Our Major Advantage in Beating Back This Coronavirus Crisis

Longtime readers know I’m all about investing in hypergrowth trends that are changing our world … and our fortunes. It’s a great feeling to both support and make money in companies improving our lives and health.

Telehealth Stocks to Buy: Teledoc Health (TDOC)

Source: Shutterstock

One silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic is that some of these innovations are proving their worth, like a new artificial intelligence (AI) bot that provides critical information on the coronavirus, virtual doctor visits, and more.

It’s important to remember two things right now. One, we have gotten through every past crisis and ultimately prospered. And two, we’ve got a major advantage this time around: technology.

I’m not talking about social media. Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) is a crazy mess of panic and wild theories. You can find good information if you know where to look. I’ve been mainly using it to find and promote hard data and share good news with my followers.

But there’s a lot of misinformation out there. So for concerns about any symptoms or exposure, smart folks turn straight to the CDC. As you would expect, the need for information is through the roof right now.

To help handle those millions of queries, the CDC just partnered with Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT). Its Azure division has a Healthcare Bot service that uses AI to analyze people’s symptoms and recommend next steps.

Azure’s bot used specifically for coronavirus queries to the CDC is called Clara. And across all providers using its Healthcare Bots, Microsoft reports that it’s “fielding more than 1 million messages per day from members of the public who are concerned about COVID-19 infections.”

What the Healthcare Bot does NOT do is diagnose anything. For that, more and more things are being done remotely with telehealth services.

In the current environment, doctor’s offices are asking you to set up a virtual appointment, where they can assess your self-reported symptoms in a video conference. You get to stay home, and fewer germs are spread. This is why stocks like Teladoc (NYSE:TDOC) have surged higher — at a time when other groups dropped like a rock.

I’ve been recommending TDOC for a good two years in Investment Opportunities. The stock has soared 50% since the S&P 500 hit its recent high on February 19, while the index is down 28.5% amid the coronavirus scare. We took full advantage and locked in 300% profits on half our position yesterday.

And now there’s a device that’s even better than any video conference.

Meet the TytoHome. It’s got an LED screen, high-resolution camera, and microphone — the necessities for any telehealth visit. But it also has ports to plug in basic medical tools like a digital thermometer, stethoscope, tongue depressor, and otoscope (to check the ears).

Using the platform is simple. First, you schedule your appointment through the TytoCare app. Then your doctor can take over your TytoHome device and direct you through a virtual exam. Or, the app can walk you through a guided exam and record it to send to your doctor on your own time. As you can see below, the device itself fits in the palm of your hand.

Now, let’s think of the implications for a situation like the coronavirus outbreak. Most Americans who are getting tested are showing possible symptoms, per the current guidance from the CDC. Or, if you’re in quarantine because you’ve had contact with an infected person — or traveled to one of the hotspots — a doctor needs to monitor your breathing and temperature.

That kind of exam is just what these devices are for. TytoHome has been cleared by the FDA to do it, as the accuracy and reliability of these devices have dramatically improved. A clinical trial at the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital found that Tyto can “provide high-quality data that can inform telehealth examinations” and diagnoses.

It’s like I’ve been saying for a while: Why sit in a waiting room when you don’t have to? Why risk exposing other people, medical staff, and yourself — when we’ve got the technology to take care of it?

The key is that “high-quality data” — and getting it into the hands of experts who know what to do with it. Devices like this are going to revolutionize pretty much every field. We just need access to the ultrafast 5G wireless networks they run on in order for them to really go mainstream.

A lot of people talk about “faster downloads” with this worldwide 5G upgrade. That’s a nice perk … but a much larger benefit is with devices like TytoHome and the robots, drones, and “smart helmets” being used in China to help fight the coronavirus.

5G is a big deal for rural areas in particular, which often don’t have broadband access. And with every new application, more and more people are waking up to 5G’s revolutionary potential.

As investors, we took a big hit on the chin from this bear market we’re in. One thing that hasn’t slowed down is the 5G revolution … if anything, the federal government is pushing even harder to get it deployed nationwide.

And going forward, I want you to be prepared to reap the most benefit from it during the current crisis and beyond. Click here for my free briefing on 5G and the right investments now for maximum profits.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being “first” gave Matt’s readers the chance to bank +2,438% in Stamps.com (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA) and +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), just to name a few. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now. Matt does not directly own the aforementioned securities.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/03/5g-coronavirus-crisis-major-advantage/.

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