MoneyLine: Investing for the Future is Much Easier Than You Think

If you want to live comfortably in retirement, you simply must have your money working for you making more money.

Too many Americans are not prepared for retirement. I would call it a crisis.

A survey earlier this year by Natixis Investment Managers showed that 47% of baby boomers regret not starting to save sooner. Even more frightening, the average 64-year-old has just 30% of the $1 million they say they’ll need in retirement.

Let’s make sure that’s not you. And if it is, let’s fix it.

This week’s MoneyLine podcast is all about getting your money ready to retire and why it’s so important to get started NOW.

To help us, I’ve brought in a special guest. Not only is he amazing at what he does – he’s got the best hair in the business.

You can take my word for it… or better yet you can click here to watch the podcast now and see for yourself.

Dave Maxwell is one of my colleagues, and he’s great at what he does. He’s a producer at InvestorPlace. He works very close to me, so he’s surrounded by investment talk every day. And yet, he too has a lot of questions when it comes to investing for the future.

It’s not easy. I get it. But you need to do it because of the magic of compounding.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 78, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Being financially set for retirement isn’t about being a millionaire or a financial pro. Anyone can do it… you just have to start today and take the right steps.

Click here to listen to today’s MoneyLine podcast now.

P.S. One tried-and-true retirement strategy is to generate income from your investments. I’ve uncovered a new strategy that gives you incredible yields in an industry with incredible growth.

Even better, this new strategy gives you the opportunity to generate instant income 50 to 70 times per year.

This means 50 to 70 different payouts over a 12-month period. You can literally receive cash deposited into your account EVERY week of the year, on average.

Past payouts have reached $1,800… $1,300… even $2,600. You can still be among the first to take advantage of this profitable income secret and get in before our next payout.

You might not see this kind of explosive growth again in your lifetime. That’s why it’s so important to capitalize on it.

I’ve beta tested this system with my own money, and I’m glad I did. It works! In fact, I’ll show you some of my account statements in a special on-air demonstration.

Click here to see for yourself how to use my new Cannabis Cash Weekly strategy to generate thousands of dollars… week after week.

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