The market for electric cars has become another Gold Rush. Thousands will try to get rich quick — but only a select few who play it smart will make a fortune.
I’ve been covering electric cars for a year…and now every car maker in the world is racing to catch up.
In the last month alone:
- Subaru (OTCMKTS:FUJHY) announced its first EV, in partnership with Toyota Motor (NYSE:TM).
- So did Mazda Motor (OTCMKTS:MZDAY). In Britain, Jaguar Land Rover is working on them, too.
- Even Dyson is getting in on the action.
- But some of the most ambitious, futuristic plans are coming from China, where Enovate is working on a true “Tesla Killer.”
For my money, Toyota’s the one to watch. Because it’s laser-focused on what’s most important: the battery.
Why are people eager to buy electric cars? They’re sleeker, cleaner, and require way less maintenance. That’s all thanks to the battery-powered motor.
Right now, electric vehicles are powered by a larger version of what’s in your cellphone and laptop: the lithium-ion battery. But by upgrading to next-generation battery technology, Toyota’s EVs will run on batteries that are more compact – but way more powerful… and safer, too.
For the Japanese market, Toyota has designed an ultra-compact EV. And with these new batteries, which eliminate the liquid electrolyte, much of the bulk disappears.
Take a look at the picture below. The front hood of the car literally disappears!
And an electric car has got to be just as convenient as gas. The internal-combustion engine may be 100-year-old technology, but it’ll go for about 300 miles on a tank. With this battery, you could get DOUBLE the range after just 15 minutes of charging.
Plus, since you don’t need the liquid electrolyte, the batteries aren’t flammable. Remember the problems with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7? If you tried to bring the phone on an airplane, the flight attendants would confiscate it because the lithium-ion batteries had started catching fire. In early 2018, HP had to recall 50,000 laptops for a similar reason.
But next-generation batteries don’t have that fire risk. In one memorable test, a startup called Ionic Materials shot its battery with a Remington .22. It took three bullets, did not catch fire, and kept working!
So you can see why Toyota is running full-tilt toward this goal. In a briefing last Friday, Toyota executive Shigeki Terashi said he wants to unveil the new batteries “by the time we have the Olympic games” in Tokyo next July. He knows that with everything we’ll be asking the battery to do, the current lithium-ion technology just won’t cut it. We need safer, longer-lasting batteries.
Toyota is just one major player in a “battery cartel” of sorts that’s sprung up in Japan. The government is working directly with researchers, automakers, and other big names like Panasonic (OTCMKTS:PCRFY) to get this particular new technology to market.
That’s only one example of why we, as investors, need to find a pure play on the battery revolution.
Invest Where “Big Auto” is Dropping Major Cash
I’m a big believer in “picks and shovels” investing. And that’s because, if you look back at the 1849 Gold Rush, most of the prospectors ended up broke – but the guys who sold them their picks and shovels got rich. One German immigrant did even better by selling work pants made of a new, more durable material. His name was Levi Strauss… and, still today, we all wear blue jeans.
With any big trend, you always want to look at the suppliers. Electric cars are no exception. Therefore, at Investment Opportunities, I’m recommending companies that supply these next-generation batteries.
Japan may be the current favorite to mass-produce them – but one tiny company in the United Kingdom holds a few of the key patents. Toyota is relying on it for electric cars… yet I’m willing to bet you’ve never heard of it.
I’ve got a full presentation on the investment opportunity in this new technology – nicknamed the “Jesus Battery.”
Find out exactly what makes this battery so miraculous here.
Insiders are already calling this potential new battery a “paradigm shift” in energy technology. Forbes calls it simply: “The battery that could change the world.”
For early investors, this presents the kind of moneymaking opportunity that could turn a tiny initial stake into an absolute fortune.
Folks who get in on this breakthrough now, BEFORE it’s rolled out on a mass scale, will have the chance to be a part of perhaps the single largest legal creation of wealth in the last 25 years.
I can share with you what I’ve learned and show you how to profit. Click here to learn more.
Matthew McCall is the founder and president of Penn Financial Group, an investment advisory firm, as well as the editor of Investment Opportunities and Early Stage Investor. He has dedicated his career to getting investors into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being “first” gave Matt’s readers the chance to bank +2,438% in (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA), +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), +611% in Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (LNGLY), +324% in Bitcoin Services (BTSC), just to name a few. If you’re interested in making triple-digit gains from the world’s biggest investment trends BEFORE anyone else, click here to learn more about Matt McCall and his investments strategy today.