MoneyLine: Time to Set the Record Straight

One of the most important sectors in the market hit an all-time high this week.

Did you hear about it?

I’d be shocked if you did.

It drives me crazy, so my MoneyLine podcast this week is a high-energy show that calls out the mainstream media and their lack of honest reporting.

In fact, two important events took place this week. One was completely ignored and the other was misreported by every major news outlet and financial website.

The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX) closed at its best level ever this week, and there was not a mention on the major financial networks. Semiconductor stocks are one of the best indicators of the market, and a breakout of this magnitude cannot be ignored. Click here to listen to why it is so important… and you’ll also get an entertaining rant in the process.

And then there was retail sales. They were terrible, right? Well, that is what the media wanted you to believe. But again, the truth was not told. In reality, the numbers were solid and retail stocks rallied on the news. I will break down the real numbers you need to know and talk about my favorite brick-and-mortar retailer… which popped more than 13.5% in just the last three days.

To listen to the complete MoneyLine podcast, click here or go to any of your favorite podcast outlets. It is available on Apple iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, etc. Remember to subscribe for all new episodes.

Don’t forget to check out our YouTube page while you’re at it!

I hope you enjoy the podcast. I’ll be back in touch tomorrow with more on how what you’re hearing in the financial media could be costing you money.

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