Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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How to Prepare Your Portfolio for a Bear Market

When you're expecting a bear market, don't just jump from stocks to cash. There's a better way to prepare portfolio.

The 2 Biggest Lies of Buybacks

S&P 500 companies have spent $211 billion in 2014 buying back stock. But here's why buybacks aren't always as good as they seem.

How to Use Social Media to Support Your Advisory Business

Social media is becoming increasingly tethered with the financial world. Charles Sizemore discusses how Vestorly can help financial pros.

New Money Market Rules – What’s ‘Safe’ Now?

The SEC shakes up the money market world in hopes of avoiding another 2008-esque crisis. Here's what you should know.

Lessons From the Past – Walmart Dividend Letter From 1985

What an old Walmart shareholder letter can teach us about the benefits of avoiding short-term noise and focusing on long-term investing.

Asset Allocation – How ‘Spreading the Love’ Will Save Your Portfolio

Asset allocation is one of the most important tools in the risk management toolbelt. Learn the basics of this strategy, and how it can help your portfolio.

Why You Should Ignore Mutual Funds’ Five-Year Returns Right Now

If you think analyzing five-year returns is a good way to find a fund right now, think again. These mutual funds show that certain time periods can be deceiving.

Gold and Silver Investing: How to Add Metals to Your Portfolio

Protect your assets by investing in gold and silver. Here are 4 different ways you can add them to your portfolio.

Don’t Count on Dividend ETFs to Play Defense

You should always have equity income in your portfolio, but don't think dividend ETFs will save you from a correction. They won't.

I Need a Financial Advisor … Right?

There's a mountain of information out there about investment strategies. You really want to go it alone?

3 Ways to Hedge Your Portfolio in an Unsure Market

Worried that the market can't possibly keep up this rally forever? Options, short selling and ETFs can all help you protect against some of your long positions.

Investing for Beginners – What You Should Read

From how-tos to fictions, beginner investors can round out their education with these books and news sources.

Stock Liquidity – Friend or Foe?

Investors and market pundits alike love to sing the praises of stock liquidity. But what if I told you that the ability to trade so quickly is holding you back?

Share Repurchases: The Scary, Unintended Consequences

Share repurchases are hitting record levels, but this reckless capital allocation has unintended consequences. Here are three scary examples.

How Did Everyone Get Bond Yields So Wrong?

Only time will tell, but just because bond yields are low today doesn’t mean a move higher and a steep decline in bond prices will come tomorrow.

Momentum Stocks or Value Investing? Try Both.

Many investors would consider momentum stocks and value investing at odds, but they're not mutually exclusive. In fact, you can do well by mixing the two.

2 Downtrodden Stocks to Buy Today

If you can find a stock that throws off a generous, secure cash payout, and you can grab that investment at an attractive discount to its recent highs, you've got an odds-on winner.

3 High-Yielders That Make MLPs a Snap

I’m a big fan of the high yields that master limited partnerships offer -- but not the headache that their K-1 forms cause at tax time. Here are 3 ways to make investing in MLPs a breeze.

What Is a Stock Split?

If you've heard about the Apple (AAPL) 7-for-1 stock split and want the quick 'n' dirty explanation of a stock split, look no further.