How One Tiny Pot Stock Became a “Revenue Machine”

More and more pot stocks are making it onto the major stock exchanges — with two more coming soon: Flowr Corporation and KushCo Holdings. Now smart investors are wondering: Which will be the next cannabis company to get called up to the big leagues?

I’ve got my theories. But there’s one factor that’s almost as important as a company’s ability to “uplist” to a major stock exchange…

…and that’s its business model.

So today I want to talk about a little-known phenomenon that’s allowing tiny pot stocks to become “revenue machines.”

It’s actually a bit of a misnomer to call them “pot stocks” at all. They’re more like Royal Gold (RGLD) — one of the most profitable companies in investing history.

If you’re not familiar with Royal Gold, it was founded in the early 1980s by Stanley Dempsey… a man who never discovered a single ounce of gold – but still got very wealthy from gold mining.

Dempsey was a geologist, so gold mining was a natural fit. Yet after a few long months, his new company had burned through lots of money, and hit nothing but dirt. That was all just to identify a target gold deposit — and then you add in land, labor, insurance, permits, not to mention the expensive gold mining equipment.

Luckily for Royal Gold, Dempsey was also a lawyer… a clever one at that. And he saved the company by pulling an ingenious legal maneuver. Rather than spend the remaining cash on further exploration, Dempsey invested it with more knowledgeable, experienced gold miners. These seasoned pros would do the exploring. And Royal Gold would receive a cut of the proceeds.

In the end, these royalty payouts became hugely lucrative:

Royal Gold’s first $1 million deal was for a project in northeastern Nevada. In return, the miner owed them 20% of the proceeds, for the life of the mine.

In the first year, Royal Gold received $9 million. Year Two brought another $8 million. Year Three brought $12 million. All in all, more than $170 million has come in. That’s a 16,900% return on Dempsey’s original $1 million.

The company is still collecting on that investment — and many more.

Naturally, the Royal Gold story brought a lot of imitators:

  1. Franco Nevada (FNV) is a similar business in gold royalties. Early investors could have turned $1,000 into $453,000.
  2. Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM) does the same thing with silver. That one’s up more than 1,600% since inception.
  3. Sabine Royalty Trust (SBR) does it with oil. Shares enjoyed as much as a 10,200% climb, including dividends.

And for these royalty companies, it’s virtually all revenue — no costs.

Why Do I Tell This Story?

Because when you hear all this news and chatter about marijuana, you’ve got to remember one thing:

At the end of the day, it is not a pastime… not a lifestyle… or a “magic cure.”

Cannabis is a commodity.

Just like coffee, for example. Coffee is a $48 billion business in the United States. But marijuana will be much larger even than that.

As legalization spread from state to state, legal marijuana sales jumped 33% from 2016 to 2017 — $10 billion that year alone. With more states and Canada legalizing recreational marijuana, sales are expected to break $40 billion by 2024.

I believe marijuana could grab a lot of market share from cigarettes and alcohol. There is nobody debating the negative effects of smoking cigarettes, and the United States has a major issue with binge drinking among the younger generation. Both vices are on the downslope, and it is creating the perfect opportunity for marijuana to step into the gap.

By 2030, research firm Cowen predicts, we’re looking at marijuana being a $75 billion industry. That’s about where cigarettes are today ($77 billion) and encroaching on beer ($110 billion). And that’s just the first 15 years of this multifaceted, wide-ranging trend.

So Which Stocks Do You Choose?

You could go with the industry leader. And that would be Canopy Growth (CGC), which is up 166% since late 2017 alone.

But even in a huge mega-trend like marijuana, timing is everything.

And at this time, Canopy is much more expensive than the Royal Gold-like company I recommend.

By contracting with early stage marijuana companies — which often find it difficult to secure funding — this company is building a diverse (and extremely lucrative) revenue stream.

Its revenues are expected to explode: From less than 250,000 Canadian dollars in 2016, it’s expecting nearly CA$1 billion by 2020.

The time to get in is now: This potentially major player trades at less than 1/40th the value of Canopy Growth. And as more of its deals bear fruit — or leaves, in this instance — the company is already positioned for big upside.

Go here for full details on the “Royal Gold of Marijuana.” I’ve got everything you need to know. And I can tell you exactly how to buy into this phenomenon.

The key with these royalty companies is to get there first — I’d say no later than Thursday, July 25. Click here to get in on the action.

P.S. Would you like to learn how you could 10X your money over and over again?

Over the past decade, I have recommended 16 different stocks that have gone up 1,000% or more. Even though these stocks come from vastly different industries, they all shared the same DNA that allowed them to soar 1,000% or more.

On Wednesday July 31st at 8pm ET, I’ll reveal this common DNA that all 1,000% winners share and the strategy I use to uncover them before they go up.

Plus, I’ll give you my newest 10X stock for free. Reserve your spot by going here.

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