A New Bull Market or a Bear Market Rally?

Yes, it was another crazy week for stocks. This week, though, there was more of the good kind of crazy.

After the best three-day rally since the 1930s – which is still hard to believe – the market sold off today into the close. Even after the late-day selling, the S&P 500 still managed to post an impressive 11.5% gain for the week.

In this week’s episode of MoneyLine, I’ll help you make sense of the wild week and give you an update on all things coronavirus and… finally!… a stimulus package.

We’ll also discuss the big question: Was this week’s positive action the start of a new bull market or simply a bear market rally? We’ll look back at past bear markets for some clues and I’ll share my own analysis as I give you my answer. (I’ll also talk about this in Part 2 of my Crisis & Opportunity Investment Summit coming up next Wednesday, April 1 at 7 p.m. ET. You can attend for free. Simply click here to register now.)

I have been getting a lot of questions on Twitter about cryptocurrencies, and smaller altcoins in particular. Most people do not realize that bitcoin is greatly outperforming stocks this year. In today’s MoneyLine, you will get my up-to-the-minute view on how to play the crypto market today.

Then, we’ll have some fun as I answer questions directly from my Twitter followers. I am sure you will hear many of the same questions you’re pondering, like…

What are my thoughts on Boeing (BA)? It’s a great question, as the stock got absolutely crushed.

Did you miss the bottom in stocks? Well, yes… and no.

What does this weekend hold with the ever-changing headlines?

I wrap the show with an interesting list of stocks that are holding up well in the face of the market sell-off. You may already know about Clorox (CLX)… but you will be surprised by some of the other companies I share with you.

This week’s MoneyLine is a must listen with everything going on in the market and the world.

Have a great and safe weekend.

P.S. Please mark your calendars and plan to join me for Part 2 of the Crisis & Opportunity Investment Summit this coming Wednesday, April 1 at 7 p.m. ET.

I’ll lay out the exact steps you need to take immediately if you want the chance to safely and profitably navigate the stock market during these turbulent times.

I’ll reveal the reasons and the new research that proves one overlooked corner of the market could make you an absolute fortune regardless of what happens next. I was able to exploit this corner of the market for gains as high as 2,235%, 1,423%, and 1,502% in the years following the last financial crisis.

I’ll even share the name of one of my new favorite stocks that could easily soar 1,000% or more.

This live event will be 100% FREE to attend, with no strings attached. All you have to do is sign up here and you’re all set. Because the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/03/a-new-bull-market-or-a-bear-market-rally/.

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