Bitcoin is Great – But These Altcoins Have More Potential Than You Can Imagine

17I want to thank the thousands of folks who joined me last night for the 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call.

One of the most explosive catalysts in one of the most explosive industries is happening in just two weeks, and I want everyone to be in position to claim the potentially massive gains. We’re down to the “last call” before things start to skyrocket, and the truth is, they’ve already started.

Time is running out, so click here to watch the replay of last night’s event… the deadline is fast approaching.

If you still don’t know about the halvening, and why it can lead to gains of 1,000% or more, let me explain…

In a nutshell, the supply of new bitcoin coming on the market will be cut in half at a time when demand is likely to rise as cryptocurrencies go mainstream.

This has happened only twice before, and the profits were eye-popping. The first halvening in November 2012 sent bitcoin up 2,135%. And the second halvening in June 2016 saw bitcoin shoot up 3,122% in 18 months.

We’re already seeing prices move. Just this morning, the headline on a CNBC article was “Cryptocurrency market value jumps $35 billion in 24 hours led by a surge in bitcoin.

You might think bitcoin’s huge profits can’t be beat. They can. Believe it or not, there are even more impressive winners out there.

I’m talking about altcoins – basically every other cryptocurrency aside from bitcoin.

Bitcoin investors would have made massive profits after previous halvenings, but investments in the right altcoins would have made significantly more money. An altcoin called Verge shot up 1,362,400%! That would have turned $5,000 into $68 million.

Altcoins are smaller cryptocurrencies, and much more unknown in the investing world. Skeptics like to point out that if we have bitcoin, why do we need the hundreds of other altcoins on the market? Surely they’re all just scams or fantasies, right?

I’m here to let you know that might be the single most ignorant, most expensive belief on the planet right now. It could easily cost you $1 million in lost profits over the next 12 months.

Right now, there’s a fuse being lit under the altcoin market.

This fuse will set off one of the largest explosions of wealth in modern history. People who invest modest stakes in altcoins will make millions of dollars.

That’s because altcoins aren’t cryptocurrencies in the way most people think about them. They are actually investments in one of the most valuable, most revolutionary technologies ever created.

The underlying technology behind bitcoin and altcoins is blockchain. You’ve probably heard all the buzzwords surrounding blockchain, but I prefer to say blockchain technologies are just really, really, really valuable software.

Software programs are one of the greatest forces for wealth creation on Earth. And I’m not talking about conventional wealth creation… where it takes you 30 years to save up $1 million.

I’m talking about wealth creation on steroids… where investors can make $30 million in one year. I know that sounds outlandish, but just take a look at this chart:

The blue line at the bottom is bitcoin. Year to date it is up 22% – easily crushing the stock market.

But take a look at the other lines. Those are altcoins… and they outperformed bitcoin exponentially.

Ethereum (the green line) rallied 66%.

Zcash (the orange line) climbed 68%.

And Dash (the red line) was up an unbelievable 106% – in just four months.

The opportunity in altcoins cannot be beat.

Don’t get me wrong. I love bitcoin. I own it myself, and I see a lot of upside potential in the years ahead.

But the upside potential in altcoins is even greater. At the end of the day, you have the powerful combination of the halvening catalyst and a new chance to profit from some of the most valuable software programs ever created. I like to describe them as the oil of the 21st century, as they’re about to mint another generation of millionaires – in short order.

The tsunami of wealth that’s coming with altcoins and the blockchain technology backing them up is due to their ability to make our time vastly more efficient and productive. That’s the goal of any great business model.

Early investors in the best altcoins are like venture capitalists backing the next Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), or Alphabet (GOOGL).

It’s okay if most folks simply don’t understand the massive opportunity here. Those in the know understand how valuable software programs that disrupt entrenched, inefficient models and price gouging companies can be – and the life-changing amount of money they’re about to create.

P.S. The creators of digital currencies wanted to ensure that the supply of their “coins” never gets out of hand.

So, they built some failsafes in the program.

Roughly every four years, these failsafes kick in – and new cryptocurrency supply takes a dip.

Meanwhile, demand for cryptocurrencies are still skyrocketing.

So what happens when demand is high while supply dips low? A massive reward for investors.

That’s the finding I shared in my 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call, in a nutshell. Click here to watch the replay if you didn’t catch the live event. 

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt argues which is the better asset class – gold or crypto. He also provides a complete overview of the market, including how it is holding up through the pandemic, and discusses the best way to profit amid the volatility. This is an episode you don’t want to miss, as Matt touches on a ton of stock tickers and much more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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