
America’s #1 Stock Picker Makes A New Call (Name & Ticker Symbol Included For Free)

America's #1 Stock Picker Is Making A New Call & Revealing A Story Every American Should Be Aware Of.... But Very Few Are. He’s found…

Despite Proposed Buyout and Pandemic Profits, GrubHub Isn’t Reliable

With the new normal of quarantine and stay-at-home orders creating a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for food delivery providers, GrubHub's lackluster capitalization suggests a flawed execution.

A “Stealth” Market Approach for Huge Gains

Over the past three months as markets have plummeted then rallied, one market approach has been racking up consistent winners. Here are the details  …

Lotto-Ticket Ford Versus Larger-Cap, Long-Term Ferrari

Ferrari's market cap is worth $10 billion more than Ford. Does that make Ferrari a better buy than F stock?

Can’t Afford to Buy a Professional Sports Team? I’ve Got Your Next Best Solution…

If you’ve met me, seen me speak, or listened to my podcasts, you know how much I love talking about stocks. I could go on and on and on… sometimes I do! But I always want to make sure I’m talking about what you want to hear. So from time to time, I like to poll my Twitter followers to find out what topics they want me to discuss on my weekly MoneyLine podcast. I got some great responses this week, and I want to thank all who submitted ideas. Covering absolutely every request all is but impossible – but I’m going to do my best! I received a few requests driven by what we’ve seen in the market, and they raised an important point.

M&A News: Facebook Buys GIF Making Site Giphy for $400 Million

Facebook (FB) is the target of M&A news on Friday following its acquisition of GIF creation service Giphy for a total of $400 million.

Nio Stock’s Newest Backers Are Betting On Chinese Success

Nio recently secured $1 billion in funding, but Nio stock has gone sideways ever since. Should shareholders be concerned?

There’s Little Reason to Hold Onto iBio Stock as it Chases Latest Virus

Traders have bought up a bunch of different biotech stocks as potential coronavirus cures. iBio is one that you should get rid of while it's still up.

Buy Good News Gilead Stock Before Other Investors Catch On

Positive signs continue to mount for remdesivir, yet the market continues to have mixed feelings about GILD stock.

Today’s Massive Catalyst You Probably Heard Nothing About

It’s here… as of about two hours ago. I’m talking about bitcoin’s much anticipated “halvening.” We talked about it in the very first MoneyWire of 2020, but the rest of the financial world finally paid a little bit of attention to it today. A lot of websites and cryptocurrency enthusiasts were in party and countdown mode all day. Cointelegraph.com held a seven-hour watch party livestreamed on YouTube. Bitcoin Magazine hosted a 21-hour live stream that started at midnight. I can talk for a long time when I’m passionate about something, but 21 hours is crazy. Thehalvening.com counted down both the number of bitcoin blocks and estimated time until the halvening occurred.

Here’s the Biggest News of the Week

It was actually a decent week for the stock market despite some headwinds, including Friday morning’s jobs report that showed the unemployment rate and the number of people filing for unemployment jumped to the highest levels since World War II. And yet, stocks rallied on Friday. In this week’s MoneyLine podcast, I dive into the markets and break down that historic jobs number. Even though it was big, there was a silver lining… and that’s why stocks gapped higher at the open and rallied into the weekend. Did you know that the Nasdaq is actually up in 2020? My favorite sector is up 6.5%... And my favorite asset class outside of stocks is up 40%! I talk about all three in the podcast.

The Big Event is About to Happen… Here’s My Latest Recommendation

The countdown is now in its final stages, and I’ve just released my last recommendation before it happens. The estimated day for the massive crypto catalyst we’ve been waiting for keeps getting sooner and sooner. A few months ago, bitcoin’s halvening was expected around May 20. A couple of weeks ago, it had been moved up to May 13. Then May 12… It’s now estimated to happen on May 11 – just three days from now. If you’re a regular MoneyWire reader, you know how big this is… and time is running out. Bitcoin’s halvening cuts the supply of new coins coming onto the market in half.

Only One Technology Can Protect the COVID-19 Supply Chain from Fraud and Waste

s it just me or are the scammers even more active these days? More text-message scams seem to be sneaking by than usual, from real estate “deals” to fake warnings about coronavirus exposure. We’ve also seen scammers call people and exploit the government stimulus checks to try and get their bank account numbers. Alphabet (GOOGL) reported in mid-April that it detected 18 million COVID-19 email scams in a week. That included malware attachments plus “phishing” scams.

Your Top 6 Crypto Questions, Answered

I knew a lot of you were interested in cryptocurrencies, but the response from my 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call has been through the roof. When I explained the massive catalyst that is just a few days away – and the life-changing gains that occurred the last two times this event happened – you and your fellow investors wanted to know more. Not surprisingly, I’ve received a lot of questions, which I completely understand. Bitcoin has been around for 11 years now, but it’s still considered new and not well understood by a lot of people. And altcoins, which are a bigger opportunity, are even less known and understood. I now realize just how many of you want in on the opportunity.

History Doesn’t Tell the Full Story – Here’s Where the Market is Really Heading

The month of April is in the record books as one of the best months for stocks – ever. The S&P 500 rallied 12.7%, marking its third largest one-month gain of all time and its best performance since 1987. But of course, now that we have flipped the calendar to May, investors’ focus turns back to the old Wall Street adage: “Sell in May and go away.” It shouldn’t. In this week’s MoneyLine podcast, I talk about where I think the markets are heading and why history isn’t always the best indicator. I also share the results of last week’s investor question and give you my thoughts on which investment is the best to buy today.

Why Blockchain Won’t Just Make You Money – It’ll SAVE You Money, Too

I’ve been on record since December saying that cryptocurrencies will be the best performing asset of 2020. And it has been so far. While the S&P 500, Russell 2000, commodities, REITs, and international stocks are all still negative for 2020 to date, bitcoin is up 22%. After its late-April breakout, it’s even performed twice as well as gold (yet again). But if that prediction still sounds wild to you, consider that cryptos already were the best performers of 2019 – even after their pullback in the second half. Bitcoin still closed up 113%… far more than the 29% gain we celebrated for the S&P 500 stocks.

Bitcoin is Great – But These Altcoins Have More Potential Than You Can Imagine

I want to thank the thousands of folks who joined me last night for the 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call. One of the most explosive catalysts in one of the most explosive industries is happening in just two weeks, and I want everyone to be in position to claim the potentially massive gains. We’re down to the “last call” before things start to skyrocket, and the truth is, they’ve already started. Time is running out, so click here to watch the replay of last night’s event… the deadline is fast approaching. If you still don’t know about the halvening, and why it can lead to gains of 1,000% or more, let me explain…

We’re Only Days Away From What Could Be the Biggest Profit Spike of Our Lifetimes

I’ve been hosting a lot of webinars in recent months. There are just so many fascinating opportunities out there that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle! I’ll be doing another of these free investor events tonight at 7 p.m. ET. All you have to do is click here and you’ll be on the list for this 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call. I say “Last Call” because the catalyst we’ll be exploiting could be just days from now. And you know what? I haven’t heard anything about it on TV! It’s no surprise, sadly. Everyone’s too busy debating whether COVID-19 will bring about the end of the world. (It won't.)

7 Stocks That Still Need Greater Government Stimulus

The government has passed multiple economic aid packages. But these seven companies need more assistance to see their share prices recover.