Today’s Blowout Earnings Could Trigger the Next Cannabis Rally

It’s earnings season here in the market.

That may sound boring to some of you – and I get it. But today, earnings season gave us some exciting news.

The world’s largest cannabis company reported much better-than-expected earnings this morning. The stock opened 20% higher, and the positive sentiment spread throughout the industry. This is extremely encouraging action, as the sector benchmark ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (MJ) had been trading near a bottom and is now bouncing nicely off it.

Could this be the trigger to reignite the next major rally in cannabis stocks?

These earnings are so darn good that I think it might be…

Check out today’s MoneyLine podcast, as I take a deeper look into the numbers and share what I believe are the best opportunities in the sector right now.

Nvidia (NVDA), a leading chipmaker, also reported blowout earnings numbers that show not only how strong the technology sector is… but also its massive upside potential. The company grew revenue 41% year-over-year, which is simply amazing for a big business worth $184 billion.

The stock traded very well today – and my Investment Opportunities subscribers are reaping the rewards. Nvidia is up nearly 100% since it was added to the portfolio less than a year ago.

And guess what? I think there is still a lot of upside left.

Finally, I wrap up today’s podcast with my thoughts on the hot biotech IPO market. There are huge money-making opportunities there right now. It’s amazing to see the number of triple-digit winners that have come from this niche group of stocks over the last year.

And it’s not stopping any time soon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… 2020 is the Year of Biotech.

Everything is rocking and rolling in the market right now. You need to find out what’s going on and where to get in on the action, so be sure to check out this week’s MoneyLine podcast now.

P.S. My latest microcap recommendation is in the hot biotech market, and it’s already up 90% in a little over a week.

The best way to make big money in the coming years is to invest in smaller companies before they grow large. Biotech is an especially good sector for that.

You can learn more by watching my special Microcap Millionaire Project before it’s too late.

I also revealed the top sectors in which to find microcaps for rare 2,500% potential gains… as well as my favorite microcap investment ideas for 2020 and beyond.

Click here to catch the replay of the big event.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week,  Matt fills us in on earnings season. The world’s largest cannabis company reported strong numbers… so could this be the trigger to ignite the next major rally? Nvidia (NVDA), a leading chipmaker, also reported blowout results that show just how strong the tech sector is. Finally, Matt wraps up with his thoughts on biotech IPOs and their huge money-making opportunities.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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