
E-commerce Platform RumbleOn Shares Will Likely See $15 Before $30

RumbleOn has recently signed a deal with CarGurus. But it may not be enough to take RMBL stock to new highs.

Today We’ll Make Our Case for the Most Explosive Investment of 2020

I’m sending MoneyWire to you early today because I want to make sure you have one last chance to join Louis Navellier and me for our special event this afternoon. About 25,000 people have registered for the free webinar where we will debate Dow vs. Bitcoin: The Race to 40K. It all happens today at 4 p.m. ET.  Our Race to 40K debate is all about which asset class is the best game in town… and where you can make money. It’s certainly not commodities, which go on a rollercoaster ride with every bad headline. Or bonds, which are like stuffing your cash under a mattress at this point. But among stocks and cryptocurrencies, Dow 40K and Bitcoin 40K are a very strong probability.

Why I’m Confident I’ll Win… Explained In Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So if I show you three charts, are they worth 3,000 words? I don’t know about that part, but I definitely believe they can be worth a lot of money. I'm talking about charts that are part of the case I’ll make tomorrow in my debate with my InvestorPlace colleague and friend, Louis Navellier. We have a friendly bet as to whether the Dow will gain 50% to hit 40,000 before bitcoin gains more than 250% to get to $40K. We’re going to hash it out tomorrow at 4 p.m. ET with lots of folks watching, and you’re invited to join us. Today in MoneyWire, I want to give you a sneak preview as to why I’m confident I’ll win the bet… and how you as an investor could make a lot of money.

Five Reasons to Buy Stocks on Any Dips

We’re getting closer. It’s almost time for my debate with Louis Navellier.  If you haven’t heard, Louis and I have a friendly bet about the future of the market. Will the Dow get to 40,000 first? Or will it be bitcoin? I say the latter, while Louis says the former. So we’re getting together on Wednesday at 4 p.m. ET to “battle it out” – so to speak. We’re calling it The Race to 40K. In the days leading up to the event, Louis and I have been sharing our analyses. Yesterday I told you about some of the catalysts set to push bitcoin higher in the coming months. I also explained the “halvening” and why it spells great things ahead for the entire cryptocurrency market. And tomorrow I’ll be in touch to highlight a big move bitcoin just made – and another big move that suggests higher prices are ahead. For now though, I’m giving Louis another chance.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 89 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.

Why I Bet Bitcoin Will Outperform Stocks

There’s a lot riding on this. If you don’t yet know, I have a bet with my InvestorPlace colleague, the legendary growth investor Louis Navellier, about whether bitcoin or the Dow Jones Industrial Average will hit 40K first. It’s a fun bet for charity, but the ideas behind it are quite serious. We’ll both make our cases next Wednesday, August 5, at 4 p.m. ET, in a 1-on-1 debate titled The Race to 40K. If you’ve read our recent articles, you know I’m also very bullish on stocks and agree with Louis that Dow 40,000 could happen in the near future. But my best is that bitcoin will get there faster. Let me give you a sneak preview of a few reasons I’m convinced that will happen… For starters, bitcoin is already hot and bullish sentiment is soaring. It broke through $11,000 on Monday on strong volume, climbing 13% for its biggest single-day gain in nearly three months.

8 Critical Tests a Stock Must Pass Even in an Explosive Bull Market

Maybe I’m in a bit of a betting mood with sports ramping up again. Or maybe I just like talking about making money. If you haven’t heard, my friend Louis Navellier and I have a friendly wager related to investing. Will the Dow get to 40,000 before bitcoin? Or will bitcoin win The Race to 40K? Louis says the Dow, and I say bitcoin. We’re sitting down 1-on-1 to present our cases next Wednesday at 4 p.m. ET. I can’t wait, and I hope you’ll join us. As we get ready, we’re also sharing some of our analysis with you ahead of time. Today, I’d like to turn MoneyWire back over to Louis for more on why he thinks stocks will be the winner. I’ll be back tomorrow with a look at a couple of big catalysts set to drive bitcoin higher.

Stocks May be One of the “Best Games in Town”… But My Pick in this Race is Even Better

Yesterday, I turned the reigns over to Louis Navellier, a friend and InvestorPlace colleague. He’s also a legendary growth investor with an impressive track record. He’s made money for a lot of people, and he’s worth listening to. He explained to you why he is confident the Dow will hit 40,000 before bitcoin. Louis made the case that stocks are the “best game in town”… better than commodities, bonds, and even cryptocurrencies. (I’ll say my piece on that in a moment.) He said that every time the Fed has pushed rates lower, it’s provided more “juice” for the market.

