5G technology rolls out.

It’s easy to see why tech insiders and governments are rushing to get their money in front of this massive trend.

Who Will Be The Next “Tomorrowland”?

More than 20 world governments — from the U.S. to China, Russia to Brazil and the European Union — are shifting their resources to become the world leader in this exciting new chapter of innovation that 5G will enable.

The U.S. government will save up to $1.8 trillion over the next few years, all thanks to 5G-enabled cities.

China is already on pace to spend over $400 billion on developing its 5G infrastructure. That’s why the Trump administration has made the deployment of 5G a top national priority.

The U.S. National Security Council argued that “it’s needed to create a secure pathway for emerging technologies” and “to combat Chinese threats to America’s economic and cybersecurity.”

Every industry on the planet is about to be upgraded by mammoth proportions. And the biggest gains have yet to be seen in 5G.

I say that for two reasons:

  1. Most people, including mainstream investors, are still in the dark about 5G technology… They think 5G only means faster download speeds and better streaming. It’s so much bigger than that.
  2. And companies are just starting to build out their 5G infrastructure. Meaning this technology has not rolled out on a mainstream level yet.

But it won’t stay that way for long. Take a look at the chart below. It shows what tech companies – and their investors – can expect if they get positioned with 5G now:

We’re still in the early stages of the 5G revolution. But over the next five years, the market for 5G will soar 750 times. Talk about a lucrative mega-trend!

After enormous success in Estonia and other places, companies are now under the gun, racing to build out the 5G landscape. For example, cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Stockholm, and Dubai have been selected from various companies as test grounds for 5G.

4G technology quickly grew to be one of the largest segments of the global economy, estimated to be worth about $6 trillion annually in revenue. For context, that’s almost as big as the entire global construction industry!

But here’s the thing…

5G is Going to Blow Way Past 4G

4G might have topped out at $6 trillion, but global research firm IHS Markit found that 5G will unlock $12.3 trillion in revenue across multiple industries. And it’ll support more than 22 million jobs around the world.

That’s because we simply have so many more applications ready to go – just waiting for a technology breakthrough like this. For early investors, it presents the chance to get in at the very start of a massive “keystone-level” technological shift.

I’ll be talking more about the particular ways 5G will change the game here in MoneyWire over the next few days. And if you’d like to catch my latest free briefing – all about the investment potential of 5G – then click here.

P.S. 5G isn’t a technology that may or may not happen. It’s happening right now in front of our very eyes, and as I just showed you, it’s going to create an unprecedented amount of wealth.

You could take just a tiny initial stake in one simple investment for 5G, and potentially end up with a fortune to last for decades.

So how can you position yourself to profit from this groundbreaking opportunity? I’ve been hard at work on the research, and I can show you exactly how to get started today by clicking here.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt focuses on 5G. He dives into the huge opportunities within the mega-trend and talks with Paul Dellaquila, the gentleman who built the first 5G-focused ETF. Then, he discusses Apple’s new product launches and the huge potential in its Apple TV+.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2019/09/what-tech-investors-can-learn-from-tomorrowland/.

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