
Two Sectors to Consider Today

Even though "the market" is down, many individual stocks are showing strength. Here are two sectors, and two stocks within them, that are looking good…

Cryptos, Beers, and Buy Lists

We began a new quarter, but market volatility remained this week as the number of coronavirus cases in the United States kept climbing and the monthly jobs report showed a steep increase in the unemployment rate. The S&P 500 closed down 2.9% for the week, but I like that it remains well off the March low. On this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I dive into the market action and discuss the best plan to start buying stocks. That’s right – it’s time to start buying again. But I recommend you be smart about how you do that. There is a specific road map you must follow if you want to make the most of this crisis market. The big number of the week was the March jobs report, which was as ugly as expected. But that’s not actually the main reason behind today’s sell-off.

The Answer to Your Biggest Investing Question

Has the market found a bottom? Is it time to buy stocks again? These are two of the biggest questions I’ve been getting from readers, family, and friends the past few days. Volatility has been near record-high levels. The coronavirus panic has caused gut-wrenching moves. Some of America’s largest companies lost nearly 30% in value in no time at all… before rallying and then pulling back again. Fear and confusion are through the roof. So let me answer these questions… right here, right now. Yes. It is time to buy stocks. That’s why I released Part 2 of my Crisis & Opportunity Investment Summit last night. For those of you who attended Part 1 a few weeks ago but didn’t make it last night, don’t worry.

Progress Is Not Slowing – Don’t Be Left Behind

Everywhere I go, family and friends, coworkers, and even people I run into at the grocery store ask me what they should do with their portfolio. Recently it has been via email and phone calls as most of us are self-isolating at home. Stocks are down, volatility is through the roof, gas prices have cratered, crazy things are happening in the bond markets… and the coronavirus is causing disruption and suffering that we need to address and overcome. We will. I get that it’s a frustrating and even scary time, but I also know the stock market has taken gut punches in the past. It always – always – finds a way to rebound. You need to have already laid the groundwork when it does.

A Simple Road Map to Maximize Gains

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the market has taken a beating in March, and we are closing in on the worst month since 2008. But both the economy and stocks will recover from the coronavirus – and I want to explain why. There are several positive signs for consumers, such as lower oil prices. Add in historically low interest rates and you have the strong likelihood that businesses and consumers will spend. Underlining these positives is a massive stimulus package on the way that will help kickstart the economy when the time is right and the coronavirus is brought under control. To that end, help looks to be on the way from healthcare and biotechnology companies. I’ve mentioned Fulgent Genetics (FLGT) here in MoneyWire before.

Microsoft Stock Should Be the Cornerstone of Any Long-Term Portfolio

Thanks to its its robust business segments, Microsoft stock is likely to get through the current uncertainty with minimal impact to earnings

I Called the Bottom in 2009, And Today…

In March 2009, I was working in Manhattan at my investment advisory firm and writing newsletters. At the time, I was also a regular guest on Fox Business prior to signing a contract with the network. You would think all things in my work life were good. I was busy doing what I love and had multiple streams of income. However, everything that I did – including in my free time – revolved around the stock market. Heading into that month, the S&P 500 had lost over half its value, and there appeared to be no end in sight. Nearly everyone had given up on stocks… and investing in general. The bears and doomsdayers were everywhere. You could not turn on the TV, open the internet, or read a newspaper without hearing about “the end of Wall Street.”

The 7 Winners and Losers From Washington’s Record-Setting Stimulus Package

As Frydman and Hatheway suggested, the “size and design” of the $2 trillion stimulus package is nowhere near sufficient to do the job it’s intended to do.

There’s Always Two Sides to a Price: An Important Way to View Market Panics

Prices. You can’t make a move in today’s world without seeing the price for something. You’ve got prices for cars, homes, gas, food, insurance, medical care, appliances, and services. You’ve got prices for financial assets like stocks and bonds. Most people view a price as having just one side. A stock’s price is $42, a home’s price is $350,000, and a car’s price is $27,000. For most people, the thinking stops there. Yet, there’s a different, very powerful way to view prices beyond them having just one side. Not many people use this way of seeing things, but it’s one of the great secrets of the financial markets… something that lets you see what others do not. 

