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240 results for twtr

Why Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock May Finally Be Worth a Buy

While Twitter certainly has problems with user growth, it has the potential to transform itself. TWTR Stock is a speculative buy.

Mark Cuban Slams TWTR, FB on Valuation

Mark Cuban railed on Twitter (TWTR) and Facebook (FB)…he also thinks that today’s tech bubble is worse than the one in 2000.

The Post-Earnings TWTR Spike Could Turn Into a Sustained Rally

TWTR management beat earnings expectations and the stock is spiking on the headline. There is a chance for a mega breakout even from here.

Why Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Looks as Dull as Ever

If TWTR stock is to have any chance of recovering, Twitter first has to get traders — pro and otherwise — looking at it again.

TWTR Rumors: Is Twitter In Talks to Buy Flipboard?

TWTR is reportedly in talks to acquire Flipboard for more than $1 billion, but the talks have stalled for unknown reasons.

Twitter, Inc. (TWTR) Stock Isn’t Done Running With Bloomberg

Twitter has paired solid earnings with a Bloomberg deal to send TWTR stock 25% higher in a week. A UFC win would really light the…

Twitter (TWTR) Stock: Still Dead Money Despite JPM Optimism

Twitter (TWTR) stock rose on Monday after a bullish report from JPMorgan put a price target of $67 on shares. That’s never going to happen.

Get Free Profits from Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock on Buyout Hopes

Let others chase Twitter headlines and price targets while I sell risk below levels that would be supported by their hopium of a TWTR buyout.

How to Trade Twitter Stock After Earnings (TWTR)

Twitter stock is down by around 40% year to date, but is trading in a tight range heading into earnings. This could mean opportunity in…

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Won’t Rise Again Until It Fixes This Problem

Twitter’s interface does not scale and it has shunned third-party developers who could help. Now TWTR stock will continue to suffer until it woos them.

TWTR: Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Is Done

Dick Costolo is calling it quits as Twitter CEO, with co-founder Jack Dorsey to take the reins at TWTR in the interim.

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Is Just Hot Enough to Short

Chasing the Twitter (TWTR) buyout headline was a money-losing prospect, but you can sell risk below support while everyone keeps waiting.

Why Twitter Inc (TWTR) Is Looking Like an Outmoded Newspaper

TWTR stock is deteriorating. The Twitter user base continues to languish and unfortunately, there are few signs that things will get better.

Best Stocks for 2018: Twitter Inc Is Sending a Message

As TWTR’s numbers continue to look better and better, Twitter stock investors can look forward to more of the same.

Twitter Inc: The Hoopla Surrounding TWTR Stock Still Is Well-Deserved

Twitter is cutting back jobs and HQ expansion, but continued innovation in engagement and monetization should see TWTR stock through.

Twitter Stock Still Not Worth the Investment (TWTR)

Twitter stock is plummeting again after the company’s latest earnings disappointment. Here’s why value investors shouldn’t bother buying low on TWTR.

Facebook Inc, Twitter Inc and MasterCard Inc: Is There a Potential for Collaboration? (FB TWTR MA)

MasterCard wants to work with FB and TWTR. Such a partnership would be beneficial to both companies. But, Facebook could make it successful.

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Is Trending for Free Profits

While TWTR stock management can’t get out of its own way, I can still profit from the Twitter price action for free.

No One Else Wants Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock. Why Do You?

Twitter stock is getting hammered on Monday as all bets for a buyout bid seem to be off. If you’re still long TWTR, it’s time…

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Can Still Make a Comeback

The TWTR stock price today could improve in the months ahead if Twitter changes its approach to increasing revenue and boosting interest in its social…

Is Twitter Leaning Away From Jack Dorsey for CEO? (TWTR)

The Twitter (TWTR) stock price is in for a rude awakening if the board doesn’t want Jack Dorsey to be CEO…which is a distinct possibility.

Twitter Earnings Recap – TWTR Stock Run Just Won’t Last

After a good response to Twitter earnings, can TWTR stock justify its recent momentum swing, or should investors stay away?

Trade of the Day: Shoot Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock for Profits

Twitter stock remains under pressure following disappointing earnings. The time is ripe for a long TWTR stock play.

3 Reasons Twitter Inc (TWTR) Stock Is Not Worth the Trouble

The latest Twitter earnings report highlights the company’s major challenges and the inevitable long-term struggles for TWTR stock.

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