Don’t Miss This Chance for Life-Changing Profits With Small High-Growth Stocks

I want to thank all who joined me yesterday to find out the best way to play the Roaring 2020s — and how investors can maximize their gains from the multi-year bull market that’s ahead.

A digital image of a bronze bull and bear overlaid with a technical chart and images of coins.

Source: Shutterstock

We had a great turnout for our special Bull Market Confidential event, but if you weren’t able to participate, I want to make sure you also have access to the important information we talked about.

We focused on a select group of stocks with unique advantages over the vast majority of other stocks out there. These small, high-growth, innovative leaders of tomorrow have led every bull market for decades.

They are creating the most exciting wave of innovation and wealth-building anywhere on Earth. Anyone can own them, but you have to know where to look.

The information I shared in last night’s event is especially critical right now, so if you missed it please click here to watch a replay now.

If you still don’t know about these small stocks on the cutting edge of innovation, let me explain why they’re so important …

The path to life-changing wealth depends on getting in on the next Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) … the next Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) … the next Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) … before the masses. Even a delay of a year or two can mean profits of a few hundred percent instead of thousands of percent.

Both are good, but only one can be life changing.

The biggest winners of the Roaring 2020s are again set to be small, high-growth, innovative stocks. The ones in ideal position to capitalize on the convergence of powerful new technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, biotech breakthroughs, blockchain, and more.

These are small stocks set to grow large. They’re the ones with the potential to go up 50-fold … 100-fold … even 200-fold in size.

If you’re wondering why small companies are the biggest winners year after year, it comes down to a simple law of nature.

It’s far, far easier for something small to grow 50 times its size than it is for something gigantic to grow 50 times its size.

A small sapling can grow 50 times in size. A mature oak tree can’t. It already grew 50 times in size.

A small restaurant chain can grow 50X. A mature giant like McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) can’t anymore. It already did.

It would be nearly impossible for a $1.5 trillion giant like Microsoft to grow 50 times from here. It would be more than twice the size of the whole U.S. economy!

Or think of it this way …

If a small beverage company creates a hit product that generates an additional $200 million in sales, it’s a huge deal that can make the company’s stock rise by thousands of percent. However, if giant Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) finds a way to bring in $200 million more in sales, it barely registers on its massive income statement.

All this doesn’t mean that a massive company is necessarily a bad investment. It just means its hypergrowth days are behind it.

That’s why anyone looking for the chance to make a lot of money quickly in stocks should be looking at small companies set to grow large. Keep in mind that your typical small cap is less than one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) the size of a giant like Amazon. Since the company is starting from such a small base, its potential is astronomical.

This isn’t the first time I’ve called out the massive potential in small stocks.

I introduced my Microcap Millionaire Portfolio to Early Stage Investor subscribers on February 5, 2020 — just two weeks before the market started to fall into what would become the fastest bear market in history.

Brilliant, huh?

Well, thanks to a sharp recovery, the S&P 500 has gained a small 3% since that date. That’s pretty good given the crazy roller coaster this year has been.

But the Microcap Millionaire Portfolio is up 60% … with one stock up an incredible 250% in just eight months! All that with possibly the worst-timed launch in my personal history.

Fortunately, perfect timing isn’t my goal.

The Microcap Millionaire Portfolio is filled with these same small companies on the cutting edge of innovation. The kind of companies I talked about during the Bull Market Confidential event. The kind of companies that lead to triple- and even quadruple-digit gains.

That’s my goal.

These are small stocks I can pretty much guarantee you’ve never heard of before. It’s also information you’re not going to get anywhere else. So if you haven’t already, click here to watch the replay of last night’s event before it’s too late.

I’ll reveal how investing in the right stocks in the Roaring 2020s could allow you to make well over 10 times your money.

Plus … I’ll share the details on a stock that almost nobody has heard about before. It’s a little-known company that uses artificial intelligence to create next-generation drugs that help lower costs and increase efficiency in the drug discovery process.

This is the type of company I don’t come across very often in my research, but I’m sharing it with you today. I believe it has the potential to soar eight-fold or more over the next few years.

Don’t miss this chance to set yourself up for life-changing wealth in the coming decade. Click here to watch the replay of Bull Market Confidential right now.

On the date of publication, Matthew McCall did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now

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