How to Turn This 5G Investing Mistake to Your Advantage

To truly understand where the big opportunities in 5G will come from, you must know what this technology is really about.

Think of a wireless communication network like 5G as you do a highway system. But instead of cars and trucks traveling on these highways, it’s phone calls, texts, emails, and payments.

The 5G superhighway that’s under construction is really about information.

The massive upgrade to 5G will allow us to shoot all that information back and forth 100 times faster — as fast as the blink of an eye. In other words, you’ll be able to send and download huge amounts of data in near real-time.

That’s the untold game changer coming with 5G. It’s not about us being able to download a movie faster. It’s about all the breakthrough technologies that will be enabled by this speed and reliability. That’s why the technology is poised to unlock more than $56 trillion in new wealth in the coming years.

But many folks seem to be looking at this historic stock investing opportunity the wrong way. They’re missing the bigger picture and the potentially life-changing profits that await…

Everybody is talking about 5G infrastructure plays right now. The building of the highway itself. I get it. It’s exciting.

Those are good opportunities… but they’re not great.

You might be able to make money now, as the 5G superhighway is being built. But once it’s in place, then what?

I believe the massive wealth-building opportunity that comes with 5G is in the revolutionary new companies setting up shop along the brand new superhighway. They are set to make more money over a much longer period of time.

You have to realize that this is more than an upgrade or some clever marketing gimmick to boost sales of smartphones. This is a technological breakthrough – a new kind of network. It will transform existing industries and create entirely new ones at the same time.

5G Will Bring Smart Factories of the Future, Now

One existing industry that will be transformed is manufacturing. It’s been itching for a huge overhaul. And if anything, the global outbreak of COVID-19 has underlined 5G’s importance for the sector.

As COVID-19 spread from China across the world, manufacturers forced to temporarily shutter or cut back on production made some hard choices. Addressing critical supply shortages, many pivoted on a dime and started making protective masks, face shields, and even ventilators for our healthcare workers.

Factories now have to find their way in the “new normal.” The sudden shift has shown that they must be flexible and able to adapt to changing market conditions like never before.

They were dealing with some of this before the pandemic – tighter deadlines, shorter product life cycles, and more varied and complex components. COVID-19 simply accelerated these pressures.

With its nearly foolproof reliability, incredibly high bandwidth, and ability to handle multiple connections, 5G allows manufacturers to pivot faster to new projects. They don’t have to worry about setting up new connections on the factory floor as they switch from fixed wireless deployments to mobile.

And they’re not waiting to get started.

ABI Research forecasts wireless connections in factories will grow even faster than fixed-line connections from 2019 to 2030, reaching over five million 5G connections by 2025.

Manufacturing will account for the biggest chunk – about $4.7 trillion – of any business sector in the early stages of 5G’s rollout, according to Omdia’s ICT Enterprise Insights 2019/2020 survey.

But remember, 5G means more than a simple upgrade. It’s about laying the information superhighway needed to deploy other hypergrowth technologies that will transform our world.

For instance, manufacturers can harness the power of machine-vision enabled robotics or virtual reality and augmented reality to bring more precision and efficiency to the factory floor. They can harvest data from billions of connected devices known as the Internet of Things and use it to make more informed decisions.

This shift is made possible by the 5G superhighway.

What’s ahead is so big and so transformative that it will be one of the best chances you ever get to build great wealth in stocks.

The world’s most successful entrepreneurs and investors know the buildout of a major piece of infrastructure – like an information superhighway – creates a far larger and far better profit opportunity than the actual building of it.

To put it simply, if you want to create life-changing wealth, you must own the companies that stand to benefit from the decades of traffic the new highway creates.

They’re already setting up shop, so now is the time to get in on the action.

P.S. During the rise of the internet in the 1990s, companies like Amazon (AMZN) built massively scalable businesses that collect revenue streams over and over again from all of the information the internet unleashed. Early investors in Amazon’s e-commerce model saw returns of 1,298X their money.

5G is setting up similar opportunities today. But there’s a problem… every talking head and supposed expert talking about 5G is missing the biggest, most lucrative part of the story.

That’s why I just released my new 5G Highway Super Portfolio. It is filled with stocks set to ride the wave higher, like the #1 5G medical robotics company, or a company that’s enabling smart factories to integrate AR, VR, and computer vision technologies.

To learn more about the massive opportunity and the companies I’m talking about, click here now.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt wants to know if you’re a short-term trader or a long-term investor? He also discusses the question: Is it worth it to invest in China? There are many styles of investing, and Matt goes over what he believes is the best investing mindset for 99% of investors. He also talks about the future of sports and so much more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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