ACI Stock Weak Start Means Investors Should Stay Away a Year Minimum

ACI stock went nowhere following its IPO, and even after earnings, investors weren't wowed. Albertsons won't likely move for at least a year.

Why Explosive Gains for Stocks are “Baked In” to the Economic Recovery

Yesterday I told you about a bet I have with legendary growth investor Louis Navellier. Louis and I got together recently, and he told me that he expects the Dow will hit 40,000 within the next 12 months. I don’t disagree with him. If you’re a regular MoneyWire reader, you know how bullish I am on stocks. Believe it or not, I’m even more bullish on bitcoin. So I took Louis’ statement and raised him. I think bitcoin will get to $40,000 in the next 12 months… and I’m calling for it to get there BEFORE the Dow gets to 40,000. In the coming days, I’ll show you exactly why I expect bitcoin will beat the Dow to 40K. But for today, I’m going to let Louis take the reigns and share his argument first.

This Is One Race I’m Willing to Bet On

I enjoy a friendly wager as much as the next guy. I’m not talking about serious gambling, though when we invest we do make a “bet” on stocks that we expect will be worth more in the future. But when we invest, research, analysis, and experience tip the odds much more in our favor than betting on who will win the Super Bowl. I’m talking about a friendly bet on a game or at the golf course. I’m a huge sports fan. I have been as long as I can remember, from my days growing up in Philadelphia through my time as a college athlete right up to the present. Longtime readers know how thrilled I was last fall to realize my dream of becoming a Philadelphia 76ers season ticket holder – and then how disappointed I was when the pandemic brought the season to a screeching halt in March.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 66 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.

I’m Prepared for Whatever The Market Throws At Us. Are You?

The Nasdaq finished today in the red, marking the first time the tech-heavy index has experienced consecutive down sessions in more than 50 days. But guess what? That’s okay! We’ll take a closer look at the recent market action in today’s new episode of MoneyLine, including why I believe a pullback of up to 7% is possible. I’ll also tell you why I do not plan to sell anything in the potential weakness… and instead am working on my watchlist of stocks to buy. Then, I dive into the chart of the week. You may be surprised to learn what sector is breaking out to a new all-time high. I’ll give you a hint: It has to do with the flight to the ‘burbs. Speaking of breakouts, the action we’ve seen in bitcoin this week could be the start of what I believe is crypto’s next huge leg higher.

Can Nokia Stock Avoid Paying the China Price?

Just as 5G looked like it was going to catapult NOK stock higher, rising global tensions with China may squelch the rally before it starts.

The Dark Pool – A Market Anomaly to Make You Rich

If you’re a member of one of my investing services or a regular MoneyWire reader, you know that I go after big profits over the long term. I dig deep for the best companies driving and benefiting from unstoppable hypergrowth trends taking us into the future, and then I stay with them unless the reason we invested to begin with changes. (I just talked about this strategy in more detail a few days ago.) Investing for the long term has made a lot of people a lot of money – my own subscribers included. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place in the investment world for short-term traders. My friend Stefanie Kammerman is the perfect example of this. She’s built her fortune on trading what are called the “Dark Pools."

Instacart Data Breach? 8 Things for Customers to Know

Instacart is reportedly the victim of a data breach that has customers' info being sold online but the company says this isn't the case.

Gold Isn’t the Safe Haven You Think It Is

Is gold a buy today? The yellow metal continues to run to multi-year highs. So is it too late? Or should you consider silver? Then you must wonder if it’s better to own the miners of the precious metals… or the actual metal… or what about an ETF? So many questions about gold and silver are top of mind for investors right now. And it only gets more complicated when you add cryptocurrencies, copper, and other metals into the mix. During a time when central banks around the world are keeping interest rates near record lows and currencies are being “printed” to pay for stimulus, it makes sense that commodities are an attractive investment option. That’s why I recorded a special episode of MoneyLine today. I share my specific thoughts on gold, silver, bitcoin and altcoins, the miners, copper, and even uranium stocks!

Here’s Why You Should Never Use a Stop-Loss Order

I get this question all the time. When I recommend a stock, I often get asked at what level should a stop-loss order be set? At what price? Or at what percentage pullback? My answer is always the same… do not set one. Nearly every investment professional will tell you that it is imperative to use a stop-loss order to protect yourself from sudden losses. I completely disagree. And I have the perfect example that proves why my strategy works. I recommended Livongo Health (LVGO) to my Early Stage Investor subscribers exactly 11 months ago today – on August 21, 2019. The stock has since climbed more than 220% from our buy price around $35, while the S&P 500 is up a mere 11.4% during the same timeframe. That’s unbelievable outperformance… but it wasn’t a smooth ride.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 54 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.