Where to Invest Now for Massive Returns

What are two of the biggest, most revolutionary trends in the world right now?

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I’m absolutely convinced that the right investments in the trends I describe below will return you over 10 times your money over the coming years.

You’ll be hearing about them A LOT from me.

Without further ado, here they are …

Legalization of Marijuana

By now, you’ve surely heard the big picture case for investing in marijuana.

In 1937, the federal government made the sale and consumption of marijuana essentially illegal. But in recent years, “weed” is now being decriminalized across the U.S. and Canada. Businesses and consumers are responding …

In 2016, sales of legal marijuana in North America totaled $6.7 billion. In 2017, those sales increased 37% to reach $9.2 billion.

When you consider that sales of coffee in America last year were $48 billion, you realize that the legal marijuana market has an enormous amount of room to grow.

In fact, the legal marijuana business is set to grow so much over the next 10 years, I believe it will turn out to be one of the three biggest investment opportunities of your entire life, no matter when you were born. The opportunity in legal weed is much like the opportunity Internet stocks offered in 1994 … or that Bitcoin offered in 2015.

Just in the past few years, the adult usage of marijuana was legalized in California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine, and medical marijuana programs were either created or expanded upon in Florida, North Dakota, Montana and Arkansas. Today there are 3 states that have legalized medical marijuana and 10 where recreational use is allowed. In October 2018, recreational marijuana use was legalized in Canada.

When you factor in the potential legalization of marijuana in markets outside of North America, you have a market that could grow 10-fold by 2029.

Self-Driving Vehicles

When you hear the words “Phoenix, Arizona,” what comes to mind?

If you’re like most people, it’s things like hot weather, the desert, year-round golf, and hosting major football games.

Phoenix is about to add another item to that list. The city is about to go down in history as “ground zero” for a historic economic revolution… one that will totally reshape the way we work, play, communicate, and travel.

This revolution will not be measured in the billions of dollars, but in the trillions of dollars. Think something as impactful as the printing press, the internet, or the telephone.

I’m not exaggerating when I say what’s being hatched there will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born.

So what’s happening in Phoenix?

Simple: Phoenix is home to the world’s most important, most extensive self-driving car test program.

What developers learn from this program will change the way we get around in a way we haven’t seen since Henry Ford started making the Model T in Michigan. It will have ripple effects that last decades.

The concept of self-driving cars has been around for decades. You’ve probably seen plenty of them in sci-fi shows and movies. However, it’s only in the past 10 years or so that technology has advanced to the point that it’s possible to build and operate a viable AV.

It’s an innovation that has enormous ramifications across all aspects of life.

Elderly folks who can’t drive will become much more mobile… You’ll be able to read a book or watch a movie on the way to work… The number of car crashes related to drunk, distracted, or sleepy drivers will plummet… Your car will be able to work for you during the day, operating as a taxi and making you money… If you choose, you won’t have to own a car at all… you can simply order rides from fleets of “robo-taxis”… and The billions of hours we spend driving will be “unlocked” and put toward productive use.

Since so much of typical daily life revolves around traveling by car, the development of AVs will transform trillions of dollars’ worth of manufacturing and service businesses.

With this much at stake, it’s no surprise many of the world’s smartest, richest, most powerful entrepreneurs and investors are working day and night to dominate the self-driving car market. The companies trying to get their share of this enormous market represent a “who’s who” of the technology and manufacturing world.

I have no doubt the winners of this race will see their stock market values advance 10-fold … 20-fold … even 100-fold over the coming decade … taking investors along for the ride of their lives.

I plan on making sure you get your share of these huge gains.

***By now, you can see how our “Big Theme” investment strategy works. We find massive, world-changing trends … and then take early stakes in them. By getting to these big ideas first, we’ll make huge gains without taking huge risks.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being “first” gave Matt’s readers the chance to bank +2,438% in Stamps.com (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA) and +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), just to name a few. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now. Matt does not directly own the aforementioned securities.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/08/marijuana-legalization-self-driving-vehicles-where-to-invest-now-massive-returns/.

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