The Simple Yet Very Difficult Key To Investing

If you’re anything like me, patience does not come naturally.

In life, I am the guy pacing while the line at Dunkin’ Donuts inches forward, taking far too long to get my morning coffee.

But when it comes to the stock market, I am a Zen Master.

Why? Because it works.

Patience is often overlooked because it comes after the research is done and a stock is bought, but it’s one of the keys to successful investing.

It sounds so easy. It’s something our parents try to teach us at a young age – right around the same time as “sharing.” (And we know how that worked out for a lot of folks…)

I’ll admit that it took me years to learn to be patient when investing. One of the early mistakes I made was selling too soon, but once you realize that big winners need time to go up as much as they do, patience will be instilled into your strategy.

This is critical, and it’s our focus in today’s new episode of MoneyLine. I talk about the overwhelming importance of patience and sticking with your investment strategy.

My Early Stage Investor subscribers know exactly what I’m talking about. Just yesterday, Aimmune Technologies (AIMT), which we’ve owned since December, received a $2.6 billion cash buyout offer from Nestle (NSRGY). Naturally, the stock shot up on the news… to the tune of 171% in a single day.

The stock was hampered by the pandemic, and if I had lost patience, we would have sold Aimmune months ago with a sizable loss. But we let the story play out, and now we’re able to book a strong winner.

And believe me, I have a lot more examples of why patience is so important. In fact, I discuss similar situations in Ontrak (OTRK) and Facebook (FB).

Even more importantly, I share a stock with you that is underperforming right now. If you have the patience – and if you dig deep enough, I know you do – it could be a huge winner in the next few years. You do not want to miss the name of this company!

And that’s not all. Before wrapping up the show, I discuss my views on Apple (AAPL) and Tesla (TSLA) following their stock splits.

Take some time out of your Tuesday to join me for this week’s episode of MoneyLine. Click here to watch it now.

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