Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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How to Miss Out on Double-Digit Gains

I advised readers back in May that the old adage to 'sell in May and go away' was not a good strategy for this year, and I'm sticking with my prediction.

Take This Month’s Economic Data With a Grain of Salt

The U.S. government shutdown and the 5-year anniversary of the financial crisis will make comparisons of economic data not representative.

Turnarounds: How Long is Too Long?

Meg Whitman is into year three of her Hewlett-Packard turnaround. But how long is too long when it comes to fixing a business?

Financial Stocks Scream for Caution

Financial stocks like JPMorgan are starting to show signs of weakness according to several charts that plot the course of the industry.

Late Jobs Report Let Peace Reign

Jobs report? What jobs report? It barely caused a blip, and that's a good thing, though as the market rises we're seeing more and more speculation.

Home Prices Weigh on Existing Home Sales

Home prices and mortgage rates are up, and that has caused existing home sales to decline, according to the latest National Association of Realtors report.

Focus on Selling With Market at New Highs

Anyone can see that the market is overvalued -- so with the temporary high we're seeing after the reopening of the government, sell off top performers.

Retirement Investors: Tune Out the Noise from Washington

Congress finally reached a deal to reopen the government...but it's only temporary. When this happens again, remember to stay the course.

The Trouble With Minimum Wage McJobs

The negative impact of minimum wage fast-food jobs extends far beyond individual workers … while the benefits of better pay would do the same.

How Much Stock Should You Buy?

Deciding how many shares of a stock you want to buy really is a question about the kind of investor you are and the type of portfolio you are trying to build.

10 Ways to Avoid Market Volatility

While there's no way to tell if market volatility will result in a big move to the upside or downside, these suggestions will help stabilize your portfolio.

VIDEO: Why You Should Learn How to Invest Now

Jon Markman, editor of Trader's Advantage, says Generation Y needs to learn how to invest as soon as possible. Why? Because it works.

Flu Season Is Coming — And These Companies Are Ready

Flu season is slowly getting started -- bad news for us, but welcome news for companies that benefit from flu sufferers' ills. Here's a look at some of them.

Broadcast Networks Bring Out Big Guns Against Aereo

Broadcast networks are taking one last shot at stopping the spread the Aereo service: Petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court.

How to Get Through Earnings Season With Your Sanity Intact

Don't ignore earnings season altogether, but remember that each quarter is part of a much greater narrative, and take advantage of everyone else's nerves.

Emerging Markets Pull Ahead of S&P 500 (SPY)

Whenever emerging bourses outperform during a downturn for equities in general, the bullish momentum tends to hold.

Has Social Stocks’ Lovefest Been Canceled?

Yesterday's big down day for social stocks doesn't mean FB and others are headed for zero, but investors should be walking on eggshells for now.

Market Wrap: October 8, 2013

On Tuesday, Wall Street succumbed to the first real panic selling we've seen since the Fed started its open-ended "QE3" stimulus late last year.

Secondary Offerings: Friend or Foe?

There are reasons to like (and dislike) a secondary offering ... but they usually have little to do with the offering itself.