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Energy Stocks

Energy consists of substances or elements that create power for everyday uses, such as oil, light, electricity, or wind. Not all energy is made the same, however. Energy from crude oil can emit harmful emissions, while electricity offers a much cleaner source of power. Tesla is leading the way in creating minimal amounts of emissions with its electric vehicles, while Exxon Mobil harnesses emissions-emitting oil to power internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Recent Energy Stocks Articles

Option Plays for Election Outcomes

Both the stock market and politics are couched in uncertainty. The good news is options are perfect when it comes to hedging your portfolio for such circumstances.

A Pure Play in Natural Gas X 2

UNG and BOIL offer two ways to capture the inevitable rise in natural gas.

Natural Gas Finally Shows Some Spark

Rising demand and falling supplies have prices moving up. It's creating a good opportunity to get into the sector while share prices are still depressed.

Use USO Short Puts to Play Oil’s Dip

With oil's path of least resistance remaining sideways to higher, selling put options in the United States Oil Fund appears a reasonable strategy.

Pengrowth Energy: The Perils of Chasing Yield

A dividend cut at this struggling natural gas stock serves as a lesson: Even though the yield still looks enticing, it's clearly not sustainable.

3 Buys in Offshore Oil Services

Deepwater drillers may be sexier, but these guys are essential players -- and without their technology and know-how, this energy would never get to the surface.

China’s Energy-Buying Binge Is Just Starting

CNOOC's $15 billion grab of Canada's Nexen means more deals are coming, particularly in Canada. Here are some possibilities for the next to go.

Wait to Buy Until Stocks Go 5%-10% Lower

Most stocks will likely pull back to their support areas, giving us an opportunity to buy them at a discount.

GE Is Back to Firing on (Most) Cylinders

Despite tough times, the giant conglomerate is growing stronger amazingly well. Here's more on why GE looks like a good long-term bet.

6 Reasons to Buy Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil is the best single integrated-energy stock in the market right now. Here's why it offers the best value, quality and growth profile of any energy giant in the world.

Surging Drill Rig Rates Will Fuel Noble

One of Noble's newest state-of-the-art rigs is now contracted to Anadarko for $618,000 a day -- and more of these super-capable deepwater rigs are on the way.

Energy Independence: The Efficiency Payoff

'Drill Baby Drill' combined with saving more of the oil and gas we produce creates a surefire winner, because smarter energy use is essential for growth. Here's one way to play it.

Utilities: Back to Hero, or Villain in Disguise?

This may be a temporary period of strength or a final move before a breakdown. A downtrend could be quite telling about the second half for equities.

A Daydreamer’s Plan to Set Pepco Straight

As King for a Day, my first edict is to fine Pepco Holdings by suspending its dividend to try and elicit a change in the service provider's performance.

Patriot: Coal Mining’s Canary

Patriot's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing could start a parade. Beware of falling coal miners -- this is no time to be bargain-hunting amid the rubble.

Fed Minutes Spark a Selloff — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Investors hoping for a sign of economic stimulus or easing from the Fed were let down Wednesday, putting a cramp on equities.

BP Just Can’t Win in Russia

Its joint venture with TNK is a key revenue lifeline that has helped BP cope financially in the aftermath of Deepwater Horizon. But it may soon get cut.

For Europe, Shale Gas Is No Panacea

Europe has plenty of reserves. Getting them out is the hard part, especially considering the widespread environmental and political opposition to fracking.

M&A: Where the Hotspots Are

Both the number of deals and their value are down, but there's strong signs of life if you know where to look. Here's a guide to where the action is.