Why I’m Buying Small Caps on Sale

There is nothing I hate more than people who use scare tactics for personal gain. Especially right now. Come to find out, Bill Ackman, the hedge fund CEO of Pershing Capital who loves sparring with other billionaires in the media, was buying up some of the very stocks he was warning us about last week. That’s because it never pays to bet against America. The truth is, we’ve all seen this cycle play out before. The previous financial crisis of 2008-2009 spooked investors so much that shares of some of the largest and most well-respected companies got crushed. Does the market go straight up after something like that? No. But people who heard the knock of opportunity set themselves up for serious upside.

A New Bull Market or a Bear Market Rally?

Yes, it was another crazy week for stocks. This week, though, there was more of the good kind of crazy. After the best three-day rally since the 1930s – which is still hard to believe – the market sold off today into the close. Even after the late-day selling, the S&P 500 still managed to post an impressive 11.5% gain for the week. In this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I’ll help you make sense of the wild week and give you an update on all things coronavirus and… finally!... a stimulus package. We’ll also discuss the big question: Was this week’s positive action the start of a new bull market or simply a bear market rally? We’ll look back at past bear markets for some clues and I’ll share my own analysis as I give you my answer.

The Hypergrowth Industry That’s Helping Save the Day… and Looking Even Better Tomorrow

With so much going on in the world, it’s difficult to step outside of our day-to-day concerns and think about the future. Cities, states, and whole countries are hunkering down to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to vulnerable populations. The toll on human life is tragic, while the economic impact has cut swift and deep. But in thinking about the future, I’m sure we’ll come out of the crisis stronger, wiser, and better prepared for a market resurgence. Just like we’ve always done.

3 Healthcare Stocks to Buy for AI and Big Data

Healthcare stocks are in the spotlight as the coronavirus brings to light the importance of collecting data and using it to predict outcomes.

6 Streaming Companies That Are Cutting Bitrates and Why

Streaming video companies, including Netflix, have cut video quality in Europe in order to reduce internet bandwidth usage.

Where to Find Incredible Opportunity in This Tough Market

It was another week of coronavirus headlines and stock market volatility. We got a bit of a breather yesterday, but selling resumed today in one of the worst weeks for stocks in 12 years. Stocks were up and down in early trading before drifting lower into the close. The announcement that New York state is officially ordered to shut down sent already skittish investors into a dark corner. The headlines seem to come nonstop… and it’s a lot to digest. But I’ll be here with you every step of the way. In fact, on Tuesday night I held a special event called the Crisis & Opportunity Investment Summit to help you navigate this tough environment.

Walmart Hiring 150,000, Giving Employees Cash Bonuses

A Walmart (WMT) hiring spree will have the company bringing in an additional 150,000 workers and handing out bonuses to employees.

These Stocks Are Moving Higher Despite the Difficult Market

t was nice to have a relatively “calm” day in the markets. After eight straight days of 1,000 point moves on the Dow, we’d almost forgotten what they were like. There’s no question the last few weeks have been some of the most difficult ever for many investors. The rapid sell-off in stocks combined with the daily volatility has investors scared and confused. Add in the obvious reason for the market action – the coronavirus and resulting shutdowns in much of the world – and both uncertainty and fear are historically high. Today, I want to share some stories of companies holding up well in the face of the current sell-off.

Your Free Access to My Crisis and Opportunity Investment Summit

Last week, I wrote that the market plunge felt like a punch to the gut. After this week’s trading, it feels more like a kick to the head. Stocks fell sharply Monday, rallied yesterday, and are down again today as volatility remains near historic highs. If you’ve been in the markets for 20+ years like I have, you’ve lived through bear markets before… and you know how bad they can feel. Times like these call for sober analysis, and I’m proud to continue to provide that through MoneyWire and my paid subscription services.

Lessons from Past Panics: A Great Time to Buy

I’m a born optimist. I invest the way I do, and recommend the stocks I do, because the future is going to be so exciting. All of the trends we talk about in MoneyWire and my subscription services – 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, personalized medicine – are going to make the world better. It’s a tremendous time to be alive and watch the world change again, just like it did at the dawn of the internet and personal computers… But I understand why some folks are not feeling that way right now. Stocks bounced on Friday after Thursday’s huge sell-off. But I can’t tell you the volatility is over.