Here are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:
Big Player: A new study finds that Apple‘s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iTunes continues to dominate digital music downloads, AppleInsider notes. According to research from NPD Group, iTunes accounts for 63% of all digital music downloads in the final quarter of 2012. In order to reach its conclusion, NPD studied 12,000 consumer surveys. Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) was ranked second with 22% of music downloads. According to NPD, 44 million U.S. residents purchased at least one digital music track online in 2012. Online music purchases rose 6% compared to the previous year. iTunes recently announced that it has surpassed 25 billion song downloads.
Another Problem: Apple is being targeted by Chinese regulators over accusations that pornographic apps are available from its App Store, the Wall Street Journal notes. The latest criticism from Chinese authorities comes just weeks after the company apologized for its policies after state-run Chinese media outlets harshly criticized its warranty coverage. Apple has now been ordered to remove any content from the App Store deemed pornographic by Chinese censors. On Wednesday, a report in The People’s Daily listed Apple among a list of other websites and app purveyors under investigation by Chinese authorities. While Apple is well-known for proactively keeping pornographic material from its App Store, the repeated clashes with Chinese regulators could signal that the Chinese government is targeting the company.
Ich Bin Ein Berliner: Residents of Berlin will soon have their own Apple Store, 9to5Mac notes. While Apple operates 10 retail outlets in Germany, the new store will be the first in the country’s capital city. German sources say that scaffolding around the store’s exterior is being taken down and that the interior was mostly completed. The store is expected to open early next month.
For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.