I’m Getting a Lot of Questions About My New Income Project

Just 24 hours after my webinar telling investors how to make big income in the marijuana mega-trend, I can tell I got a lot of people’s attention. They’ve been asking:

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What makes you want to pursue income? Aren’t you more of a growth guy?

How much income are we talking here?

What are the best stocks to use?

It looks so easy – but will it work in MY portfolio?

I’m not surprised to be getting a lot of questions, because with Cannabis Cash Weekly we’re doing something I haven’t seen anywhere else.

So here’s my chance to clarify a few things.

First of all, when I talked about “income,” I was talking about 100% yields or more. That’s a pretty big goal, I know. But even from the first 10 minutes of yesterday’s webinar, we’re well on our way already:

If you caught my on-air demonstration (click here for the recording), you saw how we made $420 from Aurora Cannabis (ACB). That’s an instant 5% yield… with only one trade. If you do this every week – as we will be – then that adds up pretty quickly.

But the beauty of it is, we didn’t wait around for ACB stock itself to go up 5%… or 50%… or 100%. Ultimately, I think it will (as Aurora’s revenues climb from $43 million in 2018 to $1.5 billion in 2022)…

However, even on days when pot stocks go down, my Cannabis Cash Weekly strategy makes sure you’ll still get paid – in cash.

For example, after a nice run from January to March, ACB lost 16% between April and June:

For an early stage company like Aurora, that kind of volatility is normal. And it can actually be very lucrative – if you play it right. With a strategy like Cannabis Cash Weekly, the stock becomes a stepping-stone to generate cash for your account. You could have made $2,600 if you were following along.

Here’s another example. Last October, Canopy Growth (CGC) finally plateaued after a big run-up:

Even though the stock lost 4% that month, you could have used it as a stepping-stone instead, and made $12,200!

So, you can see why this is such a great way to play the cannabis mega-trend right now. Other traders are taking a lot of risky bets on cannabis in the options market. All we have to do is take the safer side of the trade.

How to Trade for Income – With Less Risk

Traders love options, but I like to use them in a much different way than most! This particular method uses covered calls. If you haven’t done them, you can ask anyone – it is the most conservative options strategy around. They’ll even let you do it in your retirement account.

Yet it’s often overlooked. The perception among traders is that this is “boring.” But what’s boring about instant income to your account – whenever you want it?

At the end of the day, when you combine two of my favorite strategies – growth investing and covered calls – you get a system that can be very profitable without taking on a lot of risk.

There’s Another Reason No One Else Is Doing This

For many people, any strategy that involves cannabis stocks feels like a “shot in the dark.” Those are the people who are not informed about the industry. (Which is one reason I make sure to share the latest developments here in MoneyWire.)

The key with pot stocks is that this is a long-term play. I watch the revenues, cash flow, the leadership of the company, and its path to profitability over time.

This is how I tell which pot stocks have staying power.

And just like I don’t recommend any old cannabis company in my newsletters – we won’t use just any pot stock for Cannabis Cash Weekly.

At this point, they’re pretty easy for me to spot, because I’ve been researching marijuana opportunities for several years. You may have even seen me on TV as long ago as October 2014. Back then, I was one of the first to go on record and say, “This is a trend that isn’t ending anytime soon.”

I made it my mission to become one of the top experts on the cannabis market. From all that research, I’ve identified less than a dozen stocks that currently qualify for Cannabis Cash Weekly.

Then I structure the trade so that we win twice on any position – first through the option income, then through the stock itself.

I hope that helps clear things up. If you’re ready to hear more – or if you missed yesterday’s event – click here now.

P.S. I’d like to reiterate one quick thing: Unlike most income strategies, mine is not only reliable – but extremely frequent. Our income will literally come every single week.

That’s why I don’t even mess around with dividend stocks, where you may only get paid once a quarter. (Talk about boring.) Why wait around when we can use Cannabis Cash Weekly to get paid every “Green Monday”?

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt focuses on Chinese biotech – what he calls one of his favorite long-term investment opportunities of our lifetime. He talks to Brad Loncar of Loncar Investments, who created the index that the China BioPharma ETF (CHNA) tracks. And Brad shares his thoughts on why he is also so bullish on the sector. Finally, Matt discusses the genetic testing industry and why he believes it is the keystone to the future of healthcare.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2019/09/im-getting-a-lot-of-questions-about-my-new-income-project/.

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