Stock Ideas, Cryptos, and IPOs – Answers To Your Questions

The S&P 500 went five for five this week. It closed at a new all-time high each day… the first time such a feat has been achieved in years.

What does this mean for stocks going forward?

That’s the big question, and I answer that and much more in this week’s episode of MoneyLine.

When Fed Chairman Jerome Powell spoke virtually to the annual Jackson Hole symposium this week, he set the tone for what could be a big rally for years to come. By shifting the Fed’s policy on inflation, it signaled that interest rates will remain low for the foreseeable future.

Not only will the new policy be good for stocks, it will also boost cryptocurrencies.

A slight pullback in bitcoin and altcoins this week has led to a great opportunity. I will dive into the way to play the current action in cryptos.

And then… it’s time to take your questions.

You will get my opinion on a recent IPO by the country’s largest mortgage originator. What should you do with Rocket Companies (RKT)? (You probably see the commercials all the time.)

Work from home and gig economy superstar Fiverr (FVRR) has been on a tear since March, up nearly 6X and still holding up strong. It is too late to buy or is there still an opportunity?

Then there is fan favorite Nio (NIO). The Chinese electric vehicle (EV) company reported impressive second-quarter sales and the stock skyrocketed. But there has been some selling pressure on the stock the last couple of days. I will tell you why it was down… and at what price the stock looks like a good buy again.

The NIO discussion leads to more conversation about Chinese EVs. Two companies in the space went public recently: Li Auto (LI) and XPeng (XPEV). Get my thoughts on both.

And I do not stop there. Electric vehicles and breakthrough batteries are hot right now, an there is a lot to talk about. I’ll give you my thoughts on Tesla (TSLA) and two SPACs that are merging with companies in the self-driving vehicle sector. (SPACs are also hot right now, and we’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s MoneyWire.)

Before I wrap up the new episode, I answer a question that I know is on a lot of people’s minds right now – how to prepare a portfolio for a potential pullback. What to do… and what not to do.

It’s another great week on MoneyLine. Thanks to you and your fellow investors for all your interesting questions, thoughts, and stock ideas. Be sure to check out the show.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. EVs are set to become more mainstream, and that’s why investors need to know about a potential new battery technology. Forbes calls it simply: “The battery that could change the world.”

Trust me, it’s amazing.

This breakthrough device could change just about everything in your life – from how you get around to how you communicate with others.

For early investors, this presents the kind of moneymaking opportunity that could turn a tiny initial stake into an absolute fortune.

Folks who get in on this breakthrough now, BEFORE it’s rolled out on a mass scale, will have the chance to be a part of perhaps the single largest legal creation of wealth in the last 25 years.

I can share with you what I’ve learned and show you how to profit. Click here to learn more.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

How the 5G Breakthrough Can Make You Rich

The next trillion-dollar companies – the next Amazon, the next Google, etc. – are being hatched in research facilities and garages around the world. These firms will further change the world and revolutionize our economy.

Just as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can’t function without the internet, the next generation of world-changing, $1 trillion mega winners can’t survive without the subject of this report… the super powerful infrastructure technology we call “5G.” Learn more here.

How to Make Huge Profits From the Shift to Transportation 2.0

The car as we know it is on the verge of a transformative change not seen since Karl Benz invented it nearly 135 years ago. In fact, the whole transportation sector is now poised for its version of 2.0.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this will lead to trillions of dollars in money sloshing around in the coming decades. What is coming will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born. Learn more here.

How to Cash In on the Biggest Battery Breakthrough in a Century

The next big breakthrough in battery technology is an innovation that will have multi-trillion-dollar economic implications. I can tell you this mega innovation isn’t a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when,” and I believe it will go down as one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your “field guide” for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.

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