MoneyLine: The Latest “Far Out There” Investment

How much money would you pay to be shot into space… in a rocket… for about seven minutes?

I know some people wouldn’t pay a dime. I would, but the going rate of $250,000 is a bit excessive for me. That’s how much 603 people have spent to book a seat on one of Virgin Galactic’s (SPCE) space shuttles.

Virgin Galactic is the brainchild of billionaire Sir Richard Branson, who I consider one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the last 100 years. The company became the first publicly traded space exploration business when it IPO’d on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Monday.

I am an investor, but a big part of investing is also being a futurist. I look ahead to where the market and our world will be in the future, and I identify what companies are in position to bring investors 10X… 50X… even 100X gains.

I find space exploration fascinating, and I expect it will be part of our future. I don’t think we start flying up to the moon and creating colonies any time soon, but it is clear that there is a lot of big money coming into the industry right now. And that means it is certainly something worth paying attention to.

In today’s MoneyLine podcast, I dig deeper into space exploration and Virgin Galactic specifically, focusing on whether or not this is a worthwhile investment right now.

Then, we shift gears to discuss two of my favorite things – food and earnings.

As a self-proclaimed foodie, I am always up for a debate about where to find the best nachos in town, or a nice red wine to pair with my steak. (Listen to the podcast and I’ll even tell you the best restaurant in Baltimore that’s worth splurging on.) And earnings are the lifeblood of the stock market, so four times a year I allow myself to “geek out” about the numbers.

Two important food-related companies reported earnings this week – Beyond Meat (BYND), which more than tripled after its IPO earlier this year, and Grubhub (GRUB). We’ll take a look at the results, and I’ll explain why both stocks got crushed in the days following.

Finally, we’ll wrap up today’s MoneyLine with a discussion about the market. Despite what the financial media would have you believe… the S&P 500 hit a new all-time high on Tuesday – and again today! It is now up 22%+ so far in 2019… and closing in on my prediction for a 25% gain at some point this year. (I talked all about this in a previous article.) I’ll explain why I am confident this rally will continue and that 2020 will be yet another strong year for investors.

All that – and a couple of rants sprinkled in the mix – on this week’s episode of MoneyLine. Click here to check it out now!

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