3 Reasons for Investors to Navigate the New Normal With Alibaba Stock

Following months of tremendous uncertainty, turmoil and eventually government lockdowns, China is taking their first steps toward reopening its vast economy. Granted, this is not going to be an easy process. However, the steady return to normalcy is encouraging. Not surprisingly, Alibaba Group (NYSE:BABA) has responded relatively well to its native country’s efforts toward resuscitation. But even in the midst of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Alibaba stock has been resilient.

Don't Ignore the Major Threats Facing Alibaba Stock

Source: zhu difeng / Shutterstock.com

At its worst in the year so far, BABA slipped about 20% from its highs. And while that’s still a sizable loss over a short period of time, that’s really nothing compared to what we’re seeing in many of our devastated industries. Much of that has to do with the relevancy of Alibaba stock. Like our own Amnazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) — a company to which Alibaba draws frequent comparisons — the present crisis is oly a blip in the longer-term narrative.

Once this pandemic is fully in our rear-view mirror, consumers will do what they normally have done. So while it’s fair to anticipate that certain protocols such as social distancing will stay with us for a while, we’re not going to see such wholesale changes that would render BABA meaningless.

Furthermore, Goldman Sachs recently noted that China is providing a useful blueprint for what we can expect for our own economic recovery. In a way, good news there translates to positive sentiment here. And as I’ll demonstrate, there are several reasons to take encouragement from Alibaba stock and China’s economy as a whole.

A Strong Middle Class Bolsters Alibaba Stock

Prior to the coronavirus, the biggest headwind against Chinese investments was the troubling trade war between the U.S. and China. While President Donald Trump’s administration has grievances related to national security concerns, Washington must also navigate these waters carefully. After all, China didn’t become the world’s second-biggest economy by dumb luck.

Unfortunately, initial negotiations didn’t pan out as many hoped. Therefore, the two sides eventually found themselves imposing retaliatory tariffs at each other. Naturally, this didn’t do any favors for Alibaba stock, which saw its incredible momentum from 2017 cut short.

Nevertheless, the Chinese middle class was able to weather the storm. According to Daniel Zipser, senior partner at McKinsey, a major contributing factor was “new consumers entering the middle class.” This, using Zipser’s words, is “the primary driver of growth in the China market.”

Put another way, it’s not just that the middle class is finding upward mobility. Rather, people from the working and agrarian class are steadily rising up to middle class prosperity. This is encouraging considering that China is a massive country that’s still projected to grow until 2022. However, it’s not just producing people but educating and giving them the tools to succeed in the 21st century economy.

Yes, the pandemic has been a black swan event that quickly disrupted this narrative. However, the Chinese middle class proved that they were resilient in the face of a trade war. I’m sure they are equally prepared to overcome the effects of the corornavirus. And obviously, this is great news for Alibaba stock over the long run.

China and Alibaba Have Geopolitical Insulation

Over the last several days, U.S. lawmakers have demanded that China be held accountable for their role in spreading the coronavirus. For one thing, the virus originated in Wuhan, the capital of central China’s Hubei province. Secondly, the Chinese government hasn’t been exactly transparent with the U.S. throughout this crisis.

However, while I understand the sentiment, it’s simply not realistic. Like it or not, China holds the cards. For decades, the U.S. and western countries outsourced their manufacturing base to the country. And that outsourcing can’t reverse itself overnight.

Furthermore, an escalation of tensions will only economically damage both nations at a time when neither can afford it. Recall that during the trade war, CEOs and business leaders begged President Trump not to go through with some of his most draconian anti-China measures.

If we make coronavirus compensation demands, we risk repeating prior geopolitical mistakes.

Not only that, our major multinational corporations — such as Nike (NYSE:NKE) — depend on Chinese consumers to buy their products. If President Trump pursues a hard line with China, he risks nosediving an already fragile economy into the ground.

With so much suffering on both sides, now is the time for negotiation and cooperation, not conflict. That’s good for China and invariably, Alibaba stock.

Continuity of Government Implies a Quicker Chinese Recovery

Comparing the U.S. and China at this pivotal moment, I marvel at the stark contrast. In China, people are trying to get back to work and are restoring as much as possible their old normal. Back home, our government is bumbling around as millions skip rent payments and wait in breadlines.

Look, I’m under no illusion as to how the Chinese government operates. Obviously, I love capitalism and the free markets. But there’s something to be said about continuity of government, particularly during a crisis. And in these trying times, China’s government has corralled its constituents to focus on longer-term objectives.

Again, stateside, we’re more focused on scoring cheap political points in an election year. Thus, we can end up fighting ourselves for the rest of the year while China steadily builds its foundation for the future.

Unfortunately, there’s very little we can do to change the discourse at the top. But investors can bank on the eastern philosophy of longer-term thinking by buying Alibaba stock.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being “first” gave Matt’s readers the chance to bank +2,438% in Stamps.com (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA) and +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), just to name a few. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now. Matt does not directly own the aforementioned securities.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/05/3-reasons-for-investors-to-navigate-the-new-normal-with-alibaba-stock/.

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