Stocks May be One of the “Best Games in Town”… But My Pick in this Race is Even Better

Yesterday, I turned the reigns over to Louis Navellier, a friend and InvestorPlace colleague. He’s also a legendary growth investor with an impressive track record. He’s made money for a lot of people, and he’s worth listening to.

He explained to you why he is confident the Dow will hit 40,000 before bitcoin.

Louis made the case that stocks are the “best game in town”… better than commodities, bonds, and even cryptocurrencies. (I’ll say my piece on that in a moment.) He said that every time the Fed has pushed rates lower, it’s provided more “juice” for the market.

In fact, Louis pointed out that stocks are five times as valuable to investors as bonds, so you can see how the Dow going from 26K to 40K starts to look not just possible – but probable.

Here’s the thing. I don’t disagree with Louis. I’m just as bullish on stocks as he is. We even work together on an investing service.

Stocks are one of the best games in town, but I believe there’s an even better game out there. One that will also hit 40K… and I believe will get there even faster than the Dow.

I’m talking about cryptocurrencies – and bitcoin in particular.

Bitcoin has been setting up exceptionally well recently. So well, in fact, that it’s set up to rally more than 250% in the coming years to that milestone $40,000 level.

I know that’s a bold statement, but I’m confident in it.

The latest episode of my MoneyLine podcast was just released, and in it I give you a sneak peak of what Louis and I will be debating next week at our event called The Race to 40K.

I hope you can join us. The big “showdown” will be next Wednesday, August 5, at 4 p.m. ET. It’s going to be a lot of fun – and educational. You can learn more about making a lot of money in both stocks and cryptocurrencies. It’s completely free to attend.

Believe it or not, bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency that’s set to skyrocket in the coming months and years. There’s a select group of altcoins that will be even bigger profit machines, and I’ll give you those details in the podcast.

It was a busy week for the stock market, as we got word that the country saw its worst-ever economic decline in the second quarter. But then just two days later, the world’s largest tech companies reported blockbuster earnings for that exact same quarter…

That understandably led to some mixed action in stocks, with the tech-heavy Nasdaq outperforming the Dow. So I break down the GDP number and highlight a pattern that reiterates my belief that the 2020s will be one of the best decades of all time for stocks.

Outside of a few big tech companies, earnings have been ugly overall. But I say that doesn’t matter. That may be confusing to some, so I explain fully in the podcast.

Then, we take a look at one of my favorite subjects… biotech stocks. While this industry remains a top performer so far this year, the Nasdaq Biotech Index has pulled back 9% from its all-time high. The good news is that the weakness creates an amazing buying opportunity in the sector. I’ll even drop a few tickers that are worth keeping an eye on.

Next up is my favorite segment – “Making Money with Matt McCall.” As always, I’ll answer some of the stock questions I’ve received on Twitter. (Don’t forget to send your ticker symbols to @MatthewMcCall if you want yours included!)

Lastly, we wrap up with some excitement. Sports are FINALLY back! Even more important than my joy is the fact that some stocks are poised to be huge winners now that games are back on daily. Once again, I highlight the companies you should be watching.

All of this – and maybe a rant or two – in this week’s episode of MoneyLine. Click here to watch it now.

Stay cool, and enjoy your weekend.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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