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Airline Stocks

Airlines have long remained a staple of the travel sector. The airline industry trends closely with economic cycles and important inputs like fuel and oil prices. Recently, pilot shortages have been a point of constraint for the business. In the U.S., Southwest, Delta, United, and American Airlines are easily the biggest players in the business.

Recent Airline Stocks Articles

United Continental (UAL): Brace Yourself for a Bumpy Ride

United Continental Holdings Inc increasingly feels more at risk of a near-term mean-reversion move lower. Short UAL stock now, and/or consider waiting for a chance at a long position.

3 Airline Stocks Hitting Turbulence

For the first time in months, seemingly-invincible airline stocks are being hit hard by sellers. Here are three stocks worth a look on the short side.

Virgin America Inc (VA) – The Best Growth Buy in Airspace

Virgin America Inc (NASDAQ:VA) has found the sweet spot in the air travel space, and VA stock is trading at a decent valuation since cooling off from its 2014 spike.

Airline Stocks: 2 to Book, 2 to Bump

Although airline stocks have been on a tear and have very attractive valuations now, some stocks are better than others.

The 10 Stock Charts You Need to Watch in September

If the stock market keeps rising through the autumn, the stock charts show that these 10 names are primed for a breakout.

Airline Stocks Soar on Strong Earnings, Near-Term Tailwinds

It’s no surprise that airline stocks have been on a tear, gaining an average of 100% in the past 52 weeks. But have they run out of runway?

Delta Air Lines – DAL Stock Is Flying in a Topping Pattern

Shares of Delta Air Lines had one heck of a run for the past 18 months, but after overshooting in June, DAL stock is pointed lower.

3 Airline Stocks Running Into Turbulence

Geopolitical unrest and broader-market sagginess are taking their toll on airline stocks UAL, AAL and DAL.

Trade of the Day: Delta (DAL)

Lufthansa's warning about smaller profits has led to some fall-out in the larger airline group. But I see this as a trading opportunity.

Big Change Coming to the United Frequent Flier Program

United Airlines is changing the way it calculates award miles under its United Frequent Flier Program; awards will be based on fares paid not miles flown.

PEOPLExpress: 6 Things to Know About the New Low-Cost Airline

PEOPLExpress, the 1980's discount airline, is being resurrected this summer and will begin flying to U.S. cities next month.

Boeing Stock Has Short-Term Potential, But Mind the Ceiling

Boeing (NYSE:BA), like the rest of the aerospace industry, has seen healthy gains in recent years, but more sober signs are emerging. Still, Boeing stock currently offers quick upside.

The New American Airlines: 3 Pros, 3 Cons for AAL Stock

After a standout year for AAL stock in 2013, the question for investors is whether AAL can continue to soar or whether it’s time to take profits.

3 Airline Stocks to Sell or Short

The current bout of turbulence shaking AAL and other airline stocks makes them attractive short-selling targets

U.S. Airline Stocks Should Soar Through 2014

The mystery over a missing Malaysian airliner shouldn't concern investors in the industry. U.S. airline stocks look strong, with DAL and LUV leading the way

2 Airline Stocks Buckled Up for Passenger Growth in Middle East

Airline travel in the Middle East has been soaring. Here are 2 U.S. airline stocks to play Middle East passenger growth.

United Airlines Cracking Down on Carry-On Luggage

United Airlines is stepping up enforcement of its carry-on bag size rules.

Trade of the Day: Delta Airlines (DAL)

Delta may seem a strange bullish options trade to be taking, given all of the recent flight cancellations…but that is precisely why we are recommending it.

BA: Why the Sky is the Limit for Boeing Stock

Boeing looks like a solid buy as it heads into its earnings release, with new orders from around the world. Check here for more on Boeing stock.