
Buy Ericsson Stock on the Dip as Market Volatility Returns

Ericsson is picking up 5G network equipment contracts and that is good for ERIC stock in the long run

You Asked, and You Got It – The Hottest Biotech IPOs to Watch Out For

After a strong start to the week, stocks sold off into the weekend on fears of new and increased shutdowns due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases. As a result, we should expect more volatility and pullbacks in the market in the weeks and months ahead – but that’s okay. In this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I’ll tell you how we can use that volatility to our advantage. Even with more cases of COVID-19 in select states, others are continuing their reopening plans and more people will slowly start to get back to offices. Still, a lot of people will continue to work remotely, and some permanently. Some companies are already moving to permanent optional telecommuting, including giants like Twitter (TWTR) and Facebook (FB).

Can Luckin Coffee Cheat Its Way to Prosperity?

Due to an accounting scandal, Luckin Coffee never has to worry about making the headlines this year. But that alone isn’t a great reason to buy LK stock.

Exclusive: You Need to Hear What This Man Has to Say

What do you remember about buying a personal computer in the 1990s and early 2000s? I remember that the setup included a free, pre-loaded copy of McAfee AntiVirus software. McAfee was everywhere during those times. The company was founded in 1987 by John McAfee and eventually sold to Intel (INTC) in 2010 for $7.68 billion. If you’re not familiar with John McAfee, you should be. He has been one of the most eccentric and polarizing figures in the technology industry over the last few decades. Everything from alleged crazy parties at the company to a wild documentary about a murder in Central America to his involvement in cryptocurrencies. Oh yeah… and now he’s on the run from the U.S. government.

I Just Got Some Great “Intel” From My Friend Keith – Watch Now!

Like any stock market nerd worthy of the title, I like a good modeling tool. I love one that can help me “avoid catastrophe,” like Keith Kaplan’s TradeStops tool did for a whole community of ordinary investors in February. Yes. One little alert on February 27 prepared Keith’s readers for the carnage COVID-19 was about to wreak on financial markets worldwide. So you can bet I wanted to sit down with Keith himself and learn more. And that’s what I just did. Hopefully you have a pile of emails in your inbox, where I was trying to make sure you didn’t miss out on today’s free briefing on TradeStops. The event just wrapped up.

Money Moves for Recent Grads: Creighton Professor Robert R. Johnson

'People should be lauded for paying down student loans. However, making that the only financial priority is misguided.'

Money Moves for Recent Grads: Clemson Professor Josh Harris

'Most graduates will probably be more risk averse regarding their savings and budgeting due to Covid-19.'

A Time-Sensitive Techno-Trade

One of Eric Fry's favorite semiconductor stocks appears poised to leg higher. Here are the trade details ***We begin today's Digest with a reminder to join us…

Overcoming a Market’s Mindset

I hope you’ve had a chance to read the recent essays I’ve shared with you here in MoneyWire by my friend Keith Kaplan. Keith uses a revolutionary tool to get in front of major market moves – and the tool has been spot-on about this recent market… as well as every major bear market AND bull market going back over the last two decades. I can’t wait to talk more about it with Keith in an exclusive event we’re holding tomorrow afternoon. I’ll interview him about his system that has signaled every major market move over the last 20 years and, frankly, his amazing story. Today, I want to share another of Keith’s essays so you can get a glimpse into how much research he did to come up with his system. As you know if you’re a regular MoneyWire reader, I’m a research fanatic.

Money Moves for Recent Grads: UT Austin Professor Michael Sury

'Borrowers should not, however, confuse minimizing their monthly payments with saving money. Minimizing payments is not the same as minimizing interest.'

3 Energy Stocks to Buy For Long-Term Gains

As we get ready to enter the second half of the year, these three energy stocks to buy represent a healthy mix of income from dividends and potential for future growth.

We’re Not as Rational as We Think

Here is some investing truth: The reason so many investors get lousy market returns is because we let our biases influence our decisions. It turns out that the human brain is a marvelous tool for so many things but is a terrible tool for investing. Why? Because human beings make decisions based on our inherent biases about ourselves and the world around us – and not on the facts that really drive the market. Over the last several days, I’ve been featuring essays by my friend Keith Kaplan. Keith has been telling his story about the amazing tool he uses that has signaled every major market move over the last 20 years. And a lot of that success comes from taking human biases out of the decision making…

You Want Tickers? I’ve Got Them In This Week’s MoneyLine

Get your pens and pads ready… Today’s new episode of MoneyLine is chock full of investing ideas and ticker symbols. I’d go so far as to say it’s one of the best shows in our short history. I kick off the episode with a discussion of the market, which rebounded this week after a quick pullback from recent high. A close look at the latest COVID-19 numbers shows a positive trend – despite what the media wants you to believe. I’ll share the data with you that proves things are indeed improving. Then, I dive into the often-overlooked world of microcaps. Even with the overall stock market down since early February, my Microcap Millionaire Portfolio in Early Stage Investor is up about 45%!

Crowd-Funded Piestro May Change Chain Pizza as We Know It

The company has a system that can quickly cook quality pizza. Oh, and investors also have a chance to invest in this startup through a crowdfunding campaign.

Ignore Bearish Narratives and Make a Move Into AMD stock

AMD stock is an attractive investment due to its impressive gross margins, healthy revenue growth in its core segments and its upcoming launches.

How I Found Gains in the Middle of the Bear Market

The Dow lost 170 points yesterday. Even as markets have been largely positive this week, the volatility has continued and investors are staying vigilant in case more trouble is ahead. And Keith Kaplan has a tool to help. Today I’m happy to bring to you the second part of Keith’s amazing story. If you missed yesterday’s essay, Keith uses a revolutionary tool to get in front of major market moves – and the tool has been spot-on about this recent market… as well as every major bear market AND bull market going back over the last two decades. Today he describes how this tool not only helps protect him from the market downside but signals him when to get back into the market to maximize the gains.

How I Saved 25% of My Portfolio from Getting Clobbered

By now, we’re all familiar with how COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the markets. Last week, the Nasdaq was hitting all-time highs just three months after falling to unprecedented lows… and then on Thursday the market fell more than 1,850 points in a single session. Just yesterday, good data on retail sales propelled the market up again more than 500 points. Regular MoneyWire readers know that I view crisis times like these as ones of tremendous opportunity. That’s why I want to introduce you to my friend and colleague, Keith Kaplan.  Keith has an amazing story to tell. He uses a revolutionary tool to get in front of major market moves – and the tool has been dead-on accurate about this recent market.

Money Moves for Recent Grads: Utah Professor Ann C. House

'Building savings is made by the day-to-day decisions we make to spend less, save even if its $2 a day at first, but be consistent and set this money aside. An emergency fund takes time to build. Repaying student loans will also be the habitual paying debt down each month, perhaps throwing a bit more towards the debt, until it is paid.'

The Best Way to Handle the Market Volatility

Whew. This week was a wild one. We started out with the Nasdaq climbing back to all-time highs – and above 10,000 for the time ever – just three months after falling to unprecedented lows as COVID-19 spread around the world. The Dow was back to within 7% of its own record… but then it fell more than 1,850 points in a single session yesterday. Here we are one day later and stocks are bouncing again. Even after yesterday’s sell-off, the S&P 500 remains nearly 40% off its March lows.  Trading like this can really test an investors’ patience. I get that. So on this week’s new episode of MoneyLine, I detail the volatility and discuss the best ways to handle the drastic ups and downs.