This Is One Race I’m Willing to Bet On

I enjoy a friendly wager as much as the next guy.

I’m not talking about serious gambling, though when we invest we do make a “bet” on stocks that we expect will be worth more in the future. But when we invest, research, analysis, and experience tip the odds much more in our favor than betting on who will win the Super Bowl.

I’m talking about a friendly bet on a game or at the golf course.

I’m a huge sports fan. I have been as long as I can remember, from my days growing up in Philadelphia through my time as a college athlete right up to the present. Longtime readers know how thrilled I was last fall to realize my dream of becoming a Philadelphia 76ers season ticket holder – and then how disappointed I was when the pandemic brought the season to a screeching halt in March.

So yeah, I’ve placed a few friendly wagers through the years, and I’ll put some money down when I’m in Las Vegas. But today, I want to tell you about a recent bet I made… with someone you probably know… that has implications for you as an investor.

I made this bet with my friend and InvestorPlace colleague Louis Navellier.

If you don’t know Louis, he’s a legendary growth investor and one of the pioneering founders of quantitative analysis – the practice of using predictive algorithms to forecast major moves in stocks and in the broad markets. He has an incredible track record, and he is very bullish on stocks right now.

I take more of a top-down approach, but I am also a big growth investor who is very bullish on stocks… for the rest of this year and even the entire decade, which I’m calling the Roaring 2020s.

Louis and I got together recently, and he told me that he expects the Dow will hit 40,000 within the next 12 months. That would be a big gain of more than 50%.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s right. In fact, I don’t disagree with him.

But as bullish as I am on stocks, I’m even more bullish on Bitcoin.

So, I took Louis’ statement and raised him.

I think bitcoin will get to $40,000 in the next 12 months… and I’m calling for it to get there BEFORE the Dow gets to 40,000.

Yes, I’m aware that bitcoin needs to gain 300% to $40,000 while the Dow only needs to go up 50%.

But I’m confident in my call. And I think it’s looking stronger by the day.

Bitcoin has just recently broken $11,000 for the first time in almost a year, and it has significant catalysts behind it.

Here’s a chart I shared just yesterday with my Ultimate Crypto readers showing the breakout:

Bitcoin is setting up for a lot more upside ahead. And I think it’s only a matter of months before we get to that $40,000 threshold.

In fact, I’m so confident that I agreed to a friendly wager with Louis about which will get to 40K first.

When our CEO, Brian Hunt, found out about our friendly wager, he wanted us to get together in the same room and “argue it out.”

So that’s exactly what we’re going to do in an event we’re calling, The Race to 40K.

Next Wednesday, August 5, at 4 p.m. ET, you’ll get to hear straight from Louis and me about why the next 12 months could be the best of your life.

We’ll both share our reasons why we predict a TON of money will be made in our chosen assets.

Consider this my personal invitation for you to join us.

The Race to 40K is completely free to attend, but you do have to sign up beforehand. It’s very easy to do. Just click the RSVP link in the email you received from me.

Louis and I could both talk for hours about big investment opportunities. We promise not to go that long, but I’m really looking forward to this special event. I think you’ll find it both a lot of fun and very educational.

I hope to see you there.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt talks about which sector of the market is on its way to fresh highs. He’s done the research and is ready to give you his thoughts. Plus, Matt covers a ton of individual stocks as well as bitcoin, the cannabis sector, and much more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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