Time to Revisit the “Proximity Trade”

Another Friday and the end of another historic week as the S&P 500 closed at a new all-time high.

It’s amazing if you think about it. Through a global pandemic and economies around the world shutting down, stocks are still breaking out.

On this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I will give you my thoughts on the market hitting a high and how you should approach buying or selling stocks.

Then, we absolutely must talk about cryptocurrencies… and in particular altcoins. The altcoin portfolio in my Ultimate Crypto newsletter is now up 177% on average since it was launched in early January. And just today, another one of the altcoins became a “double”.

That gives us eight doubles in since January. Impressive considering there are only 11 altcoins in the portfolio.

Speaking of big gains, I’ll tell you all about an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that is killing the market with its 82% gain this year. It’s a tech-focused ETF breaking out to a new high this week, and I’ll discuss some of the strong stocks leading it higher.

Then it’s time to revisit the proximity trade. Remember, this is the opposite of the social-distancing/work-from-home-trade that many investors took advantage of this year. As more states reopen, it will lead to more travel and leisure.

I’ve been researching this, and I’ll share five stocks with you that fall into the proximity trade basket.

Get your pen and paper ready, there are lots of ticker symbols on today’s MoneyLine.

Click here now to watch the show and all the ideas we discuss.

Have a great weekend!

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/08/time-to-revisit-the-proximity-trade/.

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