This Bitcoin Legend is Making a BOLD Prediction – And You Need to Hear It

True privacy is pretty rare in this age of technology.

Information is instant. Most everything can be tracked. And everybody has a camera. Do one stupid thing and the whole world sees the video within minutes.

It’s fascinating, then, that nobody knows who started bitcoin – which is now worth over $200 billion – and gave rise to the entire cryptocurrency industry that has since exploded.

We do know a name: Satoshi Nakamoto. But that’s it. Nobody knows who that is. And believe me, it’s not for lack of trying. Identifying the true founder would make you an instant celebrity in the crypto world.

That name was listed as the author of bitcoin’s original white paper, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, in 2008. (The date was Halloween. Coincidence?)

Satoshi was heard from off and on over the next few years, but since then there has been little communication from the mysterious and unknown founder.

I haven’t found out who Satoshi is, but I have gotten to know someone else who was there practically at the beginning. And you need to know what he has to say about what’s coming…

This man was one of the first 10 people to even know what bitcoin was. And what he’s done since has made him a bitcoin legend.

As a young computer programmer back in 2008, he was fortunate to be among the first people to receive that white paper that started it all… outlining a new way to store and transfer value digitally and safely.

After reading about bitcoin and the blockchain, he had the foresight to see how this was going to change America – even the world – in big ways.

That paper changed his life. And he’s been dedicated to the movement ever since.

It’s no wonder he’s considered bitcoin royalty. He backed bitcoin when it was just $1. That’s some $11,000 ago… per coin!

If you’re a regular MoneyWire reader, you know I’m extremely bullish on altcoins. I own bitcoin… and I bought more recently when it pulled back.

You also know I’m even more bullish on altcoins, which are any cryptocurrency other than bitcoin.

I believe we are at the beginning of the next surge that will take the strongest cryptos many times higher.

I was eager to talk with this bitcoin pioneer to hear not just about his past but also the future. He told me he’s making his biggest prediction yet. For those who know what’s coming, this prediction could transform their lives.

I want you to hear what he has to say, too.

You can see this bitcoin legend in person and hear for yourself this coming Monday, September 21, at 4 p.m. ET. He and I will host a special event we’re calling The Awakening.

It’s completely free to attend, so I hope you’ll check it out. We only ask that you register first, which you can do by clicking here.

My special guest and I will explain an event unfolding in the crypto space that will send a few select coins soaring. We’ll also reveal the name and ticker symbol of the #1 altcoin that could benefit from this massive event.

It will be fascinating. It will be educational – I doubt you’ll think of cryptocurrencies the same way again. And my guest believes it could hand you a fortune that most people only dream of.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

P.S. This event is open to everyone, but you need to sign up first. You can reserve your spot by going here.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt sets the record straight as many investors have been panicking for all the wrong reasons as tech stocks pull back. There’s a lot going on right now, including Apple’s latest product announcement, Tesla and Apple splitting their stock, and Nvidia buying Arm for $40 billion. And what should smart investors be doing? Matt has some ideas…

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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