Only One Technology Can Protect the COVID-19 Supply Chain from Fraud and Waste

Is it just me or are the scammers even more active these days?

More text-message scams seem to be sneaking by than usual, from real estate “deals” to fake warnings about coronavirus exposure.

We’ve also seen scammers call people and exploit the government stimulus checks to try and get their bank account numbers. Alphabet (GOOGL) reported in mid-April that it detected 18 million COVID-19 email scams in a week. That included malware attachments plus “phishing” scams that impersonate a legitimate site to steal your username and password.

Here at InvestorPlace, we use Microsoft Teams to collaborate online, and more than 50,000 users just got hit with a very realistic phishing scam to steal people’s work logins.

Sadly, snake-oil salesmen are also hawking “cures” for COVID-19 – and even peddling fake face masks to healthcare workers fighting the virus!

Fraud in the supply chain has gotten so bad that China now puts QR codes on mask shipments with two-factor authentication, plus a special “token” chip to verify product legitimacy.

And when I talk about “verifying product legitimacy,” guess how it works? The blockchain. This breakthrough technology continues to grow…

If you really want to know if a shipment is legitimate, you need to track it the whole way back. Where and when was it produced? What stops did it make along the supply chain? You’d need a digital ledger that’s totally transparent – yet totally secure. And that’s exactly what the blockchain is.

The ledger on which cryptocurrency exchanges run is maintained with an open-source protocol… meaning anyone can read and review it. And all the computers on the network get a copy of the transactions. This makes it practically impossible for anyone to fake, hack, or exploit them.

In a crisis, companies start to realize what the blockchain can do for them. When you transact on the blockchain, you can buy and sell more efficiently… because you can do it directly. The transaction goes straight from one party to the other – with no middleman. All of this takes place within the blockchain. There’s no room for human error or fraud.

And the blockchain platform that’s helping fix the medical mask supply chain is VeChain, one of the top-rated cryptocurrencies I recommend in my Ultimate Crypto service.

Once COVID-19 dies down, VeChain will also help online marketplace Arcadier avoid counterfeit toys and collectibles.

Australia is big on blockchain tracking these days, too. In February, its government announced a five-year National Blockchain Roadmap to better track exports and spot the best opportunities. Australia is a major exporter to China, so they’ll start there – using blockchain to publicly track and verify shipments of wine, produce, and food between the two countries.

Mastercard (MA) and Alipay China will cover the payment side. The blockchain ledger is a huge help here as well.

As you may recall from financial news reports, a lot of companies are having cash-flow problems because of the closures and stay-at-home orders for COVID-19. Now that every stop on the supply chain is digitally recorded, the companies can set up automatic payments at each location.

And, again, the key player in all of this is VeChain, one of 10 select cryptocurrencies on my Ultimate Crypto buy list. That includes four new “altcoin” picks I just released.

I added this pick because I’m urging investors to get in position NOW… before bitcoin’s halvening next week. It could happen as soon as Monday. That’s when new supply will be cut in half, and previous halvenings have been a massive catalyst not just for bitcoin, but even more so for other cryptocurrencies.

One of my other new Ultimate Crypto picks is protecting customers in a totally different industry: real estate.

Think of how wasteful and slow-moving that market can be. In a real estate transaction, a new contract and regulation pops up every step of the way. It’s so inefficient that it leads to lots of price gouging and hidden fees. But in the future, real estate will be transacted through smart contracts that will cut costs dramatically.

Right now, one Pennsylvania-based real estate company is in the process of tokenizing its $300 million real estate portfolio, and it is doing so on the blockchain of one of my recommended coins.

But U.S. commercial real estate is a much larger market overall: $1.2 trillion. Add in residential real estate as well as global markets, and the total addressable market (TAM) for smart contracts from real estate alone is into the trillions of dollars.

Yet the altcoin involved is worth just $2 billion now… and that’s one of the larger ones. So, you see the massive upside potential here.

And I’m here to tell you that those huge profits are yours for the taking – as long as you’re investing in the right cryptocurrencies. The best of the best, which we vet through my “MAG” System.

At Ultimate Crypto, I’ve got my 10-altcoin portfolio, plus a Crypto Watch List of the next 20 altcoins that could qualify soon.

And tomorrow I’ll be releasing my newest altcoin pick, exclusively for the Ultimate Crypto buy list.

Click here to learn about the MAG System, the incredible opportunity in this market, and to get on the list to receive tomorrow’s new buy alert.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt discusses whether it’s time to “sell in May and go away,” as many investors are often advised… of if it’s time to buy the dip. There seem to be opportunities in airlines as they may get a bailout, and eSports are on the rise with regular sports out of commission for the time being. As always, Matt fills you in on the latest.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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