
What Will It Take to Push Norwegian Cruise Line Stock Back to $60?

Unless sailing begin soon, the fate of Norwegian Cruise Line stock may depend on the operator's ability to raise more cash.

Taking the Stage with a Legend

It’s not quite the same as talking with Bill Gates about Microsoft (MSFT), or Elon Musk about Tesla (TSLA), or Jeffrey Bezos about Amazon (AMZN). But it’s close. In about one hour, I’m going to sit down with a bitcoin legend who was one of the first to learn about the revolutionary new cryptocurrency nearly 12 years ago. He’s been a bitcoin bull ever since, created one of the first crypto exchanges, helped start the Bitcoin Foundation, and more. As important as bitcoin is, it’s the next chapter of the story we’re going to cover. This is the chapter you need to know about. The chapter where even more riches will be made. There’s no two ways about it. Charlie Shrem is a bitcoin legend. His work is considered by many to be the driving force behind bitcoin’s meteoric rise.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 67 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.

You Need to Watch These Under-the-Radar Trends

I told you on Tuesday that this was about to be the biggest week in more than a year for the IPO market. And it was… However, the largest software IPO in history couldn’t propel the indices higher. The S&P 500 closed today about flat since last Friday. In today’s new episode of MoneyLine, I dive into four of the week’s most talked about IPOs, which means you get my view on Snowflake (SNOW)… as well as a potential Teladoc (TDOC) competitor and two mid-caps that are flying under radar. Speaking of flying under the radar, there is an entire sector of stocks that is being overlooked by Wall Street… and yet, it’s been making investors good money. I’m talking about the homebuilders and building materials companies.

This Bitcoin Legend is Making a BOLD Prediction – And You Need to Hear It

rue privacy is pretty rare in this age of technology. Information is instant. Most everything can be tracked. And everybody has a camera. Do one stupid thing and the whole world sees the video within minutes. It’s fascinating, then, that nobody knows who started bitcoin – which is now worth over $200 billion – and gave rise to the entire cryptocurrency industry that has since exploded. We do know a name: Satoshi Nakamoto. But that’s it. Nobody knows who that is. And believe me, it’s not for lack of trying. Identifying the true founder would make you an instant celebrity in the crypto world.

IPOs are Heating Up – Here’s What You Should be Watching

The IPO market has been hot this year… but this week is the biggest yet. With 12 companies making their debut and raising more than $6.8 billion, we haven’t seen a week like this since Uber (UBER) went public in May 2019. It’s great to see, and I give you all the details you need in today’s new episode of MoneyLine. I even discuss some of the specific deals, including the largest U.S. software IPO ever in Snowflake (SNOW) – which begins trading tomorrow – and a telehealth company called Amwell. Similar to IPOs, SPACs are another area of the market that is red hot right now. Nine of these “blank check” companies went public in the last week.

It’s Time to Face the Fact That Hertz Stock Is a Lottery Ticket Now

For a moment in June, Hertz might have had a chance of making a turnaround. As time drags on, however, Hertz stock owners are losing any remaining hope.

There’s No Need to Pull the Trigger on Microsoft Stock Just Yet

The longer term outlook of MSFT stock is bright. But in the near-term, the tech pullback and other risks are likely to pull down the shares.

Overstock Stock is Poised to Ride WFH Wave and Challenge Amazon on the Way

Overstock stock should get a lift from the continuing home-furnishing boom and its entrance into the retail-brokerage market.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 80 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.

20 Questions with Matt… Ready? Go!

“Never forget.” That phrase quickly became part of how America coped with the tragic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 – 19 years ago today. We should never forget what happened that day and all the good people lost in the horrific attacks. In today’s new MoneyLine podcast, I am actually coming to you from New York, so it’s especially on my mind, and I’ll share some thoughts. In the markets, the big talk this back-to-work week has been the pullback in tech stocks and their attempted rally into the weekend. We discuss that briefly… but today’s show is a little different in that we play our own game of 20 questions.

Walmart Drone Delivery: Pilot Program Takes Off in NC

Walmart (WMT) is testing out a drone delivery program in Fayetteville, N.C. to help customers get their groceries faster.

Apple’s New iPhone Could Be the Start of Something HUGE

It’s that time of year again. Kids are back in school (some virtually, some in-person), football is starting up (tonight!), and white pants are being packed away until Memorial Day. Even the leaves are already beginning to change color in some places. But in this digital world, that’s not all the turn of the calendar to September brings… It also marks Apple’s (AAPL) always-anticipated new launch event. This event has become a tradition that shapes much of the tech industry. Apple unveils what it’s been working on over the last year… and gives a preview of what’s to come in the future.

Carnival Is Not Going Bankrupt, But Only Risk-Tolerant Investors Should Buy CCL Stock

Cruiselines are still under the pump because of the pandemic. But CCL stock is trading unusually low despite having adequate finances till the end of 2021. If you can stomach a bit of risk, then you should go ahead and initiate a small position in the stock, since FAANGs are trading at exceptional multiples.

The Perma-Bears Are Wrong About the Recent Action… Here’s Why

“I told you so…” After a monster 50% run in the S&P 500 in just six months, the perma-bears are out in full force claiming victory amid the recent sell-off as investors dumped tech stocks and locked in some big profits. Well, it’s time for those perma-bears to go back into hibernation. On today’s new episode of MoneyLine, I explain why the eternal pessimists shouldn’t just retreat into hiding… but disappear forever. I don’t know of one so-called “analyst” who is always bearish but still makes money over the long term. It’s simply not possible.

Weekly Upgrades and Downgrades

During these busy times, it pays to stay on top of the latest profit opportunities. And today's blog post should be a great place to start. After taking a close look at the latest data on institutional buying pressure and each company's fundamental health, I decided to revise my Portfolio Grader recommendations for 54 big blue chips. Chances are that you have at least one of these stocks in your portfolio, so you may want to give this list a skim and act accordingly.

Stocks Are Down… But I Have The Truth Behind the Action

Labor Day Weekend is always an important time for the market. Wall Street returns to work, trading volume picks up, and everyone starts looking ahead to the election, the holidays, and 2021. But this year’s long weekend is even more important than usual. After the market’s action the last couple of days, we’re at one of those crucial times that separate the successful investors from the unsuccessful ones. Stocks hit new all-time highs on Wednesday before suffering their worst two-day pullback in months. And the media is only fueling the fire. The headlines might have you in a panic. But I’m here to tell you the truth.

Investors Wondering if Ford Stock Is a Value Trap

Is F stock a buying opportunity for savvy investors or a value trap destined to get ever cheaper on the road to bankruptcy?

The Simple Yet Very Difficult Key To Investing

If you’re anything like me, patience does not come naturally. In life, I am the guy pacing while the line at Dunkin’ Donuts inches forward, taking far too long to get my morning coffee. But when it comes to the stock market, I am a Zen Master. Why? Because it works. Patience is often overlooked because it comes after the research is done and a stock is bought, but it’s one of the keys to successful investing. It sounds so easy. It’s something our parents try to teach us at a young age – right around the same time as “sharing.”